Has a game ever done body-swap/possesion right?

Has a game ever done body-swap/possesion right?

Nice shit-tier fetish thread, faggot.

But Xenoverse/2 does it well. The Body Change ultimate attack gives swaps your body, all your attacks, and even your health bar with your opponent.

Chunner's Alpha look is still the best. Take note Capcom

The fetish does nothing for me, but this artist is predy gud

Meh. A little too heavy on the sameface in a way

Messiah and Omikron spring to mind.
Technically also Dungeon Keeper.

>budy swap fetish

Space Station Sillicon Valley, you disgusting nigger.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on PS2/Xbox 360

And more recently, Driver: San Francisco

what the fuck is Ranma doing there?

>no oddworld in thread