PSX 2016 info coming up!

PSX 2016 info coming up!

-The Wipeout Remaster is real with 4K and HDR support.
-Parappa the Rapper reboot will be announced
-Trailers for Ni No Kuni 2, Spider-Man, Days Gone, Horizon, and Death Stranding will be shown.
-The PlayStation All-Stars successor is real. Will play like Powerstone, holiday 2017 release date.
-Uncharted DLC will be about Sam and Sully
-Ton of 3rd party games will be getting PS4 Pro patches.
-New PSVR titles. One of them is a reboot of Colony Wars
-More independent Vita games and ports.
-PSN Name changes are happening Q1 next year for North America. First name change will be free then $10 after that.
-Bloodborne 2

That is pretty much all the big stuff that will be talked about. Hope this excites you guys!

Other urls found in this thread:

>More independent Vita games and ports

>One of them is a reboot of Colony Wars

Bout fucking time

Totally legit guys, my (((Insider))) at NeoFag told me!

Bloodborne 2 will never happen

>-The Wipeout Remaster is real with 4K and HDR support.
Studio Liverpool is dead, user.

>PSN Name changes are happening Q1 next year for North America.

Why? EU is keeping PS4 at the top while muricans are switching to Xbone.

Murifats should be treated 2nd class citizens

Another studio could just port a wipeout game though.

No news of a Vita successor?

>PlayStation All-Stars successor is real. Will play like Powerstone

So not gonna play like garbage unlike the first game. Sounds pretty good

>Parappa the Rapper reboot will be announced
Don't lie to me, user.

>-The Wipeout Remaster
8th gen was a mistake. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft should have all died after 6th gen.

project beast is literally bloodborne 2 you imbecile

How would you even bring back Parrapa?

My only guess is that it uses PSVR head movement as inputs.

I hope you're honestly not believing some random person on the internet

All i fucking want is a Medievil game

>Parappa is real

Nope, what terrible idea. Rhythm game with like 5 stages will not sell.

>More independent Vita games and ports
fuck indies and I highly doubt there'll be worthwhile ports coming out in 2017

I bet three things from this list are real.

>More independent Vita games and ports.

you had me going for a second there

Idk but I have a feeling the new Spider-Man game will be absolute garbage

oh yeah ni no kuni 2
so hyped for all the exclusives coming out for ps4, glad i got a ps4 pro

>-PSN Name changes are happening Q1 next year for North America. First name change will be free then $10 after that.

Anyone who thinks this is ever happening is delusional.

Bloodborne 2 and more info on Ni No Kuni 2 would be amazing

>Making garbage

you shut your whore mouth boy

sunset overdrive was pretty garbage. I can't remember another insomniac game being that bad

project beast was bloodborne 1 you dumb fuck

Death Stranding is gonna fucking flop guaranteed Kojima's only good game is the first MGS the rest are shit

Since this is essentially a PS4 thread what games is anyone picking up on the black friday deals. I kinda wanna grab Sniper Elite 3 and the new Hitman shit but I kinda wanna get Street Fighter 5 despite never playing SF before or GTA5 since I never finished it.

What should I do?

>colony wars

Fake. That series was as generic as it comes.

The Uncharted dlc was already announced. Try again.

Embarrassing and a newfag

Out of all the fucking dead franchises they want to revive they pick fucking Colony Wars?

Am I the only guy who liked the original PlayStation All-Stars?

yes, I really wanted to like it but I can't, the game is shit.

Sony won!


I'm just waiting for people to realize Kojima is retarded when given full control of a project.

Crash and Cloud better be fucking in PlayStation All-Stars this time

No real news about Ace Combat 7, OP can't even give me fake news...

>Ace Combat
Most useless franchise of all time

if this is true PSX will be fucking amazing

Why do these fucking posts always happen before conference time. Everyone knows how fake they are

Attention seekers.

Who the fuck wants a PaRappa game?

Who doesn't, I'd rather have a Lammy reboot though.

>PS4 pro

Nobody in their right mind would expect actual non-indie shit games to run at native 4K, it's 'capable' in the same way a gtx 970 is, poorly.

>name changes, first time being free
>ps all stars 2

Sure thing OP, totally gonna happen

I hope it's not, really. I would rather them save all they all, and literally cum in everyone's face in E3.

Please tell me these are not rumours, OP...I want to believe....

Why is the PS4 Pro such a HUEG clunky box?

Yeah bullshit detected here; unless its pixel indie shit or weeby DRPGs

Making new songs and characters? It's a simple game. It could have endless sequels.

Ehh, this all sounds more like E3 material instead of a smaller convention. There will most likely be trailers of already known games and new smaller title announcements.

PSX should be the convention for sony hype so I hope youre wrong user but I already know OP is bullshitting

>all these fake, hopeful threads

Enjoy your CoD and BF1 timed exclusive DLC and more remasters of shit from last generation that everyone has already played, fuckers.

True, but E3 get's more world wide recognition. Since Sony's E3 2016 was a huge win for Sony, they should be saving all the killer apps for E3's. More of a marketing perspective.

>Uncharted dlc about Sam and Sully
I know this is probably a fake """leak""" like usual, but i fucking want this bad