I'm literally shaking
Playing FF VII for the first time
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fuck off tho
she's dead dude, who cares
She is a confirmed prostitute. Worst girl.
Tifa saved herself for the Cloud 9 inches.
tifa is still alive and that's all that matters m8
Confirmed for liar. Aeris's death doesn't mean shit. She has no personality and her death scene is not remotely touching.
playing it for the first time too and it's fucking shit so far
I know those feels op, I'm playing it again after many years.
>She is a confirmed prostitute. Worst girl.
Wrong faggot.
Worst girl.
>Aeris's death doesn't mean shit. She has no personality and her death scene is not remotely touching.
She was the only girl with any real personality. Tifa should have died, useless bags of tits she is.
Cuckism speaks. Learn the signs.
I can't connect to any of the characters in this game.
I understand and respect them as ideas but in-game, watching them interact with each other...Something feels bizarre. Something feels off. There doesn't feel like there's any actual life behind the characters and it weirds me out, I find myself caring more about characters in Mario RPGs. Anyone else feel that?
How the fuck did she have personality?
>caring about the death of the useless slut instead of the death of actual best girl
>stupid bitch who was there for 2 seconds
She shows it all throughout the first disc. She has better chemistry with the party than any of the other girls. How could you not see it?
You're not alone. I hear this from time to time, but I can never relate to it. For me only V, VI, VII and XIII-2 protagonists seemed to have something implicit going on of their own accord. Some were fun, static casts like let's say III or Before Crisis, but most I've never felt anything for. They've just done their thing.
game is pretty good.
stopped playing after 35 hours though.
so i'm gonna say the game is great up to that point.
>all throughout the first disc
>better chemistry
I think we played different games because I don't remember that
Will the VII waifu wars ever end?
I agree with this guy. Aeris was more interesting than Tifa. I haven't played it in a year though. Tifa was more interesting in the last third of the game but for 2/3rds she's the least interesting party member.
I was sadder when most of these qt's bit it.
>tfw managed to play ff7 without getting spoiled
I think the SNES trilogy is better than the PS trilogy. Besides Tactics, that is.
Tifa was the girl next door who all the boys back home wanted. Then she got saved from dying with Cloud being blamed for her going to the mountain and when she finally thought she worked up the nerve to confess her feelings, he gives up on their hometown to join SOLDIER.
>Not liking both
Waifu Wars are a waste of energy
>he saved Tifa instead of Aries
But why
I've done it too, it helps to play it on release. Never had the chance to play Chrono Trigger.
man imagine if they offed big tits girl instead of innocent church flower.
i wonder if people would care more.
>I'm literally shaking
Plenty of people would have cared, you do realize they gave you just enough incentive to keep her in your party since her Healing Wind would heal for half your health right?
that actually would've been interesting because it'd mean that Cloud and the audience would've had to figure out the truth without Tifa, including how Tifa kept quiet about the truth
>innocent church flower.
Oh please, Aerith's personality is anything but innocent, she's not a retard. They just turned her into a perfect angel in everything that came after the original game.
There was a really fucking good FF7 thread last night. This thread is completely in the opposite direction.
Crisis Core was the worst offender though, since it literally rehashed the same shit that Cloud did, but made her a pure-hearted goody goody. She literally sells flowers for 500 or more gil when you go into the Honeybee Inn. Only Johnny and you get the "I'll fuck you later" 1 gil sale.
Which one? The Hojo one I missed near the end, the other with the autist complaining about Aeris' death being out of your hands means he didn't bother feeling emotional attachment and bitching that it could ruin people's games. Cause holy shit that fucker never shut up.
You don't know that. It doesn't even narrate how long it's been since Holy and the Lifestream turned Midgar into a forest.
Honestly, i wasn't even sad the first time i saw that scene, that was the least sad deaths in the series.
Even FF2 had sadder deaths
Even FFIV had sadder "deaths"
it really didn't. IV has such a boring basic story and it even chickened out on killing these characters I never cared about.
I think they wouldn't. Honest. Tifa doesn't get much focus, especially until then. (Although Toriyama would've changed the script to give Tifa that spotlight, if that were to be the plan. So it's pointless to even think about.) If you mean in the future instead of in 1997, then it would be seen as manipulative revisionist history in the Remake and therefore it would mostly annoy people. The flower girl wasn't innocent either. Stop following most of the Compilation.
I'm expecting Cloud to split Aerith in half himself instead of Sephiroth. It's the only way to up the ante. This is not even edginess. Just saying that upping the already present guilt factor for more unsubtle modern times seems like the S-E modus operandi these days.
Maybe they'll kill off the one you have the highest affection points with?
I have always liked both. Them being best friends and its complexities, since Aerith pursues Cloud regardless, are wonderful. Before AC came out and we saw Tifa fighting in the church, I hoped Aerith would aid her. Yuffie is also great.
>phoenix down
Aeris is totally a prostitute are you kidding me?
Remember getting raped by muscle men at the Honey Bee Inn?
Remember going full FTM tranny to get in the place?
Remember getting the BBC after your date with Barret at the Gold Saucer?
I usually doze off from boredom, not shake.
Just as you can't phoenix down old age, you can't phoenix down a stab to the stomach.
Just because she lived in the ghetto doesn't make her a slut.
Same here, the only character I cared was Tifa, the rest was just annoying.
If 16 year old Tifa can survive getting the Sephiroth sword, I'm sure Aeris could have.
She was my first love
>Just because she lived in the ghetto doesn't make her a slut.
There is far more to Aeris than just where she lived.
If you're patient and you really feel like you want to discuss it, sure. I want to you think about Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation. Don't include Crisis Core, Advent Children, that Vincent Game all that compilation shit. Just the game "FF7." Think about Aeris. Everything you know about her, the person, the character, the background, the history, her age, her position, her style, her living condition, her personality, her dialogue, her motivations, her appeal. Extend that thinking to what you know were the themes of the game. The way other characters acted and spoke and behaved.
Then tell me again Aeris was a pure flower maiden who spent her days tending a small garden in a broken down church in the slums until a brave hero rescued her.
I remember the back case had pictures and one of them was aeris dead. Now phoenix downs exist, so therefore the screenshot must've been a plot point. There were literally spoilers on the case of the game.
>Tfw you lose all your materia and gear on her
Niggers made me reset
This was spoiled to me the week the game released. I was hyped to play it because I had played the demo disc but my friend got it before I could. Asshole spoiled everything for me. Even before the internet everyone knew Aeris dies.
>tfw joseph sacrificed himself to firion and crew
he didn't deserve that, and even worse when you talk to his daughter after the end of the dungeon
It appears in your inventory afterword. So that didn't happen and you are lying.
My image is unrelated. Aeris dies and all her equipment returns to your inventory.
The materia goes back to your inventory.
Kinda wish there was a give all your materia to Yuffie option. Materia is pretty useless in FF7 anyway since it only makes an already easy game even easier.
>spent whole disc setting up her because she's a healer and its probably the most important party member
wew lad fuck you
How many of you faggots got her LEVEL 4 Limit break?
Ha! Jokes on you, I'm currently replaying the game so my view on her is very fresh! No she was not some helpless maiden, but she wasn't a slut. She spent most of her time with her flowers. She knew Tseng her whole life and he pretty much protected her. She was a high class ghetto queen.
That makes it even worse because I reset my game for no reason and had to watch her die twice
You must be playing a different game, healers aren't important at all.
I'm starting from FF1 because fuck it. Playing the PSP rom, am I missing something important from the NES version? Apart from ebin 8 bit grafix
>in ff7
Shit man just toss a fucking megalixir, throw some x-potions and elixirs around
You know what?
Cloud better be tall and strong-looking.
Tifa better be a stacked monk.
Aeris better look sly.
Barret is okay as BLADE but he better be a real nigga.
Yuffie better be a small teen girl.
Red XIII better be a couth wisecat indifferent to his human companions.
Vincent better be really fuckin' quiet. His creepiness should be because of how he looks and moves, not because he's an edgy shitbox.
Cid better be a hardass engineer and that's it.
I don't give a fuck about Cait Sith. To me, Cait Sith didn't even exist as a character. I was legit surprised when Gold Saucer keystone shit happened and also the ziggurat crushing him. Literally don't care. Never saw the cat, always saw the mog. Just didn't care.
>watching my mom play through the Wutai section
>mom has been hoarding materia, buying materia, and multiplying materia
>gets to the point where Yuffie steals it
>has so much materia that Yuffie actually doesn't steal all of it, just most
>my face when
A vancian casting system. A semblance of difficulty.
its was my first jrpg back then
Say that to my Cloud and other character who ONLY USED double or triple AP gain weapons and armor filled with HP Max and stuff. I never cared about magic, really. I just liked slashin' stuff.
No one realizes Shera is best waifu
Get on that. Quality game.
>using hp max
It doesn't really help, it just makes already easy and non-threatening shit even more easy. You already have access to all the lunar curtains, light curtains, and x-potions you could have need, and more than enough megalixirs to get you through boss fights than do a little bit of damage.
Might as well just use the god damn nailbat.
Was she a masochist?
I'm pretty sure every version after Origins no longer uses the original spell system making the game way easier overall.
>She spent most of her time with her flowers. She knew Tseng her whole life and he pretty much protected her.
No. If anything could be the reason Tseng helped her to a small degree it was because of her father.
>She was a high class ghetto queen.
Still no. That makes her female Don Corneo. You're gonna have to examine her dialogue and characer interactions more than that.
can you ELI5 the difference in casting?
She'll only steal a certain amount...and if you do her sub-quest in Wutai during Disc 3 she doesn't steal it at all IIRC
shinra watched her constantly because she was the last ancient it is explained in the game
Many times. What of it?
On my first playthrough Cloud had Omnislash and only Cait Sith and Tifa reached second level Limit Breaks. Tifa got Waterkick from an Iron Giant, the second enemy in the descend to Jenova Synthesis. I guess Cloud hogged all the kills.
>You're gonna have to examine her dialogue and characer interactions more than that.
I'm thinking, the only one she showed any real affection towards was cloud. And that's because he reminded her of zack. You're going to have to give me some examples if you want to make your case.
You have to enter Wutai to trigger her theft of your materia. Then you HAVE to finish her subquest to get your shit back.
You unlock Limit Breaks based on use user. Did you just leave your other party members dead most of the game?
Furybrand should have been her level 4
To go to a higher level (ie 1 to 2 to 3) limit break you need to kill a certain amount of monsters too
Mages have a specific number of times that they can use a single spell rather than just a collective mp amount requiring more resource management.
The second limit break of a given level is obtained through use. The next level is gained by obtaining a certain amount of enemies killed, except for the last which is the items.
I see. I guess if Origins still has that I'll just play the PS1 port
So can you finish the game with yuffie still stuck in wutai?
>go to wutai on disc 3
>get shit stolen
>go kill sephiroth
It's not the that Turks protected Aeris from others. Hojo was just working on other stuff ans since Ghast wasn't around anymore, they just let the project die. It was only when Hojo became interested again that the Turks finally did their job and took her.
All the time in between? Aeris took care of herself in the ghettos, under the plate of Midgar. Tseng didn't spend his career protecting her. At best, he might have disobeyed orders and let her escape or something from time to time.
>girl next door
Too hot for that. Just jilted on an alpha male is all.
The scene after this with Cloud is a better twist and more important to the story.
She seemed unusually at ease, savvy and otherwise comfortable in her manipulations of people and events, wouldn't you say? It's pretty safe to say, despite the unusual similarity of Cloud to Zack, she was using him.
>holy shit that fucker never shut up
Oh Sup Forums of 2008, how I miss you. Kids these days have lost all sense of irony due to living virtually on the internet.
But that's her literal personality user, and since she's the only known girl from Nibelheim around Cloud's own age, she was basically the center of attention for all the boys until they left town.
You unlock the second Limit Break within a Level by use. You unlock the next Limit level by kills (and use). I just rotated everyone like I have done since in every JRPG (Except one. Ken doesn't exist.). I never grind, if it's remotely feasible to not do so. I also always reload, when anyone dies unless I can already Raise them within said battle, so really Cloud must've stolen all the kills.
Eh. It's certainly better, but both are quite nice. They're curiosities anyway.
best party is Cloud/Cid/Yuffie
If you mean by damage, maybe, I never really enjoyed using Yuffie. Even if you get your shit back and the sidequest to do so is hilariously out of nowhere.
>Power gaming in an ez game
Whats the point?