

Venom and either Rock or Roll.

Meguh mann.



Captain America + Strider Hiryu


Ryu and Morrigan or War machine, if that fails then Morrigan and Chun-li



You know are aware all the secret characters and alternative costumes and modes would have been DLC if it was released today

>implying more than two horizontal rows would be there in the first place

>No ruby heart

if a new MvC was made who would be on the marvel side?

Avengers only
Final Destination

Whatever Marvel wants to push next for their big movies.

MCU cast only. Possibly MCU costumes only with comic costumes being DLC.


is daredevil and powerman/luke cage MCU?

They keep flip flopping if it's MCU or not, but their netflix properties would be represented.

>Jin Saotome for a powerful combos
>Strider Hiryu if Jin fails to beat enemy to a pulp
That was too easy

Wrong game you retard

I miss good old times when X-Men were more popular than Avengers

>tfw it was called Street Fighter vs X-Men for a reason

At least that means none of the shit from their current comics

I have failed you my brother

you could use her as assist

I'll take one colossus plus tip my good man

Are you kidding? They'll probably push their "critical" darlings too.

Shit like Squirrel Girl, Ms.Marvel and Spider-Gwen.

They'll ignore everything else that didn't get Tumblr's seal of approval.

Thank God Ant-Man is in the MCU now or he wouldn't get any representation.

Gief & Venom. Not a fan of pre-MvC3 Hulk.

MCU out the ass. The only Fox-owned stuff you're getting is staples: Wolverine/Magneto/Doom and guys on that A+ tier. A couple quirky fucks because Capcom loves weird shit (not sure if MODOK and Shuma return, but there's other weird shit).

It's in the same universe, yeah. So yeah, Daredevil and Luke Cage are possible. Also Iron Fist was fucking cool in Marvel 3, it's nice that he'd return.

You'll get some. Just hope for not-very-shit ones.

Ryu and Chun-Li
Or Chun-Li and Cap Commando

but premvc3 hulk is pretty similar to mvc3 hulk

I still find mutants and X-Men way more interesting over Mythical god ripoffs and a man in an iron suit.

Morrigan Jin master race.

gambit and war machine

i won

>didn't even notice filter until I enlarged pic

Fuck is that ugly

Better game coming through. Player Select.

Shuma Gorath all day erryday except on Sundays where I go for Black Heart

every character felt really strong in this game. If any of these charaters were in any other fighting game they would be OP
also blackheart a best

Fun fact:
X-Men Apocalypse > Batman v Superman >>>>> Captain America: Civil War

too bad final burn alpha is dead and the most recent version of that emulator is fucking shit i remember putting on cheats on msh to play as anita, dr doom and thanos

Daily reminder the final boss of the MCU is a eggplant.

Never clicked with me in Marvel 1 and 2, and I say that as a hardcore Hulk main in 3. I think the changing of his motions so that the charges became motions and motions became charges made him feel a lot better. Not to mention the armor.

Captain America and Gambit

Juggernaut. He is the largest, most armored character, so he's my first choice.

I have the arcade near my house.
Also whats wrong with MAME?


everyone does user.

I actually think he is the worst character.


Sadly, the answer is never ever.

i can already imagine all the argueing between the studios. if capcom and marvel cant make a game without drama than DC and Marvel sure as hell cant.

Spidey and Strider

you cant turn on cheats and mods on mame
FBA was a dedicate emulator for cps1 and cps2 and now that it tried to copy mame the emulador now sucks


dat filter tho

Spider-Man every time. Too bad his super sucks.