Is there anything more satisfying when a plan comes together?

Is there anything more satisfying when a plan comes together?
>doing protectorate embassy jail break
>no stealth psi build cause no need to hide when you bend elements and minds
> enter through the open vent and immediately die to a sledge hammer fuck fest
>learn a lesson and go through a different vent
>throw down a gas made in front of the sledge hammer doods double door
>Molotov the other hallway
>dat boy bursts out to show me the fun end of his hitting stick
>enrage one of his other buddies through down some more fire and a Doppler ganger
>hide behind a force field while the chaos ensues
I know I wasn't supposed to kill anyone but at least I left no witnesses

Underrail thread

How is this compared to Wasteland 2, totally unbiased UnderRail OP?

better game, shitter writing

> wasteland 2, better writing

you mean the totally not a worse fallout tactics right ?

i never said the writing in W2 was good :^)

It's a much better game in basically every single way except graphics. However it isn't party-based like Wasteland 2, so comparing specific aspects of the two is not that simple.

>you'll niggas tell me I can get a sledgehammer after the outpost quest
>complete quest
>no hammer

but you are saying that is better than in underrail, which clearly isn't

not saying that underrail in any way has great writing but it was clearly better, specially if you consider than wastelands 2 was just a ripoff of fallout tactics

the story in underrail was just ok nothing special, decent enough to at least make you bother reading and understanding it (specially if you did the whole oculus questline)

>caring about graphics

you can get one before the quest. sell your gun at the armory and buy a hammer

I didn't get a gun, though. I got a knife.

then sell your knife at the armory you dip. did you forget to grab the credit stash in your room too?

well there is only so much you can get from reselling (assuming the trader wants to buy it back)

Well, now you should have enough money to buy it. Your other alternative is to loot it from an Ironhead next to SGS, but that isn't going to be an easy fight at level 1~2.

>implying wl2 had better graphics
Nigga what, it was all unity asset store shit with no art direction to speak of.

This may be shit compared to PoE, but at least it's hand-drawn 2D.

Armory wouldn't buy my knife but I was able to sell other shit and grab it.

Is there any essential armor/item I should have right now?

How much of a bitch is this "catch the hopper" quest?

I don't give a single fuck about graphics, but at least it's something that's easy to compare.

Much more combat oriented

Has a slow tutorial kinda start with a build filter to end it

Any combat focus is viable and most are extremely fun

Gameplay is extremely satisfying

You can be an aids wizard

Story is kinda lacking in some places

You won't ever care about npcs as they don't matter

No map

All in all the game in my opinion is much better but if you like to be a talky talky character it might not be for you

I remember all those
>how the fuck do I catch a Hopper???
questions from when the game came out. But actually it's not a bitch at all. Finding Newton on the other hand is slightly harder.

Anything I should know before doing one or the other?

>acquire dog crate
>find hoppers
>press enter for tb mode
>jam it in

Here's a Stealth-SMGs build I made earlier this week. Recommended for mid-to-expert players of the Underrail.

>find hoppers
Where are they anyway?

Eh, the tile-based lighting is pretty hit or miss for many players. And you have to admit that some of the sprites are kinda... off.

This game is too easy desu

Still better than Wasteland 2. Hell, Jeff Vogel's games have better art direction than it did.

I'd like to add that to me, no map is a pro.

My trap crossbowmen begs to differ. He litterly cannot into spooders. I hate those fucking things

>>Has a slow tutorial kinda start with a build filter to end it

first playthrough

>get to gms warehouse
>tears me a new asshole
>'this must be the build filter they were talking about'
>manage to slog through
>leave feeling like god-king of the underrail
>get to depot A



That's fair some people don't like it. I kinda got pissed my first playthough getting lost after not playing for awhile. Now I like it because it really feels like I am exploring the metro like my character

Jeff Vogel's art direction is surprisingly not that horrible once you get over the initial shock and the eye-melting UIs. At least the guy uses some bright colors instead of eternally brown maps.

Stay safe, user.

Did you miss the emp nades in the locker? I always spec a little throwing on my new characters so that I don't get chained stunned and btfo by those fucking robots

I know nothing about this game. What am I in for?

Should I even try to fight psi beetles?

Same here. It was an interesting idea, I have never played another RPG that was not a dungeon crawler that didn't come with a map. But I have to say, I liked it a lot.

What's your con? Can you take a hit so their brain opens up?

If you can survive getting hit, definitely.

probably not then, only 120hp at level 3

More than enough. Smash their brain in, champ.

>first time fighting psi-beetles
>its going fairly well
>suddenly 3 of them team up
>start casting all kinds of insane shit

these bugs do not fuck around

They are not that dangerous alone and hammer is good for getting some blunt trauma through their tough carapaces. Just steer clear of bigger groups.

will do, bossman

How the hell do you deal with things like sentry bots with a knife build? do you just have to use EMPs all the time (or avoid them altogether)?

i haven't found a good way to fight them at all, so i just avoided them in the first section

If you are carefull you could do it, or they could mind rape you with psionic synergy. Totally depends if you fight more than one at a time

i have mixed feelings about it, in the end i just ended up writing a map on excel by my own, otherwise you end up missing on some areas or taking pointless long roads

i would have added either an option to turn a map off/on or an ingame tool to draw the map yourself (Lets be honest, nobody mapping the underrail when you can get lost that easily its kinda retarded from a lore viewpoint)

Isometric Might and Magic/System Shock/Deus Ex/S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Metro 2033/take your pick.

Heavy focus on exploration and combat, really good gameplay in general, and very little hand-holding.

Right. I'll see how well I can pull them.

You can get an electro knife before gms I think from that guy in the outpost station. Then you just group them around a door, chuck an emo and start cutting

>chuck an emo and start cutting

I thought emos cut themselves all, like, automatically. Damn styg, nerfing things again...

Psi-beetles can completely destroy even an endgame character if they come in a big enough group and they catch you off-guard. They will really go all out with the spell slinging.

hot damn, i gotta get me one of those

i had way too many fucking batteries in my first run of the game anyway

Fuck ment emp

Get expose weakness asap. Weak point, massive damage, etc.

Oddity or classic, guys?


i broke my underrial

oddity xp system is better in every possible way

tfw went classic

Oddity first is best and original. It eliminate the grind mind and reward balancing of levels through the game.

Classic for playing a mass murderer can be nice too for power leveling. Like killing the bis ass frogs with traps early game.


It's not a big deal. It just means you will hit level cap sooner and will be slightly overleveled for most of the game.

Oh cool. Thanks.

Oddity is better for a first run. The only reason to pick classic over oddity is if you have a serious aversion of checking trash cans or you are replaying the game but want to skip parts of it.

>didn't make a crafting build
>only weapons are trusty sledgehammer and grenades
>would really like to find a new hammer
>find the first unique one off some boss
>20 STR requirement

Nah it's cool I had no intention of using it anyway, really

Is there a menu to show me what skills I have? I just got Pummel and I'd like to put it on my hotkey bar.


pay attention next time, user

>in the end i just ended up writing a map on excel by my own
You silly sausage. (is old, there's probably a new one)

Sorry, thanks.

Thanks dudes, Oddity it is.

>Lets be honest, nobody mapping the underrail when you can get lost that easily its kinda retarded from a lore viewpoint
I don't see any lore issues, the game is just trolling us for gameplay's sake.

>clear the Mushroom Cove base
Should I keep exploring the surrounding areas or are psi-beetles gonna fuck me up? They're okay 1v1.

At least you chose hammers so you have 2 more uniques to look around for. I went crossbow and all I have is one with a fucking 6 STR req. that might as well be 20.

Underrail is all about exploration, jack. Besides everything that can destroy you is blocked off by rocks at that stage in the game.

It was great when the one from Upper Underrail turned out to have no durability so I could completely scrap weapon repair kits

Well alright then I'll keep on hunting around.

Eh, at least they're not that heavy. Esp if you're carrying a hammer to start with, you prob got plenty of STR.

Doing the first "official" Oculus mission, can someone sort something out for me?
I need to join one of the technos in CC and do their missions before I get Nosek to talk to me, right? ATM he won't say shit.

Well, it's also kind of the last, unfortunately. At least for now.
Yeah. You won't be able to get him to talk until you go to Coretech's research facility.

Fuck it

>Well, it's also kind of the last, unfortunately.
Well, fuck. Eh, I guess at least I have access to what looks like the best general trader in the game.

Why? It's a pretty cool puzzle.

Where does the path leading out of the Mushroom Cove area (the exit north of the Base entrance) head to?

It's a pretty easy puzzle once you've done it a couple of times. Post your reagents if you want us to solve it.

Yeah, I can't wait for the expansion to add some more. In terms of complexity, nothing comes close to this quest chain.
Did you know that, for example
You can keep reporting Abram to the Protectorate? After a point you will have to start lying about your involvement, or they will execute you. But if you lie, they will eventually raid Abram at the hole.
Or that if you arrange a meeting with Todor, your Persuasion is high enough, and you carry some poison with you, you can convince him to drink it once he gets back to his cell?
Or that if you botch the Lenox quest and insist that it was Big Bret who killed his brother, the two will fight to the death?

Junkyard. You will have to go there soon enough, but you can visit it now if you want.

>Drawing your own maps is gameplay
>Googling for maps someone else drew is gameplay

Didn't know that about Todor tbqh. Usually just snipe him where he stands. Of course, this once I did shit the hard way. Also, they'd better be well designed for as much of a pain in the ass they are to complete. Really tho, the Beast is still my least favorite quest. Fuck having to traipse all the way back to SGS every 5 minutes. Really makes you realize the Foundry is like designed to make you walk around everything to get to the exit.

>pack with a rathound alpha
>another area has 2beetle lmao
I'll come back later.

fucking millennials lmao, i bet you'd get lost on your way to school without gps

Breaking Todor out of jail was just the coolest way to complete that mission. A shame that's not >OPTIMAL enough for certain fucker.

learn how to fight beetles
at one point in the game you're dropped into a cage with 10 of the suckers (and 2 npc companions that matter for shit)

His reaction when you walk up to him and tell him that everyone's fucking dead is priceless though.

Can someone tell me what zone I'm standing in front of? I ran around inside of it for a bit but I'm stumped. I left the base by the first Underrail itself exit, and I'm like two screens north. It's really fucking difficult to figure out where I am with no in-game map

that particular one leads to an underground passage with a billion other connections to get lost in

You are on your way to the GMS compound. Just continue north, then turn left. If you go through that door in front of you, you will enter the Underpassages.

if the game areas had some proper cohesion it wouldn't be that much of an issue

but while drawing the map i noticed pretty quickly that some areas make no sense, they are connected to other areas that are on a completely different side of the map, they seem to be meant as shortcuts but if you are playing without a map they make no sense and will eventually get you lost (or just make you pointlessly lose a lot of time)

So don't fuck around in there, okay.

I did keep going north and there's another very similar-looking passageway. Should I avoid as well? I'm clearing rathounds, apparently.

e-mail the creator, I saw posts here showing that he responds quickly and does his best to help

there's a lot of (early game) loot to be found in the underpassages so if you think you can handle it, knock yourself out