It's sad how legitimately good multiplayer games with good dev support go unloved

It's sad how legitimately good multiplayer games with good dev support go unloved.

Tell me what you think is good about Halo 5.

Best core multiplayer since Halo 2.
Best forge.
Free updates.

There isn't much content in order for you to say that.

No koth, oddball. These are basic halo modes.

It has oddball.

This. Halo 5 is fuckin sad. They didn't add file share or infection until about a year later

Both file share and infection were in well before a year.

No it doesn't bro. Those are settings for assault, and even those settings in which I never tried were never in matchmaking.

>No koth, oddball.
Holy shit, this is Halo 4 all over again. How do they keep forgetting features that's always been in Halo?

You can make the oddball gametype. It's identical.

Still no matchmaking so who gaf

People with friends.

I have no idea. What's so hard about making a complete game, and launching it complete? H5 isn't even complete after a whole year. At least H4 shipped with all the modes, even if there weren't mm playlists for them at first.

Takes too long. Also, they even took out Assault from matchmaking, and the reason I heard for this was: "doesn't fit muh esports rules". Fuck esports. Let me play the only mode they added into the game other than partymodes like Infection.

>playing with friends takes too long

Yeah, compared to mm. Most of the time friends don't even join, and when they do only 1 or 2. That's not enough. Maybe it's easier now with Xbone's new LFG feature.

This could be because Halo 5 has a new engine instead of using the same engine every Halo game used since CE.

They should have been a release day feature

>Halo 3 has the same engine as Halo 1

That's like saying CoD 1 has the same engine as MW2. Breh...............

>aim down sights

Fuck off shill, Halo has always been garbage but 343 took it to new levels of cancer.

>Best core multiplayer since Halo 2
this meme again

There's no loadouts.

Halo 3 uses a heavily modified Halo 2 engine which uses a heavily modified Halo CE engine, so kind of yes.

I always wonder if its the same person who keeps constantly posting this same thread the last few months.

The only Halo games worse than 5 are 4 and maybe Reach, at least the maps weren't as trash in that one.

So does Halo 5. They always say it's a new engine when it's always just a heavily modified old engine.

>maybe Reach

He doesn't know.

Better story; H5 has the worst without question, H5 maps are also complete shit.

not him and i'm sick of him spamming these threads, but

>automatics are actually useful, weapon balance in general, while not perfect, is easily the best in the series.
>no bloom or random spread on precision guns
>decently high base movement speed and nice feeling jump physics, time to kill is faster without being too fast
>Thrusters, hover, and other new movement stuff means there are more skilljumps then ever, >map design has a high degree of verticality
>Health is visible on the HUD
>back to weapons on map, no loadouts
>forge is unarguably the best it's ever been

You'll note that a lot of these points CE and especially Halo 2 also had, which is why a lot of people say it's the best MP since 2, or it feels like Halo 2 more then 3 does.

There's no loadouts or ADS

Every halo game has aim assist

>reach's maps weren't shit

I hope you all die. Violently



I love reach but anybody who even begins to imply that it's maps weren't utter trash are out of their mind

MP map wise:


I don't think it's gone unloved. We have people like you making threads like these. The multiplayer is as polished as it's ever been. Assault rifles aren't terrible. Warzone Firefight is a great way to unwind. In order of multiplayer's I rank them as followed...
>Halo 5
>Halo Reach
>Halo 3
>Halo 2 - I never used glitches when playing multiplayer.
>Halo 1

swap 5 and 3

>Halo 5


Pick one.

>good maps
pick one

>ce last

CE pc version is fighting for top spot. Halo CE from the Master Chief Collection is a dissapointment.

what about just plain old ce

>at least the maps weren't as trash in that one.

>reading comprehension
pick one

I already said, the PC version, Xbox, and Xbox 360 version were aces. The MCC multiplayer CE got fucked.

I played Halo 5 a couple of months ago.

I haven't really touched Halo since Reach (sadly) but put thousands of hours in to CE, 2 and 3.

What I found out, is that I'd often become so confused at which game I was playing, I think they wanted to make it Call of Duty but with a Halo feel to it, and that's where I think they fucked up.

Halo should've been left as Halo.

if I want to play multiplayer I will play on pc

Will you motherfucking shills at least post another motherfucking picture?
In an earlier Halo 5 shill thread you spergs had up, I called for a ban on you fuckers and said I wondered how much you sad bastards were payed to do this. As in shill that piece of crap game at all times daily without fail. But, then after a bit more wondering I had other thoughts.
Could it be that you sad son of bitches are so pathetic that you dont actually get payed for this? Are you faggots doing all this shilling unironically in an attempt to defend your favorite developers to save some face for them? Which one could it be? Either way, I urge you all to go get some barbwire, find a tree and proceed to neck yourselves.

Simply this

It only has superficial similarities to CoD, namely sprint.
It feels nothing like CoD.

This game came with my xbone that i got last week. Its fucking terible, so many menus, the levels are claustrophobic as fuck while being open at the same time, and the 4 v 4 slayer is a mistake

Fuck this piece of shit, ill stick with the mcc if i ever want halo

>Its fucking terible
>so many menus
this is the best you guys can come up with?

>le core multiplayer le halo 2

Yes your shill threads are much better

>4 v 4 slayer is a mistake
Better go tell Bungie 12 years ago m8.

>"How dare you discuss a game you like on an online forum about video games!"

>feels nothing like cod
>have to change controller to cod controls for it to feel comfortable

Try playing Halo 3 with cod controls and you'll see what I mean.

>not using bumper jumper for both

>daily M$ shill

If this wasn't a shill, they'd be at the /vg/ Halo general.

>reply is the same shit reply my previous post got on said earlier shill thread
Either youre the same shill as before or you guys have a script. Which one is it?

If you actually believe in shills you're pretty dumb.

>post same topic daily
>basically is more about forcing people to play the game than general discussion
>keeps saying Halo 5 is good

Fuck off shill, like I said if he wasn't a shill he'd just post in the /vg/ topic with people that want to talk about the game

It's been obvious for months. MS is beyond desperate at this point and this pile of shit game is all they have to bank on. It flopped hard too, only sold about 1.5 million copies total and nobody plays it anymore. Hell, Josh Holmes, the Gane director/studio head for 343 just quit his job today.

>If you actually believe in shills you're pretty dumb.

Either you're new, retarded or a shill. Maybe all 3.

>stop posting about videogames on Sup Forums!
/vg/ was a mistake

This same thread with the exact same picture and almost the exact same text (e.g. talking about what a "shame" it is that nobody plays it or how its "actually an okay game despite what people originally thought") has been constantly posted these past few months. I've never once believed in shills, but this is the first time I've ever doubted that stance.

>josh holmes

So this is who i have to hate for killing halo

Microsoft fucked up so hard with bungie. If they let them do their own thing and make destiny for the xbox only they would be neck and neck with ps4 sales

Typical shill reply. Fuck off faggot, you make me hate Halo 5 even more and I bought the piece of shit at launch. Tell Microsoft to make better fucking games.

You don't know reasons for his leave.
Microsoft are doing fine in games market, especially with Scorpio release. 343 and Halo are find, you'd know that if you bought the game.


Thank God that POS left, next one to GTFO shoud be Bonnie Ross.
Or you'd now that if you actually played the game am a right?

Yup, he knows he fucked up and abandoned ship. Basically, 343 and Halo are done. If Halo Wars 2 flops, which it will because Halo 5 killed all interest and the beta was awful, then the franchise is finished and 343 get shut down.

Just release a custom game server browser for PC and console. why are they so silent on this? this would really liven up the community.

You Halo haters live in fantasy world.

IF M$ shutdown Halo they might as well just shutdown the Xbox 2bh.

Halo 5 mp is great, there is still less content than every bungie halo despite it having a years worth of content updates.

>there is still less content than every bungie halo

It's true. Besides Halo 1.

343 fucked the only good mode, Breakout. 0 reason to play this ugly anime looking game anymore.

>Itt tales from my ass
>Delusions of grandeur
>user is baiting again

What do you think they've been doing porting every single "exclusive" to PC? The Xbone failed as bad as the Wii U, they're jumping ship on the console market and hoping they can make W10 gaming successful instead.

Why didn't 343 work on Destiny and Bungie get to work on the rest of the Halos?

Bungie owns Destiny and wanted to make that because they were done with Halo so they bought their freedom from MS who only wanted more Halo by giving them the Halo license. 343 is just some god awful shit heap made up of interns scrapped together on the cheap by MS to keep cranking out Halo games, but they're obviously starting to see the mistake they made since the talentless nobodies working there fucked it up so badly. Meanwhile, Bungie is rolling in billions because of the outrageous success of Destiny.

>the outrageous success of Destiny

>Bungiefags actually think this

>wanted to make that because they were done with Halo
>because they were done with Halo
>done with Halo
meanwhile halo 4 is not even considered a halo game, and halo 5 is not even about the master chief because it begins and ends with a character that had nothing to do with the canon whatsoever