FFXV - Final Fantasy XV must sell 10 million copies to break even

We're all dealing with the reality that this isn't the game we were looking forward to 10 years ago. There's a reason Square pressed that emergency FFVII remake button.

Is there any way this game can POSSIBLY sell 10 million copies? I seriously doubt it, expect only die hards to buy it early, almost all critics will pan the game, it will barely sell and become the only game in the series to have a worse reputation than FFXIII.

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Is 10 million even feasible? What games can pull this number?

Apparently, Final Fantasy VII has sold over 11 million units over the span of, what, 18 years?

>Is there any way this game can POSSIBLY sell 10 million copies?


Certainly not some weebshit boy band game in a dead franchise

>Overwatch and several other games are on discount for Black Friday
>Square Enix is releasing FFXV after Black Friday
Good luck with that. At least I'm helping out the cause.

And they intend to pull that number with only the console crowd? Lel.

Burn every single copy

i'd typically boycott such a garbage title, but i have a collectors edition to scalp

There are the rare games like Tetris, Wii Sports, Diablo, Grand Theft Auto and other games that become top best sellers, but it's never a JRPG, let alone one that's panned across the board.

>Apparently, Final Fantasy VII has sold over 11 million units over the span of, what, 18 years?

Yeah this game represents arguably the most gigantic cash sink in the history of the Square Enix.

Jesus Christ, I didn't even think of the time. Combine this with all the negative press everywhere about the game, Conan's angry review... I almost feel bad for them. But I am glad I cancelled my preorder.

Rockstar games. Which is who everyone wants to be and why everything is moving to open world

>needs 10 million to be successful
>OP interprets this as break even
Im starting to vomit from even being on this board. Even the threads are clickbait. Its pathetic.

GTA V sold 30 million, it doesn't need GTA V numbers.


Don't they have a million and one different side shits related to it? Anime, movie, side games, merchandise, etc.

Pretty sure they'll make a profit no matter what.

Still a really shitty looking game.

God I fucking love girls butts. If I were a cannibal I would eat ass 24/7

they can easily reach 10m with the ps4

I remember when Dead Space 3 had to sell 5 million copies to break even.

Is the sauce on this reliable?

Because if it is RIP Squeenix

square is so fucking dead. can't wait to see it flop.

all of that would be considered marketing. merchandising wouldn't be considered actually part of the sales of the game, as you could release figures of the cast of Final Fantasy 1 and have that shit sell out

Is he joking, it wont sell 1/4 of that, counting the fanboys that buy 2 copies.

i can see 6 million at the most
its not going to see well on xbone at all

not a single one has sold more than 10 million on a single console according to vgchartz

Negative press? I saw none of that, and who goes to a normie for game reviews anyway lol? That guy is obviously using games as a base to make his jokes, he doesn't care about games.

I'm not defending FFXV, but I intend to buy it when it comes to the pc, seems chill as fuck m8, none of that feminized western bullshit too, just bros chilling and shit.

One of the best black friday discount periods in years, too.

Lots of recent stuff for half off or more.
They better have accepted it won't recoup its money.

About fucking time they died.

Why Square didn't create a regular, low-budget and fun to play rpg inspired by games like Wizardry instead of this high-budget abomination?

itll sell 2 million tops in the first month, and max out around 3.5 mil

I'm so happy this is going to flop badly.


So video games want Rockstar numbers and movies want Marvel Studios numbers.

What the hell happen to this industry?! Cant we have good thing without being a god damn competition?

It will do better than 13. So I'd say a life time sales of 6-7 million

cuz these island gooks are dumb as hell. they even found ways to make sleeping dogs unprofitable. SLEEPING DOGS.

how do you even ask a cosplayer for this type of photo?

Because they didn't think it would take ten years to finish for some reason and the constant changes and redos ran away with the budget.

They are too focused on making their games FINAL FANTASY PRETTY to look at rather than games first. That was what killed ff xiii.

>mfw the article is real

>There is absolutely no way FFXV is going to sell as much as the most popular JRPG of all time. I can respect Square Enix for having lofty and ambitious goals for their game, but this is well outside the realm of reality. Consider that popular games like The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid V sold five and six million each, respectively. FFXV would have to meet the sales of games like Grand Theft Auto V or Call of Duty. Again, that isn’t going to happen.

>still trying to make excuses

This game has been in development for 10 fucking years. It's the most expensive project in the history of the company. Their most popular game ever has sold 11 million copies after 20 years. They've shoved out as much bullshit, anime, movies to promote it and no one wants to buy any of their overbudgeted, no direction shit. all the reviews of the game have panned it, there isn't a single positive review. the game has already been leaked and their's spoilers everywhere: it's shit.

yes it's real.

Square essentially shot themselves in the foot and just kept pulling the trigger.

GTA V sold 70 million.

Games that can surpass 10 million units sold: Elder Scrolls, Super Mario, GTA or RDR, Blizzard games, Pokemon.

Nothing else has a chance.

I just can't wait for the reviews to hit.

Well, maybe not the day 1 reviews, but those "what we think NOW" shit many websites do now.

The AAA industry may be crashing and burning, but by god I'm going to have a good laugh at it

>SE still thinks they are some kind of god developer and that marketing a game to the extreme means it will be good
It was funny in the past but now it's just sad. They're going to lose so much money if they keep doing this and I'd like at least one more Drakengard game before they die for good.

you have to be that one 6'4" ripped alpha male at the anime con slaying nerd pussy left right and center

I think Battlefront sold 14 million.

Show them your bulge and if it's big enough they'll bend over voluntarily

Not been too happy from what I've seen in streams. I can't even trust positive reception anymore either since games like No Man's Sky had pretty positive talk before launch.

Guess I'll just skip it.

The only reason 15 didn't get cancelled was due to them wanting to recoup SOMETHING on it.

They know they are going to lose money on it.

I doubt that would happen. They still have several games on the way, and teens eat up Kingdom Hearts releases. They have several being (re)released in 2017.

because Bravely D/S only sold about 3 million total

>bloodborne sold 2m
really makes you think...

Rockstar games, casual Nintendo games/Pokemon, and annually released FPS trash.

The new Battlefront thanks to the EA/Gisnep devil-duo, collector-bux and creepy escapism-marketing.

you're one of her girlfriends also cosplaying as a slut.

after the con you go have a lesbian 3some.

So you don't even think any of FFVII remakes will break 10 million too?

AA development died early in the last console generation. The last big-name release I played that felt like the sort of niche title I'd sink dozens of hours on was The Wonderful 101.

The only nintendo games that sell that high anymore are ones that come packed in with the system or are shilled on oprah.

Honestly? It's easier than you think. Girls are almost always attention whores and they they put that much effort into an outfit they'll do dumb stuff like this to look sexy and in their heads they'll be justifying it as, "This is just a joke" or "Hopefully I become famous from this".

You could TOTALLY lie to them and say you have a blog, and you could easily make one, and they'd be much more willing to do something like this.

what a cute girl

I don't know. That was at a time where Japan had a relevant console market and the Xbox still dabbled in JRPGs.

Both of those are dead for the most part. Seems like it will mostly rely on America and Europe.

>implying PC buys games

>become the only game in the series to have a worse reputation than FFXIII.

underage b&

2 and 8 are the worst, 15 is quickly climbing to third if not second place there.

I love cosplay sluts more than I love 2D. What a good site for cosplay whores?

>ywn have a cute kill la kill gf
Someone put me out of this misery

They made 1 million back on their 25 million dollar movie. The anime is free too.

The only thing I can really see saving them are those mobile games.

Possibly, but that's the only thing square has that can break 10 million in the foreseeable future .

All 3 episodes won't break 10 million unless people absolutely love them.

70 millions units sold, plus all money they got from the online. Holy shit.
They better make GTA VI one of the best games of all times with all that jewgold they have.

Just so you know, the entire japanese industry is at stake here.
Seriously, if FFXV flops, it's going to be the end of an era, and japs will start moving on to smartphones even faster.

Considering it's being released episodic-- No. The first part will sell around 3-5 million, and there will be dramatic drop offs after each subsequent release. I see all of the episodes of the FF7 remake selling around 7-8.5 million copies.

I love this pic. I'd bury my face in that Mako's butt and worship her butthole for hours.

Never ever PCuck

isnt that good for a ds game?

How could this even happen?
Is this company run by adults or children?
I mean how do you manage to fuck up that much on a management level?

>tfw ywn be a cute slutty cosplay girl

It can easily sell more than that.

Pokemon does those numbers.


it blew expectations out of the water. but its not Cawadooty numbers so they don't care.

despite the success of BD in the west, they gutted the team of Bravely Second and it was developed on a skeleton crew. whether BS lives up to its predecessor is up to another thread

Lies, heard it all before. Square failing isnt new, they do it all the time.

Bloodborne sold 2.5 million copies in a year without a significative discount ($40 at its cheapest).
Meanwhile Dark Souls PTDE sold 2 million after four years, being on discount multiple times (to the point where it has been sold as part of humble bundles).

Think before shitposting, PCretin

>s-s-stop laughing, that's not what we meant, baka gajiins

Mario, no? Super Mario Galaxy was never a pack in and I believe it broke 10mil.

I used to be a famous rule34 artist and I got so much cosplay pussy because of it.
>yeah I'll draw you, wanna come to my place?
I made the fatal mistake of getting steady with one of them though. 2,5 years down the shitter and my appartment a mess, my bank account empty and my online presence massively reduced because of depressions I got back when it was over.
But the pussy game was out of this world.

Successful and breaking even aren't the same thing. A game breaking even would be considered a failure for AAA company

it was a staple on the most popular console ever made to that date

did the ps2 pass the wii ever?

Not when every human's life goal is to end up on top, sip margaritas in Hawaii, and do everything humanly-possible to keep it there.

>still trying to make excuses

How is it an excuse to point out that OP is a faggot for reading "success" as "break even" ?

Go on, I'd like to hear this one.

I haven't seen anything but positive reception though, where are you seeing pans?

i agree this is probably the only thing that will sell 10 mil...i think xv wont get close....but they will reuse the engine over and over again for like kingdom hearts so in the end it might be worth it?

>showing off about banging average girls in shitty outfits

They had their time. Jap games are embarrassingly bad recently. They've all lost their vision long ago and the virgin otaku pandering is too much to handle nowadays. Even Ys is ruined. I'll miss Japan time but they need to be put down for a while.

It's a Japanese thing, probably rooted in samurai code. Shikata ga nai.

maybe they need to hire a better fortune teller

"Hello, you and your friend look beautiful. I run a cosplay blog and I'd love to get some sexy shots of the two of you if that would be okay?"

What are you talking about?

The PS2 had already hit 140 million when the Wii came out, and the Wii ended at a pretty round 100 million, along side the PS1.

10mil is the number it needs to sell for Tabata to be released from his cell in thr SE dungeon

t. I don't understand how bankruptcy works
Those games and assets will be sold and Disney will buy them up

Where do you live and how old are you? Did you travel for conventions a lot?

Fucking a cosplay girl is one of those things high on my bucket list, but where I love there's only like one major convention a year. I'm also 23 and I feel like a lot of convention goers are pretty young like mid to late teens. Not to mention 90% of them are disgusting whales and the 10% that aren't are paranoid as fuck of guys talking to them. Is it true they tend to have those weird as fuck afterparties where it's a bunch of desperate nerds fucking?

Calling this a dead franchise is retarded. This isn't Uncharted, where the same game is remade again and again with the same characters and mechanics. That's the joke about FF, each game can literally be whatever the fuck it wants.

You forgot

>Butt inspector; I nred to chrck your butts.

>never a Jrpg
>not Pokemon

>"episodic" releases
>always online forced into single player
>micro-transactions galore!
Go fuck yourself Squeenix!

Not him, but you sound jelly m8

you have to not have a creeper appearance for this to work. having a woman with you also helps immensely cut your creepy factor down

find yourself a similarly aged bi/lesbian girl who wants to take advantage of cosplaying attention whores and let her clothe and pose them like dolls

>break even
That's not what they said.

Anyway, it's not gonna happen.

>GTA V sold 70 million.
Good goy, believing Take Two's usual lies.