Do I have to start with 999 or can I go straight to the other two?

Do I have to start with 999 or can I go straight to the other two?

>Do I have to play the best game in the series or can I got straight to the other abortions?

Definitely play 999 first. The other two won't make any sense, and like said, it's the best in the series.

999 is the one you should be wanting to play.

Do I have to start with 1-998 or can I go straight to 999?

Start and Stop at 999

if you waited that long to play it you might as well wait for the remake

I kept hearing a lot of praise for 999 and decided to play. What is it that people like about it?

I played it three times expecting the good stuff to start at any moment. I don't get it.

Surprise: Sup Forums has shit taste.

That's a real informative comment you posted there. If the game is really so great it shouldn't be that hard to point out its greatest strengths.

>Skipping the best one


Have you actually gotten either of the main endings or are you too dumb to look up a flowchart and just keep getting axed and subbed over and over again?

I didn't like it at first. Safe and true ending did it for me.

He means you've been mislead.

Not that you're the one in the wrong.


>Can't into reading comprehension

Well I can see why you wouldn't like the game.

How can I play Virtue's Last Reward if I don't have a 3ds or a vita? Do I just have to wait for it on steam?


You don't really appreciate it until you get the true ending.

>I trusted Clover

Fair enough. But can you blame me for reading it as: "Sup Forumsposter having shit taste [for not liking 999]"?

I expected someone to responded pedantically, thus incorrectly read the comment as such. My bad , user.

The true ending ties the entire story in a way no other story in any other medium or a game on any other system could replicate.

999 is one of the few games that singlehandedly justify the DS' existence and its main features and its true ending is what made the series a cult classic.

I see. Then again, I fail to see how a game which you can seemingly only appreciate by spending hours trudging through and make sure to look up a walkthrough to get the "good" ending, counts as a great game.

Sounds like poor game design to me. Perhaps they should have just written a novel with character illustrations instead.

Whoa VLR is pretty damn good

are people still mad about zero time dilemma?

the true end works so well only because of the DS format

Maybe you don't like the mystery genre.

>make sure to look up a walkthrough to get the "good" ending
I got it on my first try, actually. It was kinda surreal. Then I went to get the other endings because they block you off anyway until you get another specific ending, and then I also got that one on my next playthrough. I didn't want to finish the game just yet and do the exact same route as my first one, so I decided I might as well see the rest of the routes.

Don't get me wrong, it was a fun romp most of the way through, but sometimes the experience and everything that leads up to the climax in this game was just so well handled, and that's what gave it it's cult status to begin with.

>tfw tried to get my sister in the series with ZTD

She still wants to try 999 but no way I'm lending her my 3DS. Is this game playable in drastic or should I just go and install desmume on her laptop?

The others are sequels, of course you need to start with the 1st one.
Also VLR is amazing and ZTD is ok


Just lend her your 3ds silly. If you aren't short on cash, just get her a dsi xl and a copy of the game or just get the 3ds 99 dollar black friday deal.