Shit, right?

Shit, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

probably but we'll still have a million threads about it

worth hoping it will be okay, but it probably won't be.

season 1: great
wolf among us: good
season 2: ehhhh?
borderlands: apparently okay but who the fuck cares about borderlands
game of thrones: we have a reached a new tier of garbage
minecraft: we have reached a new tier of garbage
batman: we have reached a new tier of garbage, but not as garbage as minecraft

>new tier but not as bad as minecraft
So its not a new tier then

you could say it's a new tier that fits snuggly between Minecraft and GoT

>borderlands: apparently okay but who the fuck cares about borderlands

>liked Wolf among us

You're a faggot. Wolf among us is ridiculously overrated, and the later episodes are absolute garbage. Tales from the borderlands is one of the best things Telltale has ever made. Also Batman is getting better

I don't expect much.

Kill yourself. TWAU was great

yeah but its about borderlands so who the fuck cares

the point of that list was that season 2 hasn't been nearly as bad as the recent output, so i have some hope

It released?

>the point of that list was that season 2 hasn't been nearly as bad as the recent output, so i have some hope
Season 2 was terrible, it would've flopped if it hadn't coasted off season 1's success

December 20th


Where's the baby?

Moar liek a New Pun Tier

Probably dies offscreen

Should I replay Season 2 to not kill Ken? He was being kind of a dick, but so was that angsty bitch.

Did nothing wrong

>bro,why u so angry lmao i just let the baby die
>clem chek his attitude lol he bouta go apeshit hahhhh

>borderlands: apparently okay but who the fuck cares about borderlands
It's incredible and devoid of memes. You owe yourself to play it.


The baby's cry...

How old is Clementine there?

still not legal

tales from the borderlands is the best telltale game by a country mile dude

Right here

13 or 14 I think.

Where's clem's left ring finger?

>raising a kid in a hopeless post-apocalyptic world

why do they do that ?

For Kenny.

Because biological imperative states that humanity will continue until there's literally no possibility for survival?

People managed to raise kids in prehistoric times, which were just as hopeless and brutal as most post-apocalyptic scenarios, so why couldn't they be raised in the post-apocalypse?

>letting the human race die off


Not a game either.

>graffiti of a gorilla-bulldog thing wearing a diaper

The people of Clem's world deserved their scourging.

No. White guy to control, hot chick. Perfect.


The guy is Hispanic

Telltale was great once, these days they're just lazy, after getting utterly dissapointed with GoT and Batman I decided I'll wait for all the episodes to be released and the game to be discounted.

>forcing that fucking awful baby on us again
>Clem yet again
>Telltale past TWD S1/TWAU
Yep, it'll be shit. I'll still play it, of course, but I'll probably just pirate it this time instead of giving TT my money.

>Stealing the cover art for Sleeping Dogs
What did telltale mean by this?

I just want Lee back. I would fucking love to play a prequel where I teach history, finding my bitch wife cheating on me, and then killing the senator (and my wife?).

Or maybe it's good that Lee is dead. Telltale managed to ruin Clem and Kenny for me with Season 2.

>Telltale Borderlands on sale for 1.50 on PSN
Should I get it?

I can't believe anyone would pick her but I chose not to shoot either.

I appreciated Kenny's loyalty going all the way back to Lee and he was the only trustworthy one in season 2 and he was right about everything. That being said, he clearly went through too much and it was affecting his mind so I had to say goodbye at the end.

Too bad you can't get rid of the fucking baby. Babies are one of my biggest pet peeves in entertainment. Annoying as fuck.

>I would fucking love to play a prequel where I teach history, finding my bitch wife cheating on me, and then killing the senator (and my wife?).

So basically Fear the Walking Dead by Telltale Games.

As someone who didn't even like Borderlands, yes.

I really could not give less of a fuck about Borderlands but Tales from the Borderlands is actually decent if you're into Telltale stuff.

I feel like I missed a lot of references though (because like half of them where about that pre-memequel game that I couldn't give a hot shit about).

It'll be hard to be as bad as season 2 was.
Is it as bad as season 2 was?

Telltale is even worse these days so I guess so.

>giving gearbox any money

>telltale game

Jesus christ, the only people who will actually play this is going to be just Youtubers trying to catch subscribers while people just watch their favorite e-celeb reacting to it

>kenny is not on the cover

Is like they are so incompetent that they are going to have Kenny killed or die of old age within the first 10 minutes just like they did with Christa at the beggining of S2

2K should give the Borderlands IP to Telltale so that Gearbox never touches it again.

you're a retard

>Is like they are so incompetent that they are going to have Kenny killed or die of old age within the first 10 minutes

You're retarded if you didn't realize that before the game was even announced, Kenny could live or die by the end of S2, of course he wouldn't be alive by S3.

>have Kenny killed or die of old age within the first 10 minutes
But Clementine already shot him

I'm kind of glad I realize people think season 2 was shit because that probably means the hate for the other ones I haven't played yet is probably just a trend.

fuck year new clem model

>i chose jane
>i'm a moralfag who resents rewinding


wolf among us got hacked to shit because everyone figured out the ending within the first episode and they had to rewrite it

borderlands was fucking awful

Batman showing off the new engine to be decent, but the main issue is that its poorly optimized for PC and the main issue with TT games in general is after 3 episodes into the first season of Walking Dead they got rid of any semblance of puzzles because retards somehow found them too hard

They were that stupid that the games became more of a VN than an actual adventure game.

>first thing you read when you boot up the game
>"your choices matter"
>"except that really important one at the end, we are going to retcon that"
>"Oh also, enjoy having people act like retards and then you having to decide in what way you will helplessly try to help them just to have them die anyway in 10 minutes"

Shit "games", shit company

>picking the glass eater with a record for abandoning people who lies and escalates the situation all the "prove a point"
srong with you

Baby is a liability and she never said it was dead. She just showed up without it.
>appreciated Kenny's loyalty going all the way back to Lee
If you didn't suck his dick every time then he left you to die in the pharmacy.

>New Clem model

>animations will still be janky as shit

I had his back in most cases and although he got butthurt when I tried to help Larry and saved Ben he still was chill about it.

The "score" he talks about is not just in choices but also the dialogue. Dont be a dick to him and he'll be okay. On the other hand if you play it right you can stand up to him at the end and tell him to get his head out of his ass and that sometimes makes him see reason if the score is close.

True. I guess I mostly forgot about that and just thought it was nice seeing a familiar face but maybe it was just my playthrough but he got along well bro-tier with Lee towards the end of S1.

*heavy breathing*

>He didn't start Lee out as fast friends with Kenny only to slowly drift apart after Kenny kills Larry, loses his family and tries to beat you up, only to redeem himself to save Ben
>He didn't tear up when seeing Kenny again but noticing he isn't the same
>He didn't shoot Kenny because he had finally lost it and wanted Kenny to not have to suffer

How the fuck is Clem fully black.

No seriously, you look at season 1 and look at their family portrait her folks are dark as fuck.

If you don't shoot Kenny he doesn't lose it. I got the ending where we both fucked off innawoods.

Of course it's shit.

They're doing pretty well for themselves

If you shoot Kenny he tells you it's alright. If you don't shoot Kenny, he also tells you it's alright. It's almost as if he loves you and has always been looking out for you, no matter what.

>Kenny lost it

If this is what the game wanted me to think then it did a terrible job. All it showed me is that every other character besides Clem and Kenny (That is alive when the baby thing starts) is a fucking liar and a coward

There is nothing that Kenny did that was different from anything he has done since you first met him. So he was either crazy to begin with or he isn't crazy.

>there are people in this thread right now that think Wolf Among Us was anything but the best Telltale game ever made
>inb4 "We guessed the ending guys! We made them change it bad game" when the real twist ending is 100x better than the shitty 'butler did it' theory Sup Forums conjured up

Tales from Borderlands would have gotten it, but it really fell flat after episode 2

Only TWD S1 and BTTF were good desu

In retrospective Season 2 was fucking shit and absolutely devoid of actual gameplay but only fooled me becuase my burning love for /OurGuy/ Kenny "Big Boat", even if season 3 where to include him i'll have to stop myself from getting it.

TWAU was shit with writing like a 13 year old girl wrote it.

>kenny's plan in season 1 is to find a boat
>he finds a boat
>he fixes the boat
>the boat is ready to go
>several years later faggots continue mocking him for "muh boat"
>even after his completely successful wellington plan in season 2

Clear image from TellATale site

>butler did it
No dumbass, it was "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". You see the ginger fuck several times in the first episode. It was painfully obvious to anyone.

And the twist wasnt even a twist, Georgie killed her, but only because he was ordered to by the Crooked Man and those stupid fucking ribbons were a retarded idea in the first place holy shit talk about poor business decisions.

your mom is shit like a 13 year old girl wrote her

>You see the ginger fuck several times in the first episode. It was painfully obvious to anyone.
That model is just used randomly. Even appears twice at the same time.

What is this disgusting hybrid of realistic and cartoony graphics? Why didn't they just double down on making the game look like a comic book?

Based Kenny better be in S3 I swear to fucking god

I don't even get where the boat joke comes from. They HAD a boat and they could've used it if it hadn't been for Ben being useless and Lee getting bit because suddenly walkers are silent and attack you within miliseconds

>want to let the baby die as soon as possible
>realize that Kenny will eventually find out and would kill you over it

>477917 ▶
>Based Kenny better be in S3 I swear to fucking god
>Expecting your choices to matter



>the Michonne miniseries even features a group of people who live on a boat

Close as we're gonna get with this brown man agenda

>forcing Kenny into another game

I like him well enough, but he really doesn't need to be in the story anymore. It was already enough of a stretch that he came back in S2, but S2 ended with either dead Kenny or Kenny completing his life's mission. At least bring in someone new to be right all the time.

so where's kenny at

The twist is that it was all orchestrated by Donkeyskin girl you fucking moron. It's obvious if you use your brain to piece together the mountain of clues they left you at each crime scene. The last choice is literally "go after her" and you have flashbacks to all the clues she left you.

The reason it has the best writing out of any telltale game is because the game DOESN'T bluntly tell you the twist ending. You have to figure it out like a real detective novel.

This is why good games can't be made anymore. Telltale re-uses a model a couple times and suddenly OH SHIT IT WAS RED HERRING THE WHOLE TIME PACK IT UP BOYS.When there's no explanation for how that would even be possible. Because every tard on earth thinks they're a genius because they have a 5 minute memory.

I don't know about that but Batman has gone full blown retard

I think Game of Thrones is still worse

> walking dead: first time playing a game like that and really enjoyed it
> wolf Amon us: best of the lot
> borderlands: enjoyed it as a whole but remember not liking one of the chapters
> game of thones: liked the Men foresters story but hated all the TV show inputs. Let Asher die btw.
> batman: so far so good but I only play when I'm completely wasted on Jack Daniels.

>non-loli Clem

is the girl on hte left gonna grow a dick? how much more manly can she get ?

He talked directly to Snow and Bigby in the first episode.

I'll make my decision of getting it based off whether the second half of Batman is good.

So far it's decent. Not great, but I was genuinely shocked that the villain was fucking Vicki Vale of all people. I do also sort of like the path they're taking Harvey on in becoming Two-Face, since it's not as fast or as overboard as the shit the Dark Knight did.

Does Harvey act any differently in the most recent episode if you actually bothered to save him instead of Selina? I assumed he was doomed either way so I didn't bother.

>Kenny's loyalty going all the way back to Lee

Fuck Kenny and his self-centered ass. He was only loyal if you constantly sided with him. If you ever challenged his opinion or suggested anything else, he hated you and held a grudge til the damn finale.

>There are people who think the mermaid was the mastermind and Donkeyskin was really dead