Like it or not SV was better than the other SK games previously before it.
Versus was the best thing to happen to Senran Kagura
Other urls found in this thread:
Yumi is literally perfect.
This becoming a franchise was a mistake
Yumi is a mistake
I want to put a mistake inside Yumi.
I'm gonna marry Yumi!
Yumi was God's gift to the world.
You can't marry MY wife.
Yumi is my wife.
snek and yumi
My Nigga.
Where will you be when Valkyrie Drive inevitably becomes a franchise and will outdo everything Senran Kagura did and make the girls look like born again Christians?
I'm going to marry Miyabi!
That's not really hard when the game that came before it was burst. Not actually a bad game but the framerate is horrendous.
In a universe where VD isn't a pile of shit, presumably.
Oh yeah, sure, it had slightly better gameplay. That's it. You being a smug piece of shit won't change it OP.
>brought in the overpriced DLC
>sold Rin and Daidouji as DLC
>too many new girls at once when the previous ones still haven't gotten a sufficient amount of development
>flanderization ensues
>everyone plays too much of the same with the mash mash bullshit
>sold the most and Marvelous cannot figure out for the life of them why and now thinks they've got a new Monster Hunter on their hands
>brought in the cancerous vita fanbase on Japan's side
>way too much lewd and nowhere near enough cute
is that legal?
I wanna be dominated by Ryoubi!
>like the design of Miyabi
>think the white hair/dark wings combo looks pretty good
>even her super form in Estival looks nice
>give her another try in Shinovi Versus
>her playstyle is just disappointing
Perhaps I'm a bit set in my ways and preferences at this point, but I prefer characters who have a bit of range and crowd control. Miyabi just... hits stuff, and not even all that well. She's better than the slow short-range charge characters (Katsuragi, Yozakura) at least to play, but she just didn't stand out all that well in SV. Which is a shame.
>too much lewd
I will never get over how fucking stupid Sup Forums is. This is a game about titty ninjas beating each other naked. Marketed with slogans like "tits are life". And Sup Forums cries because it's lewd. That's like buying Mortal Kombat and bitching because there's blood.
That's why I'm hoping there will be a sequel to this.
What's the bet we're getting some kind of VD cameo in Senran Kagura at some point?
Oh don't give me that shit. I like the tits. What I'm talking about is the direction the art took. Lewd is fine, just find a balance between it and cute art, which they didn't.
You seem to be confusing SV and NW.
Am I? Because I sure as hell don't remember the promo art being so damn lewd and borderline porn like it is with PBS.
Expect VD characters being DLC on PBS.
A Mana cameo would be nice.
I don't even understand your point anymore. PBS has nothing to do with your claim that SV ruined the series and raped your dog.
>button masher with bad framerate to watered down musou
Hardly an improvement.
>Trying to have a serious story
>In a game where everyone looks like they have testicle cancer of the breast
fucking lol
Fuck it, it's late and I shouldn't have bothered with starting a potential argument in the first place.
What I was saying was that after SV it seemed like the new fans wanted them to crank up the lewdness with the art and dakis, which they did and now we have this lopsided amount lewd and cute.
Except the 3DS games were much better.
Even Valkyrie Drive is better
I think all the games are about equal, except Burst because it looked too bad and the movement looked too bad for a fanservice game in my opinion. Didn't help that I played SK2 first though.
SK2 really jumps you out of no-where if you're used to the versus games. It's the one SK game that definitely lets you know it's not going to be a pushover (with the exception of BA above easy).
My first SK game was SK2.
shinovi versus certainly fixes the camera and gameplay, but its lacking lots of features sk2 had.
and then we got estival versus which is a like a beach party spinoff of shinovi with a multiplayer focus.
and then peach beach splash which is a spinoff of estival versus with water gun combat.
next real senran game when? i wouldn't be surprised if the next game is an idol raising sim because its certainly not senran anymore.
Go away Japan and take your shit taste elsewhere.
I want to marry Daidouji