Is the game too hard for you? Don't worry! Have this free white tanooki suit that lets you beat the level for free!

Is the game too hard for you? Don't worry! Have this free white tanooki suit that lets you beat the level for free!

Nintendo are pathetic.

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At least they can use proper grammar
Nintendo IS pathetic.

At least when Nintendo does this they leave a mark on the overworld showing you did that marks you as a faggot.

Still want to finish that level you're struggling to finish without using our invicibility leaf? That's OK! We know the game is for everyone!

You're pathetic, and so is your grammar.

>I can't help myself, if someone lends a hand I need to take it!

Nintendo know how to sift out the real casuals. If you're challenging yourself, you'll instantly run passed that easy ride for the harder one without complaining. If you're just in it for the winning, you'll take the suit and feel pathetic.

>keep dying in Onimusha/Devil May Cry 3

Capcom be pathetic.

>Not the P-Wing that teleports you to the flag

Man, can you imagine if something like Dark Souls added a mechanic that just made the entire game trivial?

Did people forget about the P-wing and cape in old Mario games that let you skip the whole level without even having to die once?

why did nobody ever complain about that?

>be Nintendo
>know most "journalists" are bottom-feeding neanderthals who can barely hold a controller, let alone beat games
>give them an easy out to beat levels so they don't cry about "difficulty" in their glorified blog posts
>actual players don't have to use the cheat, and instead are encouraged to do the harder shit to 100% the game

Pretty genius, honestly. It's not meant for your average gamer (though Sup Forums is historically bad at games) so much as it's for toddlers and vidya reviewers as a way to let them progress so they don't throw fits.

>die alot in MGSV
>get a chicken that makes you unnoticable

When I was 100%ing 3D Land, I remember I would purposefully die a bunch so I could get it, and make going through the levels less of a chore.

The fact that I thought they were a chore in the first place probably says something about the game.

Because you had only a small handful of P-Wings per playthrough.

The cape thing is legit but at least that required some finesse before you completely broke the game with it.

How is Polygon supposed to review the game without it?

my 10-year old neighbour used these every level, it was the only thing preventing them from dropping the game and going back to playing f2p games and minecraft on their ipad.

by finesse you mean tapping A at a rhythm that every 6 year old could do?

hell iirc there was a ghost house that needed said ''finesse'' with the cape so anybody that played that game learned how to skip levels one way or the other.

oh wait that was in super mario 3d world, I just noticed this is the nsmb one

No, you're pathetic if these things ever spawn.

Your save file calls you on out on how casual you are if you ever use something like this.

That being said, it's only usable in about half the game's levels, and is basically there to ensure even the most casual of players can get the opportunity to see the end credits scene.

It's actually pretty harsh.

The moment you die enough times to unlock one, your save file will be permanently marked by losing its glow if I remember, even if you didn't use the suit.

they were not given to the player for dying too many times. christ how is that even comparable, any game can have op items but when they give it to the player only after they lose too often, that's what this thread is about.

>keep dying over and over
>white tanooki suit shows up
>not getting pissed and becoming more determined to beat a level to prove you never needed it

No I think it's marked until you beat the level without the suit.

>Caring about shit like this.

It's optional. Use it or don't.

I used the suit to beat Bowser, I had no idea that it would make me invincible, and I never would have thought they would give me a beat the game free card. I later beat Bowser the normal way.

This you really can't complain about an optional feature if you suck so much to trigger it.

Just don't use it

>they were not given to the player for dying too many times
that's the thing, you didn't even need to die to get them, you could get them by jumping on cape koopas or an item block, bonus for finding the switch palace that made it so that nearly every level had green item blocks that always gave you a cape.

the cape doesn't give a mark of shame to your savefile either like it does in 3d land.

Nope 3D land on the 3DS will make your save file permanently incapable of getting the best rating if you cause even one of those boxes to appear.

You mean making a functional game that doesn't rely on artificially difficulty?

I always feel disappointed in myself whenever that suit pops up. It's like the game is telling me "you suck, faggot! You're never going to make it!"

But I never use the suit. I don't really see any point in complaining about it, either.

It makes it more accessible to players who might not be as "hard core" as you.

My girlfriend (who is a normie who doesn't play vidya much) appreciated it while playing 3D World.

Then we fucked.

Then we cuddled and got to share our hobbies together.

I'm sure your gamer skillz keep u warm at night tho

This feels bad because DaS is a lot of fun on co-op, but it trivializes the game. I wish FROM had tried more things like the DaS2 DLC areas for co-op. They sucked but it was a nice try

Yeh when I'm wrecking ur mum faggot ,kek.

>game is hard, but gives casuals an option to beat the level on easy mode

Is a lot better than

>game is stupid easy by default

Whats that? Ive never seen this before because I dont get stuck in easy baby mario games.

Git Gud

I always thought it would be neat if there were difficulty modifiers you could select when starting a game
Things that make the game easier could lock you out of certain content, and things that make it harder give you access to items you couldn't otherwise get

>game doesnt punish you for dying
Oh who cares

>game is a QTE fest
Oh who cares

>game doesnt care about your decisions and story choices
Oh who cares

>game puts a power up on the table after dying several times
Oh who ca
>Nintendo game

Reminder that you have to die 5 times in a row to see the Super Block and that it permanently locks you out of having sparkling/gleaming stars on your save file.
You do have sparkling stars, right user?

>N-Nobody should be able to beat this game
>B-Because it's for hardcore gamers, like me!
Get fucked. You can't even discuss game difficulty anymore without stupid fucks like you being unable to understand how an easier difficulty works.

From someone who actually has a gf, this sounds like bullshit.

My girlfriend is a casual who sucks at games but she actually hates it. Most chicks who play games have a complex revolving around the stereotype, and would be too proud to accept a power-up like this.

idk what to tell you dude. Get out and meet more people I guess.

>if you cause even one of those boxes to appear.

Are you sure of that? I'm pretty certain it only counts if you use the power-up. If the box appears and you ignore it, you should still be good. At least as far as I'm aware.

lol bro me too we watch netflix and browse facebook and give each other blowjobs while playing league thats what all gfs do amirite nigga lol just normie things

It's common for collective nouns to take plural verbs in British English.

Nope, it's if it appears at all.

>Most chicks who play games have a complex revolving around the stereotype, and would be too proud to accept a power-up like this.
Nah, not by my experience.

And by that I mean I don't think you can generalize it like that.

Because it was limited to one use and was a rare item

Its insulting really

You are to blame if the game gives you the opportunity to insult you like that.

No insulting would be the game asking to tone down the difficulty this is optional and you can still die to bottomless pits, pools of lava and getting crushed.

What's the point in complaining about this? You will never make use of it and if you're as skilled as you are pissy then you shouldn't ever see the option to use it anyway.