Dark Souls 3 is so much better than Bloodborne

Dark Souls 3 is so much better than Bloodborne.

Here's why:
>better enemy variety
>bosses are overall more memorable and presented than the copy pasted screaming dog bosses in Bloodborne
>areas actually look different
>you can actually roleplay because there's actual weapon and armor variety
>better online

You can't deny it. The only thing Bloodborne has going for it is "muh fedora lovecraft aesthetic".

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Sweet, want an award buddy?

You're wrong on every point.

I just want people to stop kissing Bloodborne's ass.

DS3 is worse than DS3, prove me wrong

I actually agree

Kind of agree.

I think Bloodborne is good for one playthrough. It doesn't really offer much in terms of variety.

Also chalice dungeons were a huge mistake.

OP is correct

They should've made the worm in smouldering lake an actual boss.

Butthurt pcuck detected

>no atmosphere

Dark Souls 3 definitely had more variety in terms of armour sets/environments. However, BB had a more interesting story, better atmosphere, and better fast paced combat without keeping enemies slow and sluggish. Despite some people disliking the Chalice Dungeons they definitely kept me coming back to BB. DS3 had little replay-ability after finishing the game.

Also DaS3 doesn't have a huge wasted space known as chalice dungeons.

Sucks cause they could have been fun if people actually played.

I hate playing games online.

I loved Bloodborne, which I played entirely offline.

Will I enjoy Dark Souls 3? I loved the first, didn't much like the second. Also loved Demon's Souls.

Here's why you're wrong:

>Bloodborne is Lovecraftian

Dark Souls 3 is, maybe, BARELY better than 2. Stop with this shitty meme. The best Souls game in The Old Hunters DLC. Nothing can top it. Especially not that 6 hour story and 2 hour DLC game.

They should have made smouldering lake an actual area instead of a chalice dungeon from bloodborne

After millions of dollars and however many years, they still couldn't manage to make covenants that work so you're not missing out by playing single player.

>without keeping enemies slow and sluggish

So why were so many enemies such pushovers in that game? The only truly challenging enemies in Bloodborne are Brainsuckers, Scourge beasts, and the rolling merciless watchers. Everything else you could stunlock. The game is very forgiving in terms of difficulty compared to the actual Souls game.

>it's more replayable

Except it's not. There's very little options in terms of weapons and armors. Covenants suck. Chalice Dungeons are fucking awful. They should've just made another area instead of wasting resources on chalice dungeons.

Something I also noticed was that the DLC had really poor enemy variety.

Bloodborne has an ugly art style and the levels have no variety. Dark Souls 2 is better. Better aesthetics, variety, replay value, and so on

The actual lake with worm is pretty cool though.

The extended catacombs were pretty bad though. At least they had unique enemies.

>Dark Souls 3
>weapon variety
Nice one, m8.

you can stunlock brainsuckers though. Here's a vid of me killing the boss version with my torch.


can you please stop making these bait threads?

as someone who loves das3 the most this shit is just going to make people hate it more. it gets enough unwarranted shit as it is

You could cheese enemies in DS3 just as easily. Most weapons in DS3 have the same move set and look mundane. BB weapons were far more interesting at the very least. Like I said DS3 did have more variety in armour. Chalice 5 bosses were far more challenging than any of DS3's bosses. Otherwise bosses in each were fairly comparable in difficulty for the most part.

>play DLC
>enjoy it up until the crow enemies with rapiers and claws
>poise fuck you to death

For what fucking purpose. The rest of the DLC was good tho

How do the covenants not work? I think they worked it out pretty well in 3.

>>you can actually roleplay because there's actual weapon and armor variety

this alone makes DS3 infinitely better

_____ ____

I've played all of them, and I can't really remember anything about 3. It's all a blur. I played it and beat it, but it's not 2 at least.

I prefer Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 felt... soulless.

Different strokes for different folks.

>you could cheese enemies in DS3 just as easily

Not as many as in Bloodborne. The enemies are definitely more challenging in DaS3 because you can't fucking stunlock all of them to death.

I don't care about movesets. You can just spam R1 with the hunter axe without ever switching it up. That's how fucking pointless all those cool-looking movesets are in the end. They don't fucking matter because they don't fucking effect on the gameplay at ALL.

Those boss fights are only difficult because of their boosted stats. It's like comparing NG+5 Amygdala to NG+0 Champion Gundyr and saying that the former is better because he deals more damage. You're retarded.

DS1 > BB > DeS > DS3 > DS2

Corvian settlement is the best part of the dlc imo, I just wish it was a little bit longer

PKek: the post.

I wish the whole game was longer instead of being rushed out to get FromSoft to release a game every year

DS3 can't help but try to be Bloodborne, except your character doesn't dodge as quickly or heal upon quickly attacking after being hit. Also, fuck off anyone defending Abyss Watchers or Deacons. And it copy-pastes shit from previous DS games as well, like "hey! remember Anor Londo? wow, so cool" and Andre is back, which makes no fucking sense.

DS3 bored me so much, I stopped playing after Dragonrider just to replay DeS.

Even Miyazaki hates Bloodborne himself because of limited and casual it was. He literally said in an interview how happy we was about coming back to Dark Souls after Bloodborne.


Another PCuck reassurance gathering?


DS3 is the worst in the series.

I'm glad we have completely original characters in bloodborne

Read the interviews

>Petition race trying to justify SO hard not having Bloodborne

sweet tears

Sup Forumsirgins who only say this blasphemy is because they never really got the chance to play BB. Instead, these pcucks rely on a confirmed shit tier sequel to DS to fill the thirst and the off chance hope that is will one day be ported to pc. lol

Anyone who says this hasn't played Bloodborne. Nor the other two games in the Souls series for that matter.

your point? This guy is an undercover agent I'll have you know

it's just a video game lmao

Why do people hate ds2 sotfs?

If you up agility to like 25, combat plays the same as 3

Some bosses are shit and boring, but the game is long and sprawling

Only shit thing is a few awful areas, and enemy spam


It's a misquote. After seeing Bloodborne, Miyazaki really wanted to make another Souls game so he made DS3 using heavy inspiration from Bloodborne.

He never said he didn't like things about it. What he said was that he would have put in a bunch of cool armors and weapons which was something he said BB was lacking.


>Happy to be back on DS3 != hating Bloodborne

Also, DS3 is a blatant failed copy of BB. Only blind pcucks say otherwise.

>better enemy variety
>bosses are overall more memorable and presented than the copy pasted screaming dog bosses in Bloodborne
wrong, I can't even remember half the bosses in DaS3
>areas actually look different
every area is a fucking castle
>you can actually roleplay because there's actual weapon and armor variety
literally who cares? what are you, gay?
>better online
>playing Souls for the pvp

It should've been the best and I fucking love powerstancing, but the trailing hitboxes just ruined it.

Tell him about the article with the devs talking about how hey casualized Bloodborne too. You know, the one that was constantly brought up yet you deluded retards kept denying and even going as far as saying that Bloodborne was harder than the other Souls games.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 made armor borderline pointless and doesn't reward putting in the stats to use heavy armor over light armor.

Dark Souls 3 poise is a mistake.

Lost bastille was shit though

I had like 40 adp, just went overkill on it and there were still shitboxes. I think ADP is only useful if you plan on rolling into attacks, not actually dodging them.

Bloodborne is so fucking good I seriously don't think we'll ever get something so good again

>DS3 lore
What a fucking mistake that was
I'm still salty about it

Ds3 lore was great you faggot

ah yes the game that recycled gargoyles and made it worse

It literally does have more enemy types though. Bloodborne even goes as far as using the generic huntsmen for like half the areas in the game. It's fucking pathetic.

Yeah, the 8+ screaming werewolf bosses were so unique and interesting.

It starts off much easier than any souls game, that's for sure. But the difficulty continually ramps up and by the time you reach the end of the game, way harder than even DS2 NG+. The last boss (Orphan) is so close to being impossible it makes you want to kill people.

Both games are trash

Bloodborne = Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls III > Dark Souls II

>wrong, I can't even remember half the bosses in DaS3
maybe you have alzheimers

>good DaS3 bosses
>The Champ
>Soul of Cinder

>good BB bosses
>Orphan of Kos

BB wins, but just barely

>>you can actually roleplay because there's actual weapon and armor variety

>Dark Bored 3

Even base game Bloodborne with a limited amount of weapons had more variety than this shit game.

Also, DaS3 is basically a cheap Bloodborne knockoff for those that can't play it. I know you're bating but there are actual retards who think like this without realizing that DaS3 is actually, seriously just a shittier version of Bloodborne.

>the difficulty continues to ramp up

I guess that's why Nightmare frontier is full of pushover enemies.

>nameless King
>dragonslayer armor


What about Ludwig? Is this a thinly veiled bait?


>Also chalice dungeons were a huge mistake.
fun to coop


How do people call themselves fans when all they do is hate on parts of the series?

The only one I don't like as much is Demon's, and that's because it seriously lacks story. Still a great game though

Which part of it was great?
The way the handled past events?
The way Prince Lothric is a Lord of Cinder without ever linking the flame?
Having characters from previous games as npc and invaders because "time is weird here"
The fan service up the ass?
The Pontiff Sulyvahn being presented as the mastermind behind most of the game events but is actually a mid game boss without dialogue or even a cutscene?

DS 3 was casualized and disappointing in every way.

I haven't played BB yet, but I'm sure I'll like it better, though I imagine the low framerate and framebuffer issues will annoy the fuck out of me.


Twins could have been nice without the retarded teleporting and having to kill Lorian over and over. Dragonslayer Armor could have been nice without the butterfly artillery and tackling you off a bridge. Nameless King didn't need the wyvern part. DaS3's bosses have some pretty shitty gimmicks weighing them down.

Ludwig was a "cool" fight but the first phase sucks dick and the second one is, disappointingly, a lot easier.

Alright ill bite

>hurf durr you can't be a lord of cinder without already having linked the flame

News flash, he was supposed to but didn't, doesn't change the fact that he was powerful enough to become one. All you're trying to do is gather powerful souls of the ones who were lords.

>why doesn't muh pontiff have a cutscene!

You've wandered into his house, why the fuck would he talk to you? He's a incredibly powerful dude, and his entrance was him calmly walking towards you, its a fkn solid entrance you autist

>nobody posts quotes


>Miyazaki was offered the position while still working on Bloodborne, but accepted the job after reminiscing about his work on past games in the series and including some new features that he says “weren’t possible” with Bloodborne.

>"I was reminiscing of the things I could have done in Dark Souls that weren’t possible in Bloodborne, and was reminded of the beauty of fantasy. It was the perfect time to return to Dark Souls… and inject some new ideas."

>“Dark Souls 2 was of course built and supervised by other people at From Software, and so it matched their preference,” he explains. “So, in terms of the world design, and other elements, my preference is to return to something structurally a little more like the first game, and Bloodborne, with the world a little more connected.”

>Miyazaki: Mmm... That’s a tough one to answer. For Bloodborne I don’t really remember what led up to my vision of the game [laughs]. If anything, my vision of a game is something that is formed, honed, and polished by working with those around me, especially with the great folks on the development team. This, to me, is something integral to the way I develop games, and the game so created is, without doubt, “our” game.

>I'm considering Dark Souls 3 to be the big closure on the series. That's not just limited to me, but From Software and myself together want to aggressively make new things in the future. Dark Souls 3 will mark the last game where the development project began before I became president. The next title will be a game that was conceived while I was president. I believe that From Software has to create new things. There will be new types of games coming from us, and Dark Souls 3 is an important marker in the evolution of From Software.

The only issue from Bloodborne's fps is that it's locked at 30 and has a couple dips.

Picked this game up about a week ago, so far I'm really enjoying it. Currently in Boreal Valley and so far its the only wall I've hit in terms of how much I die.

also which covenant is the best?

Hidetaka Miyazaki Says Bloodborne’s Limitations Made Him Return to Dark Souls 3.
Because of the character of Bloodborne’s gameplay, its battle style, as well as the role-playing elements, it’s limited compared to the Dark Souls franchise. It doesn’t necessarily mean Bloodborne was bad. However, while working on [it] I realised, I want to [create] something which has a wide range of battle styles, or features magic, or those things which allow players to wear awesome armour. Those elements are what actually made me come [back] to the Dark Souls franchise. - Miyazaki

One of many sources: playstationlifestyle.net/2015/09/13/miyazaki-talks-dark-souls-3-freedom/

I usually go sunbro because I like playing areas over again

Wolnir, Greatwood, Deacon, and Yhorm were more memorable than Cleric beast, paarl, Amelia, and Blood starved because they were more unique than the generic screaming werewolf shit even if their fights had gimmicks.

I found yhorm underwhelming because it was a cheeze fight with a fucking special sword.

I liked the presentation of the fight. And he can still fuck you up if you're not careful.

>because they were more unique than the generic screaming werewolf shit even if their fights had gimmicks.


Dead space 3 is indeed worse than dark souls 3

He said Bloodborne reignited his inspiration and then he wanted to make DS3 just like it. Eat dicks.

Yhorm is actually surprisingly doable without storm ruler making the fight alot better imo, Wolnir and Wyvern are trash and will always be trash

They were though.

When I got to Amelia, I was like "oh another werewolf".

When I got to Paarl, I was like "oh another werewolf".

When I got to Blood starved I was like "oh another werewolf".

When I got to Gehrman I was like "oh another werewolf".

When I got to Ludwig I was like "oh another werewolf"

Well you encounter a lot of powerful souls but you need Lords of Cinder to link the flame
LoC are those who linked the flame before and still had some of the flame juice left
They don't have enough so you have to gather a few of them, use their combained juice to try and link the flame
You can see it in the second phase in each boss battle, where they let the flame within them surge out
But you don't see that in Lothric or anything to suggest that he's anything but a little boy with no real power

And you wander into all of their houses, it's not like you send them a letter you gonna stop by

But go ahead, use your "hurf durr" and "muh" again and ignore the other points I've made
Who's the autist now?

Well, knowing bloodborne and dark souls all around you can clearly see he was much more inspired doing BB over the other games, the amount of attention to detail in the game is brilliant.

Don't really care how he feels. The final result is what I'm actually playing.

Friendly reminder that Bloodborne was based wholesale on a movie from France.

>forgetting fucking Pontiff Sulyvahn