Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
why the fuck do people repost threads? this worthless thread has been posted at the very least ten times
Literally every thread on here is a repost. No one who browses this board is capable of original thought.
its probably the creator spamming these threads so people play his shitty game
Nah, i doubt it. It's maybe a paid shill, but this is made by EPIC, and they are lowkey one of the biggest developers on the market. One of the few billion dollar companies no one talks about.
weren't you banned multiple times for this thread?
Can you show us the grafix on the fat robot?
bumping for fat robot.
lowkey kill yourself fampai
It's true.
Why don't you post this elsewhere, faggot? Where people actually give a fuck.
Gameplay is mediocre and gameplay>Graphics.
>its true.
who are you quoting?
There are hundreds of billion dollar companies no one talks about.
That sword looks fucking awful, as does the guy in the background
I wanted to love this game, its pretty but boring. Full on moba players might like it though.
played during alpha/beta
Was fun for awhile but it gets old quickly unless they added new maps/builds/modes. I just cant see myself sticking to it.
All the robots are super cool.
Game is pretty boring because the map is gigantic but your character is super slow. The only teleport takes a valuable inventory slot, has a 5 minute cooldown, doesn't work late in the game, and has the most batshit retarded aiming I've ever seen in a game.
Although I really like how it's actually a 3D game unlike smite. There should be more characters/items that take advantage of that.
because its slow as fuck
They're replacing the map with a totally new one that is smaller and removes the sprint mechanic and it comes with a total game rebalance of all systems.
In two weeks.
Waiting on the big Monolith overhaul patch. If it doesn't fix a lot of the issues in the game by the time Gigantic comes out then I'll probably just play Gigantic.
I love the graphics of Paragon tho, but it's definitely in the early parts of beta stage. I've followed the dev team and it seems like they know what they are doing so I have some faith in them at the moment.
Isn't it ONE loser shilling this dead game that got been doxxed or something? I recall seeing a video of him circling around here before.
Ya shillin son?
Please tell the others at Epic to focus on Unreal Tournament instead, thanks!
Gigantic could be fun but aren't they owned by Perfect World now? I don't want to have to save up tiny slivers of cash over a hundred games to afford a single new character.
Yeah PW is worrying. Hopefully the success of so many other mobas business models show that the nickel and dime way is just asking for failure.
Truthfully I'm not too worried about it.
downloading it just 4u
Seriously, this shit's ridiculous.
I doxxed myself lmao. My nudes are in the public domain. You can buy them on Getty Images.
>has good graphics
>has shit gameplay
nah I'm all set
I'll give him props for somehow being more pathetic than battleborn shills