Does anyone remember this garbage?

Does anyone remember this garbage?

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The only thing I remember was using dating sim mechanics in the second game to befriend a really fat guy by giving him porn.

Fuck the unskippable cutscenes, besides that it's an OK game.

I don't, because I only played 15 minutes until I ran into incredibly difficult wall map puzzle bullshit and turned it off.

Fuck yes I loved this series way back when.

i enjoyed it

intro for 3 was good shit

Remember that weird omniusha fighting game that had battlenetwoek megaman and zero in it.


>those visuals
>that satisfying combat
>that atmosphere
>those puzzles
>that OST
>that cheese

Nigger you had better be baiting, easily one of the best games on the early PS2. 2 and 3 weren't bad either.

No. When I was a child my mom wouldn't allow me to own anything asian.

I liked the survival horror elements in the first three. Even 3 still had them even though it was a bit ridiculous. Then Dawn of Dreams was just anime garbage.

Demon Siege's intro was next level. It got me so hyped to play a game that played nothing like it.

are you just fucking with us or what was her reasoning. That sounds hilariously racist

>Dawn of Dreams
was it any good? i never managed to play it back then

I played the hell out of that and loved it. The puzzle where you have to save Samanosuke from drowning was the fucking worst, though.


Jesus Christ, I guess most people left on this board really were born in the late 90s.

I'm serious. She saw some anime when I was really young and said that people who draw souless eyes must be agents of Satan himself. Didn't have a console until the Xbox.

Holy shit you remind like my Christian neighbor who'd always come over and watch me play Resident Evil and jump every time a head popped

those fucking puzzle boxes

also the upside down guy that takes you to the demon realm

I swear to fucking I'd kill you right now if you were in front of me, you plebeian piece of subhuman trash.
Get some taste before posting.

My mom didn't raise me as some kind of faggot, I still played games on the PC, just not stuff from Asia. Brought home a Japanese girl one time and she locked her out.


Nope. The entire Onimusha series is great and if you disagree you are a big pleb with shit taste.

OP obviously wanted to make an Onimusha thread. The "garbage" part is just some bait for replies.

2nd Onimusha is best Onimusha
Magoichi best companion

Everything about the first game is pretty great...except the water puzzle, that can go fuck itself.

>dat feel when you used to do the roundhouse so you could see her panties

Was pretty sad that she was killed offscreen. Felt like the series would've been pretty badass if it focused on her and Samonsuke.

>water puzzle
Took me fucking forever


Fuck you I like Dawn of Dreams

i liked it but i wouldnt judge people who hate it for deviating from the usual gameplay as it didnt improve much. in fact its kinda worse gameplay-wise because eventually the game just sinks into a critical spam snoozefest


The combat clicked once you got the issen timing down, felt satisfying as fuck too.

2nd is the one I'm most fond of too. Probably the cheesiest one of the series but that just makes it more memorable I think.

I sometimes like how this place works

>My mom didn't raise me as some kind of faggot
user, I...

Onimusha series > Resident Evil series
I'm surprised they didn't shoehorn DMC combat into the series at some point and try to 'revitilize' it like they did with RE4.

oh user, if only you knew.

I remember my uncle bought for me because he was a Jean Reno fag, game was good, poors man DMC if you ask me, but considering it came before DMC3 thats good

damn you dont run around colecting shit and breaking pots?

That game was all over the place but that part was hype as fuck at least

im assuming your joking because all of them devolve to crit spam as you get better at it, but its worse in dawn of dreams. the lvl1 magic for weapons is just a critical attack and it can be chained forever with the right timing, so not only do you not have to wait for and capitalize on an opening, but you can chain them together till everything is dead. its sad that the better you get at the game, the less combat you see.

Just starter replaying it with PCSX2 last sunday. Also have 2 & 3 ready to go after that.

Tenkai was so satisfying to play.

It was very anime and tonally diffrent from the original series but i liked it all the same. Probably had the best combat in the series too. Not much of a thing though since the other 3 had pretty shitty combat all things considered.

Played it but got stuck somewhere in the demon realm. I still haven't beaten it.

samanoske with a staff was definitely the best, but i liked all the sub characters. after ohatsu lost her close i could barely play without fapping to her.;

Claiming best sword with the best magic attack

If Nioh sells well, you can bet your butt that Capcom will try and play off it and release a new Onimusha. Question is, do you actually want modern Capcom to touch the series?

Wait is that what dawn of dreams was
I never found a copy of it and it didn't work when i tried to emulate it

>no one here knows that the Xbox version, Genma onimusha is the best

But I do.

That Nemesis doll still terrifies me.

Yes. I just want more samurai games.


Are you fucking real

>do you actually want modern Capcom to touch the series?
[spoilers]sound it out[/spoilers]

devil may cry was an offshoot of an early onimusha build that tried to include jumping.

no worries, they made the right choice as far as dmc and onimusha were concerned at the time.

i do, but are there even any working xb1 emulators out there atm?

Nioh is nothing like Onimusha but for the aesthetic.

Even the aesthetics aren't exactly the same. The first three Onimushas are pretty literally Resident Evil: Samurai Edition

What was his name again?

you are Gogandantess... The greatest swordsman of all demons.

Those fights are great

I always thought DMC was a weird offshoot of the attempts at Resi 4, that makes more sense though.

What's wrong with you? Who even talks like that?

DMC was one of the early versions of RE4, yeah. Kamiya got the original idea for DMC's style of combat from the juggle glitch during the beta test for Onimusha.

Onimusha was originally envisaged by Okamoto as an RE spinoff set in a "ninja house" which Inafune helped him sand down and present to the Capcom board as its own thing, but there's been stories floating around for years saying that Onimusha was also considered at one stage as a potential RE4.

>Let me just pretend like you have a chance so that when you actually have a chance the third time around you'll just think you still can't beat me

DMC started as an idea from old version of RE4 where Leon had a glitch where he jumped. I think onimusha was also from old RE4 content but cant remember how.

It was ahead of it's time for being carried entirely on visuals while having very simple gameplay with the depth of a puddle.

No, DMC started as an idea from an early Onimusha build glitch where Samonosuke jumped and was suspended in air for moments at a time. Not RE4. Kamiya it'd be cool if the swordsman could remain in the air and do cool combos before landing again.

3D Zelda has been doing that for years though, Onimusha wasn't ahead of it's time

Shippu was better and cooler.

3D LoZ is carried by it's soundtrack, not it's visuals user

>literally classic RE with samurai

Fuck yourself.

Samurai's Destiny > Demon Siege > Onimusha > Dawn of Dreams


They were good for their times but tank controls suck dick these days. RE4 is our new god.

RE4 has tank controls

1 > = 3 >2 suck my taint


Started out as a Resident Evil game, "Sengoku Biohazard", back in '97. Then Capcom decided to make it its own thing.