Hopefully this Lasts Longer than Twenty Minutes Edition:
>your collections
>stuff you want
>your favorite merch
>obscure merch
Hopefully this Lasts Longer than Twenty Minutes Edition:
>your collections
>stuff you want
>your favorite merch
>obscure merch
Another fig to add to my collection
FUCK! Wrong pic
I never got answered last thread.
If I order a figure from the actual amazon.com seller, is it still legit even though the official preorders and backorders for it were over months ago?
I wouldn't
plz no
it's pop tier shit
So even the official Amazon company could possibly get you a bootleg?
Sup Forums buyfag threads are not easily sustained. To start, there's not nearly as much Sup Forums merch as there is for Sup Forums. Also people here rarely post collections anymore. But the biggest detriment of all is that Sup Forums is too fast and shitpost-crazy, buyfag threads don't stick out unless you start with funko trash, and the only other opportunity for "le ebin trollz xD" is to ask what girls think of your collection.
Anyway, I need more shelves. I've got shit all over the place and I'm running out of room. This slut is coming soon and she's going to be homeless.
They aren't petites. They're Medicchu.
I want this so bad
never played/watched Kancolle tho
but I can't justify spending $50 + ship on Nendo.
Just bought this from the thrift store
I don't think a majority of people who buy KanColle merch even play the game or watch the anime.
I just like all the official designs and fanart.
I got pic related because Hoppou's my second favorite abyssal.
Also got this
I want Iowa nendo
>tfw Iowa just got announced
>I can't afford figures in general
Is that one of those hybrid retro consoles?
Apparently. Hope it works
Yeah but who's your first?
As for me, I have a nendo of Nero from Fate/extra and some monster hunter plushies. The plushies are okay but the Gore Magala is brown and red instead of black/purple and the brachydios one keeps falling forward.
Just order it, return it if unhappy. And if it's not legit amazon will be forced to fully refund you including shipping or you could sue them for selling counterfeit items.
Thrift shopping luck is my only good perk.
Seaport Hime
Timid girls with big tits and hips is my thing.
I'll just have to do that then, since it's the actual company selling it.
>Timid girls with big tits and hips is my thing.
Good choice
They announced two more figs for this line.
>Hilda & Tepig
>Rosa & Snivy
Probably won't get this one, but will definitely pick up Rosa and probably Hilda too if they end up looking good.
What are some non literally who figures that were announced? Aren't they making a BotW Link nendoroid?
>missed the mailman when Luka was suppose to come in
>was going to pick it up today
>the post office closed early today
Yeh, they're also making a TP Link and Zelda figure.
Fuck there goes my image again.
Anyone recommend any shelves? I read the buyfag guide multiple times but I want to hear from others.
They're making a female Corrin Nendo.
And Hatsuzuki and Nagato from KanColle are getting one as well, but those are more in literally-who territory.
Kyo Kusanagi and Mai Shiranui from KoF got Nendos that are either out for preorder now.
How the fuck do you find the time to take care of these things? I did take the time to buy one but it just sits in its box. If I unpacked it then it would just sit on a shelf and get dusty.
I can't help but think that just books or limited edition boxes would be a better display.
I heard ikea's detolf is good
I guess you would just set a day every week to dust and clean the room.
Wait, it's a nendo? I thought they were making it a figma.
I've heard the same and I'm gonna get one but want to hear if there's any other types of shelves worth looking for.
They're making a figma too.
Oh okay. Well gotta make sure the #1 gets the best of both worlds.
Got this undertale Frisk vynil toy. Came in a cool box, was hand painted apparently and is official merch.
I really really want that hyper detailed Heather Mason statue, but i don't know if i can ever justify £200 and i know it will only go up....
Other than that i have a giant 61.5 x 91 framed silent hill 3 poster.
Behead those who post anime, good on you, though. Cu-poches are nice.
Recent purchases
How to get into KanColle? I like the statues and figures, but Im not a poser. I want to see if I like it.
How much is that? Link? Never played undertale but it's cute.
It's a pretty bad game desu. The anime isn't much better either.
You have to register for it.
Hoping to buy more soon.
Here you go, link
If you think its cute user, i really recommend you try undertale. I think it is to video games, what studio ghibli was to anime.
I played for a month or so and got bored
Just bought the book on the left. Pretty cool
>I think it is to video games, what studio ghibli was to anime.
>I think it is to video games, what studio ghibli was to anime.
Would you stop making those of us that actually like this game look like fucking nitwits please.
>comparing some furies autistic daydream to ghibli
I hope to god that you're baiting
Since everyone is posting mobage shit.
Just pre-ordered this.
Also have a Sonico and Renne nendo and FE Fates Elise pre-ordered.
You guys can act like upity faggots all you want, my point was about what Miyazaki had to say about his work, in the face of exploititive and violent anime:
>i just wanted to tell happy stories for children
I think Toby was trying to achieve the same thing. Unfortunalty most of the community are fubar.
So don't tell me i didnt like the game, because i took it for the humouros and sometimes touching simple story about friends that it was.
Belive me, no one was more dissapointed than i, when after receiving vynil Frisk in the mail, and going over to /vg/ to show it off, i found a bunch of fucking wierdos who just wanted to touch each others dicks. Never looked back.
I have never played the game and found the anime to be rather shit, still bought a Shimakaze figma. Fuck the comunity, those niggers dont pay me so they dont get to tell me how i spend my money.
This website isn't for you.
>Since everyone is posting mobage shit.
but there's no mobage shit in this thread
If you get a decent display case, you don't have to clean that often.
Or you.
Put in a pre-order on this this morning, I can totally afford it by September if I don't blow my money on vidya or the fucking gas price goes up again.
Elise Nendo in Jan too, so I'm running out of shelf space.
Is there anywhere taking preorders on this?
Nagato isnt a literally who
shes a no nonsense ship and a lolicon on the side
There isn't even a prototype yet.
Since everyone is posting their boat waifus
It doesn't even exist yet.
oh okay, thought I missed the oat for it. Though i've never preordered thse things so I have no idea which site I would use.
go back to the ona thread
You got someone to reply to you seriously so i'll give you a 5/10.
She's ok. You might not want to post that ona here though.
They haven't made enough to be preordered I don't think. If they release a drawn concept of it, it typically means it's early in development.
Whenever you see pics of a grey version of it, that's when you know preorders should be available soon, because that's the prototype.
I meant that KanColle is a literallywho game, generally speaking. I didn't mean Nagato specifically.
Face looks off and the hair looks kinda shitty. Base is cool though.
If the face and hair were a bit better I'd pre-order it since I love axe-wielding girls and Camilla was alright.
is that one of those plush onahole-ders? always wanted one but nowhere to hide it
I have the NYCC Dark version of this, one of my fav toys
>a fucking nendo buyfag thread
eh, at least its better than those fucking POP threads
I don't really see what's wrong with nendo ops, especially with how long they've been used on Sup Forums.
Do you have a waifu, Sup Forums?
How many figures does she get?
show the butt please
You posted my waifu
But I don't have anything other than a nendo of her
Lucina and saber, as many as possible
I don't really like most of her figures, especially the newest one she's getting. Especially with how messed up it looks.
Post it!
Is that 6 Lucina figmas?
>not that into animu
>western stuff only gets funko poop
well this is all I really have
those polynian figs
i still want a polynian yume but shits so expensive now
How did you get the plushes to stick to the ceiling m8?
fuck it's upside down oh well
>you are VERBOTEN from even touching figures below $300 dollar perfect replicas
never got this about buyfags, prize, nendo, figma, etc are fine for their pricerange, and if it weren't for the associated jewery so would amiibo
The power of shitposting allows many wonders.
My statues are on the floor right now because I STILL don't have my third detolf from my old place
Figmas are just a huge pain in the ass to deal with.
Also, those joints are ugly as fuck.
>want to post my figs
>no camera
I wish my phone camara was not that shit
Cute stuff!
Figmas have pretty poor articulation, but they're not bad. The Cardcaptor Sakura ones are really really cute.
I recently started noticing Pochaco is hot as fuck, but there's so little art of her being fucked.
Why is all Pochaco art fucking gravure? I need to see penetration to fap.
good tas--
absolutely disgusting
Thanks. I have a lot of space in my room but not much money for a nice place to put them. So, they sit on my windowsill for now - the blinds are heavy enough to block the sun completely. If I get some money afte buying a new PC I might look into buying something decent enough for a good display case eventually.
Give me 5 (ten) reasons why nendos are bad.
but there's no Iowa statue
Search Craigslist for dorks detolfs. I got all three of mine from CL for $30 each
Already looked. I've looked before for my miniature painting stuff if I ever wanted to display those in my room but there's none on sale and i've looked for a while.
I'm in the same boat as the other user as I was considering adding a Kantai to what I have now.