America has a sizeable market for Christian movies and music...

America has a sizeable market for Christian movies and music. How come there is no market for Christian/faith-based vidya Sup Forums?

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Christians don't play video games. They think video games were invented by Satan to teach children evolution.

Wisdom Tree did their thing back in the 80s but it never caught on. Mainly because the bible thumpers can and will find a way to make anything they don't want into Satan.

Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you're interested in "Christian" games, maybe a Family Friendly game will do. It's like, "why is their no market for black people based Vidya when there are so many black people in America"


Literally false. At most you'd get those ideas from fundamentalists, which do not make up the Christian majority.

I always dreamed of a AAA Bible game that follows events in the Bible like the time God Stopped time for the Israelites to finish their Bible, or a stealth section where two spies have to successfully navigate Jericho.

To answer your question though, I think people would think it offensive to glorify some portions of the Bible, so closely linked but not directly referencing games like Dante's inferno would work.

Christian here.

It's because video games are the work of the devil.

Take Pokemon for example? What does pokemon teach you? It teaches you that evolution is real and normal, rather than a lie concocted by Satan to take people away from the word of Christ.

Then there's games like GTA and all your little girl moltestation simulators from Japan, those are unholy abominations.

You could make a Christian themed game but ultimately it would lead people to these things as they are the majority of games. Video games, after all, are a relatively recent creation that came about in the age of "secularism."

Music and movies, in contrast, were invented during the (for lack of a better word) "Christian age," and so there exists - and has always existed - a sizeable subset that are to some extent in line with Christian values.

Christians play RTSes

le strawman faec

Christians play video games, but how many of them do you think are part of the same audience that Christian movies/music etc. appeals to?


People who started playing video games at or after 2007 have no qualifications to comment on how Christianity viewed video games.

I'm sorry, I don't appreciate you dismissing my argument as a strawman. Even if it made a similar point to someone whose argument probably was a strawman.

Far-right Bible Belt nutjobs never liked videogames even as a concept.

>he didn't play Redemption

Because when you start mining the bible for story ideas, even if you stick just to what's in the text you run into things that will be controversial very quickly.

Quest where you have to collect foreskins in order to buy a girl? Yeah, that's going to go over well.
A game where you and the Messiah, Cyrus the Great kick ass and take names? Yeah, I don't think that will go over well either.
The tombs of Jerusalem empty out and the dead wander the city before Jesus comes back? Most people don't even realize that's in there and you can bet they'll object to it even if it gets pointed out.

There actually is a quite amazing Christian game (albeit adoptionistic and gnostic) in the form of Xenoblade Chronicles where you play as Jesus and you fight robots with a lightsaber before facing off against the Demiurge.

I remember being given a starter deck of those when they were trying to combat MTG as demonic. Not sure what happened to them, I've still got a ton of Magic cards though.

scotts boss art is so good...

Maybe they're afraid of alienating non-Christians? I think a lot of non-Christians would be interested in a game based on Christian myths but, especially if the game is pro-Christian and not just based on Christianity, there'd always be militant atheists and more devout members of other faiths to scoff at it. I could see people even claiming it's offensive because by affirming Christianity as the one true religion it invalidates Muslim beliefs or whatever, or it promotes anti-LGBT sentiment just by virtue of supporting Christianity etc. not to mention the risk of it coming under attack by Christians themselves.

That hasn't stopped anyone in the past.

b cus they're gay

I've been wanting to make a game for awhile that's based on the pre-flood era.
no one wants to talk about the pre-flood era though so it's not surprising no one has made a game for it.

>People who started playing video games at or after 2007 have no qualifications to comment


same with all other christian media, limited market means lack of talent + money

revelations and some of the old testament visions are pretty badass, plus all of the more mystical jewish stuff

yes a religion with over two billion adherents has a single view of video games

Most mainstream Christians want to ignore the whole flood narrative since its obviously false and has such obvious parallels to earlier stories from neighboring cultures indicating that Judaism was heavily influenced by the other cultures in the region.

In the version of the Bible that we have now the redactor trying to push monotheism has used it as a sort of narrative device to both write off all the old mythic heros and gods other than their preferred set as bad guys. I agree that it would make for a neat setting, and I think you could do some cool things with it but you'd get even cooler things (and a lot less controversy) using the Gilgamesh Epic's version.

The type of Christians that shop at Christian bookstores are the type of Christians that think video games are the devil.

Most christcucks are old baby boomers and retarded rednecks who have never played a videogame in their lives.

It's a meme market.

Well you see, the only people who make shit like that are complete and total fags who can only make super cringey bullshit nobody wants to play

these days they're usually cool with family friendly stuff like minecraft

there's tons of games that draw inspiration from biblical lore. games like darksiders, diablo, devil may cry - they all borrow a ton of ideas from biblical figures. angels, demons, heaven hell, all this kind of stuff.


Five: Guardians of David

Clean, Biblical, fun party-based ARPG set in Old Testament times.

My nephew got caught playing in the nether aka HELL. He's not allowed to play it anymore.


These basically.

There's also the fact that there's a bunch of blasphemous games already based on or inspired by biblical/Christian material (DMC4, Darksiders, Dante's Inferno (sorta), Bayonetta, etc.) which I imagine is off-putting.

How did this religion go from paving the course of western civilization to jumping at shadows seeing the devil in everything?

One day I will own this realm.

VeggieTales video game when?

Is this actually good? I love the idea of an RPG set in Old Testament Israel but most Christian games I've played have been shovelware tier.

MDickie is a national treasure.

Religions go through different stages in their life cycle, and they frequently regress as sects are born and die. This is especially true today when there is an unprecedented level of religious freedom in the world.

The first generation are people who are willing to change their beliefs, and are often the kind of people that legitimately inspire the sort of respect that can ascend to a religious level.

The second generation are born into the faith, feel persecuted because of it and see everything as an enemy because their particular sect isn't secure in its position in society and all the good and original leaders are gone.

The third generation is born into the faith but lack the zeal of the second generation because they see the problems that were spawned and generally try to re-integrate with society.

Examples of the modern second generation would be the Scientologists, and Daesh.

Mormons, and Evangelicals seem to be on the cusp of tipping over from the second generation stage to the third generation but they're also movements that are so young they still see frequent splinterings of groups that regress.

There's crazy people in almost every group, especially popular religions. Just look at Islam.They started off discovering stuff like Algebra and had huge empires. Now look where they are.

What seems to happen is that a civilization has a golden age. Then that age fails for whatever reason, a destroyed trading partner rebuilds, a greedy elite hoards wealth, money is wasted on luxury goods and vital infrastructure is ignored, etc. A desire then starts to build particularly among the elderly who have a memory of how things used to be, to return to that glory. Due to age though they have a distorted understanding of what made the era when they grew up golden. Forgetting that friends of theirs who in old age are well integrated into their own social circles started out as outsiders, or that their way of earning a living displaced some earlier way of earning a living that wasn't as efficient.

This will lead to inept leadership which then drives the civilization into the ground more rapidly. Rather than attempting to actually understand what went wrong the inept leaders will blame enemies for the failure and use that as an excuse to grant more power to themselves.

This is exactly what happened with Islam, both centuries ago in the death of their golden age, and again today where we're still dealing with the repercussions of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

I'm skeptical that the golden age of the Ottoman Empire (or the height of the Arabian Empire) was correlated with a lack of what would be termed by most 21st century secularists "non-crazy religious people," or that the decline of the Ottoman Empire was a result of religious craziness.

The first Call of Juarez had you playing as a gunslinging preacher and it was fucking awesome

>no post of this champion of Christianity

Poor taste.

What about a Castlevania game where you play as Jesus whipping jews out of temples

Either it will be banned due to antisemitism because the game emphasizes them being jews (and ignores the fact that Jesus was too) or flop due to being too communist because the game emphasizes them being moneylenders.

How do you make a game based on christianity without it being either boring as shit or sacrilegious

For the time the ancient Islamic empire was actually remarkably tolerant. That's why within its borders you still have extant religious minority groups like the Yazidis, or some of the polytheist groups that still survive (both groups now in the process of being wiped out).

>or that the decline of the Ottoman Empire was a result of religious craziness.

Only if you take zeal for war and wiping out minority groups as 'religious', though both of those do definitely tie in to nostalgia for perceived greatness in the past and an irrational desire to recapture that somehow. Regardless of its source it definitely led to the rise of extremist religious groups today.

go back to the non-faggot days of Christianity where dudes would conquer nations, strive for perfection in all worldly deeds, build huge structures and punished their own bodies and souls for the glory of Christ

Because it's really hard to not make it boring or simply annoying.
Considering most religion faith, it would be hard to make a fun game without punishing the player for doing something bad(which a player will probably do 110% of the time), and story wise, it would be difficult to make a game where an issue isn't solved by someone else but the hero (and nobody like being the sidekick in their own quest)

There are definitely ways to do it, but while they wouldn't be boring or sacreligious they would be controversial as hell and rejected by most Christians because they don't actually subscribe to biblical morality and don't have a good understanding of a lot of the content in the book.

holy shit I used to watch this

the ultimate GOAT

>powers are from GOD
>armor is also from GOD
>caused a villain to accidentally kill himself by quoting scripture
>his weapon is the physical manifestation of a deity
Where does the madness end?

Here you go OP

>Only if you take zeal for war and wiping out minority groups as 'religious'
Were they motivated by religion?

And if so, were similar events during the height of the Ottoman Empire and/or the Arabian Empire less common?

I'm not talking about your theory about nostalgia, I'm talking about the connection between religious crazies and social decline. I really don't see it - not in Islam, and not in Christianity either. Various Ottoman Sultans even at the empire's height persecuted or had hostile attitudes of certain religious groups (for instance, I think Selim I, who conquered the Mamluk Sultanate, was hostile to Shia Islam but I might be remembering incorrectly). And Christian nations during the Age of Exploration had all sorts of absurd beliefs, like the idea that witches would kiss the devil's bunghole in order to obtain satanic powers.


Those games would just be a metaphor

We Sup Forums now

oh cool is it deus vult larp time?

Developers of Christian games would be too afraid of making a game that was sacrilegious, or they'd put their message so high in priority that gameplay would take a backseat and the game would suck.

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums has adopted Kekism.

I have a bookmark for a good site.

Pretty based as the guy have two ratings. One for the game itself and one for how well it would be for Christians. Seem pretty unbiased.

You really have to wonder how /new/ would react if they were shown what modern-Sup Forums is like.

Is this some kind of advanced tier falseflaggotry?

I would expect this type of thing on a far left website where Christianity is reviled as the opiate of the masses, but not Sup Forums.

>I would expect this type of thing on a far left website where Christianity is reviled as the opiate of the masses, but not Sup Forums.

So Sup Forums a decade ago? You dumb newfag.

This game was pretty fun even if it's not very good.

Because all of them suck.

Sup Forums only likes christianity because of it's large white following, and because of how much they hate all other religions (except meme-tier germanic neopaganism)

Those posts are from 2015, far less than a decade ago.

I am saying that
>I would expect this type of thing on a far left website where Christianity is reviled as the opiate of the masses, but not Sup Forums.
Is how Sup Forums was a decade ago.

Because of how Christianity works in America?
> literal bible thumping "Armageddon is happening! Atheists are stealing Christmas! Evolution is a sham!

> I am a devout Christian except when it comes to accepting other faiths or people, or anything I don't like.

> I'm a reborn Christian

> I'm a non practicing Christian

> I don't go to church, and don't pray, but i still believe there is a god and Jesus saves

> I like the gib of Christianity, but I accept science and evolution into my life

Are all considered "Christian".

The chance of a Christian game selling will only appear to the same crowd that attended gods not dead 2. More people will buy FFXV, and that's not saying much right now.

American Christians are interesting

if there were, SJWs would demand we have jihad simulators, for equality

>SJW's depicting muslims doing violent things
Nice meme

video games are for autists
autists are missing the part of their brain necessary for religion, that part of their brain is literally shruken down and undeveloped. They can't understand empathy either, it's like asking someone a question in a foreign language, or giving a calculus problem to some inner city blacks. It means nothing to them. Christen video games is itself a contradiction, because anyone making them would be autistic themselves. The market is nonexistent, the only people you'd have to sell to is soccer moms buying for their kids.
When video games get a christen audience (which is never) you might finally get some christen video games, but not a moment sooner.

fireproof was such a shit movie

>Christians don't play video games
False. I grew up christian and we definitely played video games. In fact most christians I know grew up playing video games. It's pretty normal. There are some crazy fanatical christians who think every that is of the world is evil.

the fuck is this

I don't see your point then.

If is accurate, Sup Forums doesn't actually like Christianity though. All those "how do I convert to this retarded backwards-ass illogical bullshit" posts are a sign that people aren't actually Christian. If you look at the religion that way then you don't actually like it or believe in it, even if, for some bizarre reason, you wish you did.

Don't you think a Jihad simulator could be fun though? I like the Crusader Kings II implementation well enough but a game that focuses on it more specifically might be more interesting.

Gaben is our god.

>video games are for autists
>now dudebros are autists
Drink bleach.

>Various Ottoman Sultans even at the empire's height persecuted or had hostile attitudes of certain religious groups

And actions like that were a part of the decline of the empire at that time. Can't remember right now if that happened before or after the end of the 'naming period' of progress.

>And Christian nations during the Age of Exploration had all sorts of absurd beliefs, like the idea that witches would kiss the devil's bunghole in order to obtain satanic powers.

Of course arguably those beliefs were a symptom of the collapse of western civilization and education centuries earlier and would be brought to an end by the prosperity gained through the increasing technological and scientific knowledge in that time.

Dante's Inferno.

>At most you'd get those ideas from fundamentalists, which do not make up the Christian majority.
Literally #notallchristians

god i hate all these dumb contrarian proto-hipster faggot christfags on Sup Forums who spontaneously now believe in god just because they realize hedonism and degeneracy is bad

you dont have to believe in fairy tales to not go off sucking dicks left and right

what the fuck is wrong with humanity



People like that are most in need of religion actually. More than anything, the bible is a guide to morality. The ideals in it are what have protected people for thousands of years, and not even the mostly deeply tipped of fedoras can deny that.

I wish I could find this game's soundtrack.

Protect them from what exactly? The current times we live in are the most peaceful and prosperous they've ever been in history despite people being more secular and less connected to religions than ever.

nothing wrong with fairy tales if they inspire people to be better people

what you should be mad about is that Sup Forumstards don't use the gospel to become better people, instead it just empowers their dumbfuck beliefs with shit like christian identity

>first comment

>guise i was an atheist but then other atheists tried legalizing a drug much more healthy than other legal drugs so i believe in religion now

no, the last thing that autistic fucktard needs is to delude himself with religion and think every single thing his friends are doing is something horribly degenerate and recede into the christfag Sup Forums autism circlejerk thinking it'd be the end of the world if people could use a drug healthier than alcohol

and this is coming from someone whos spent hours shitposting on Sup Forums every day for years

From each other? From themselves? How can you say we live in a peaceful time when we literally have weapons that could effectively end all life on earth? How can this be called a prosperous time when maggots are coming from every direction to leech off modern society and spread their insane heathen rhetoric?

Both of the specific items I mentioned happened at what was arguably the height or rise of the civilizations I mentioned. Witch Hunts occurred during the time period when the West was coming to dominate the affairs of literally the entire world, the Inquisition occurred in Spain as Spain was conquering the Americas, Selim I was the sultan who conquered the Mamluk Sultanate and was succeeded by Suleiman the Magnificent.

I agree it's possible these were symptoms that led to a decline which occurred later due to 'lag time' or whatever, but I don't see any evidence that this is actually the case, and indeed it seems as though the actual figures responsible for the success of civilizations exhibited some of these instances of "craziness." The Catholic Monarchs, for instance, introduced the inquisition to Spain and kicked out all the Muslims and Jews who wouldn't convert. They also started the exploration of the New World, which led directly to Spain's prominence later. That's what I was getting at with Selim I as well, though as I said I might be remembering that incorrectly.

>tfw there will never be a dark souls style game using biblical creatures and lore
>tfw you will never fight the behemoth

gaytheist myself but shit i gotta say that would be super cool.

>PvP-based MMO based during the time of the Crusades
>Christian Europeans vs the Saracen horde
>Fight for control of the Holy Land and gain the favor of God

Christian oriented vidya often tried to teach basic scripture. Captain Bible was low intensity fun as a kid. Not as boring as one of those horrendous pack CD-Rooooooooooom games you got with a PC during the 90's, but it wasn't DooM either.

Catechumen tried to be Christian Quake, but sold terribly. Self publishing during the early 00's was often a fast track to obscurity and this game was no exception.