What the fuck was her fucking problem?

What the fuck was her fucking problem?

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Needed to have the crazy fucked out of her

She was in a terrible game.

Some might say she was the only sane one.


Terrible plot device character and overrated. Only thing she has going for her is she's really hot, but despite her nice boobs, her actual character betrays such as it's about as flat as Etna's chest. Of course, some people will try to argue otherwise, but they're delusional and have a nasal quality of speech.

Say it with me Sup Forumsirgins

She was bored.
Her talent was being able to analyze every situation to the point of knowing how things would go and how people would act, thus adjusting her actions to make things go as she wanted, but she became bored with it.
Despar was the only thing she couldnt analyze well enough, so it excited her so she looked for more, eventually making plans to cause it.

I move to second this, nominating myself.

despair n shiet

she woke

She was a living meme.

She's pretty stupid because despair isn't really hard to analyze.

Meme character

What does that even mean

It means whatever you want it to mean.

Have you read DR0? He alanyzation ability, together with her being able to manipulate people thanks to it, were almost on par with predicting the future for every single person involved months ahead.
Also, we're talking about an universe where luck, hope, and other non-skill related things are treated as abilities unique to some individuals, it's implied things don't work as they do irl.

Well thanks for clarifying. Here, have some Mikan tits.

After the Great Tragedy, nothing.
She was the only normal person in that universe
Fucking hopefags literally not knowing when to just call it a day.


And that's why danganronpa is fucking supid.

Oh yeah, I forgot we're talking about anime, where booty bump contests are treated like shounen quality action battles with lots more strategy than there really is. My bad.

Bitch needs a good fuck, I mean you could probably rape her and she'd enjoy it.

How dare a series be unrealistic, right?


>implying you'd get the chance
You'd be dead before you got your cock out, my dude.

>cared about everyone else more than himself
>always worked for the greater good
Daily reminder that komaeda did LITERALLY nothing wrong

Even trying to be altruistic, it's a selfish deed to feel better about yourself, to pat yourself on the back and feel like you're not trying to be selfish.

>3d, non paper Dangan Ronpa characters
how does this make you feel?

looks like shit

It's not wrong, but Jesus Christ his suicide was needlessly complicated and painful for him.

He was murdered by Chiaki,

it was clear he had issues and hated himself
maybe if they just treated him nicely he wouldn't have felt a need to resort to that

I knew what that was going to be before I even opened it.

I did not.

Because she was BORED? Wow. That just sounds like bitches and whores in real life. Then again, that's probably what she's modeled after, given what she looks like.

>needlessly complicated and painful
It was fucking awesome. I almost feel bad that his scheme didn't work.

But his scheme did work
his luck ensured that the best outcome occurred, even though it wasn't what he thought it was
He thought they were beyond saving so they should all die for the sake of the world, but it turned out they were able to be reformed

That's not consistent with her "character" though, don't bring up DR3 please

>Don't bring up what I don't like
Yeah your usual DR fan.

Mikan is best girl

