Do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do DUN

do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do DUN

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I have no idea how to get this sound in writing

>yfw that image is actually a cube
>the symble it makes looks a lot like a "G"
>G - cube


weehroo weehroo weehrooo

nothing because it's never on

>BWAAAAAAA BE DE DE DE de de de de..
>VWOOM, VWEEEEEee, do do doooo, dooo...

>mfw I thought it was Policenauts theme when you start MGS1

did you just realize that you moron?

And also a "C" inside



why was the menu so scary

The GameCube error startup sounds always freaked me out.

Putting a non PS2 disc gave off an even spookier version

Never saw it. What was freaky about it?

the red cubes and shit right? I vaguely remember being terrified by that.

*turns face at the screen*

I nearly fucking shat myself when that happened in Portal 2