Which Final Fantasy game had the best ending?

With XV's ending being leaked a couple days ago (and to be honest I didn't think it was bad at all, but whatever), I wanted to ask what you guys think is the best Final Fantasy ending.

I'd personally go with IX. I liked everything about it, including the Squall and Cloud references. I nearly cried when this song youtu.be/QvY6Gs-_qOY?t=1m20s hit the 1:20 mark.

Which ending did you guys like the most?

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One of the greatest final boss settings ever.

Though I still don't agree with Zidane rescuing Kuja.

>completely forgotten about after disc 1
>ambiguous end where Fratley never regains his memory and the Burmecians fate is unknown
Being Freya is suffering.

>literal after-party in the credits
>happily ever after post-credits kiss
Couldn't get more closure than that.

>biggest fear is being forgotten
>game immediately forgets about her

Its a shame Kuja did not just have another form or something to be the final boss. Necron came out of fucking nowhere never being mentioned or even being foreshadowed before hand. Other final bosses have done this but not to the extent Necron did.

FF1 had the best ending, nice and simple.

Did they ever explain what happened to sir Fratley back in the day?

He just shows up in game one day, says he can't remember shit, then him and Freya fall in love in like disc 4.

Why not? They're brothers and Zidane's really big on altruism

also yes IX has the best story and ties everything up really well.

Freya reunites with Fratley
Steiner and Beatrix end up together
Zidane and Garnet end up together
Vivi's bittersweet ending
Quina getting what it wants
Amarant finds some resolve and most likely fucks Lani every night
Eiko ends up becoming a part of a family

Can any other FF compete?

I would go with V. It's just a regular happy ending with a few bitter tones here and there, but after the ride to get there it felt very warranted. That, and the particular plot point of the Crystals regenerating to contain the Void from the shards you've been carrying around the entire game was a nice last-second plot twist that even felt like it had some logic behind it.

The ending from VI and IX are really nice too, the latter entirely because Vivi is a wonderful character.

X was literally perfect. Hell even that lil teaser at the end when Tidus swims up.

>Zidane ends up with by far the worst girl in the game

Pretty depressing desu

They were lovers but Fratley left to train but went missing.
Freya left her post in Burmecia and had been looking non stop for him for years before FFIX starts.
It's unknown what actually happened to Fratley, Square forgot to finish her arc.

Why are Dragoons always the ones to suffer?

Japan hates spears and spear users with a fucking passion, it stems from their neverending hatred of China.

Best ending is easily X, at least until X-2 shat all over it.

Worst ending would be VII, which sucks since it's my favorite.

>With XV's ending being leaked a couple days ago

I stop checking this board for like four days and this happens. How the hell that got a leak anyway?

does japan hate ff7 cid?


you better quit talking shit about Garnet Til' Alexandros XVII

she's best FF girl

I don't know if it's worded differently in the original NES version, but at least in the Dawn of Souls version for GBA, the ending in I took a really ominous note for me.
I more or less saw it as a continuation of the time loop, with the way the starting screen and the ending being put together meaning that after beating Chaos and coming back, the party arrives back in Corneria at the beginning of the game, where they go fight Garland and start the entire thing all over again.

I actually like Necron. Wether accidental or not, I see his appearance in the game as very appropriate.
All throughout the franchise, whenever anyone tries tampering directly with the Crystals or subvert them it ends up summoning some incarnation of the Void to come and try to reset the world back to zero. It happened in III with the Cloud of Darkness, and it happened in V with the Void overtaking ExDeath. It felt appropriate that a game with so many nods to earlier games like IX would have something similar happen again, what with Kuja causing world-destroying explosions all over its resting place and whatnot.


His name makes him immune, the modern western audience will loathe him though with him pushing Shera around.

Sounds like the Japs are a bunch of butthurt pussies who need to get over problems they started a hundred years ago.

they love Dragoons,they got an entire fucking expanion in FFXIV and they're in XV

Freya's story was sold pretty well,it's not the best story in the game,but it does explain that Fratley went missing,does show up somewhat randomly around Disc 2,disappears until Disc 4 where Freya and Fratley start talking again

Whether or not they actually fell in love with each other again is up for debate,but the fact of the matter is that Freya and Fratley basically got a mulligan on the relationship,romantic or otherwise.

And that's good enough

Speaking of that, who did Vivi have kids with? And damn that little nigga must have been horny, he had like 9 or 10 or some shit

In their defence the whole of east Asia hates them back.
It's a tsundere region where China wants rips off Jap tech and Japs love Romance of the 3 kingdoms/Musou

Isn't it the opposite? I was under the impression that for most of japanese history spears [alongside bows] were considered patrician weapons and the samurai class were primarily trained to wield them effectively, with swords being relegated as a second class weapon up until some point of the late 19th, early 20th century when the entire thing was turned on its head for propaganda purposes and the samurai were reinvented as the honorabru wariohs they are seen as today.

Yeah, one moment that really stood out to me was the very quick montage during Yuna's speech talking about all of their memories. X really did have a great ending.

Worst taste. VIII and IX offer the best closure.

>Squall getting lost in time. Balamb after-party. Hotdogs. Makeout sesh.

>Zidane not being dead. Garnet turning linebacker to get to him.

>wandering Lindblum castle because you hear singing
>using pickles to sneak past border customs guards
>trying to steal a fairy flute from an ogre
>traveling to a city of eternal night to play cards

the greatest adventure.

Treno was awesome

Vivi didn't have kids with anyone

After Vivi learned about how black mages are made using the mist from the Iifa tree and they're predetermined lifespan.While the story is vague,after dealing with Black Waltz 3,the black mage children that are seen in the end are other black mage prototypes that were never under Kuja's influence,and much like Vivi,gained sentience all on their own.They're not his direct children,but they're just more copies of him

For me they would be 6, 7 and 10 for best endings
8 was nice with the scenes and songs but the fact that it ends in a time loop bugs me enough not to say it is one of the best

Holy fuck I gave up and just killed that thing. My party had auto regen and were pretty high leveled by the time I reached him so I sat there for 30 minutes or so just steal>steal>steal>steal and fucking gave up and smashed him.

I then went and check online to see if anyone had to deal with the same shit and it turns out he's actually notoriously hard to steal from.

Even as a child who thought it was gay at the time, I cried.

IX has my favorite ending. It felt like a rewarding/earned fairytale good ending and it gave all the characters closure. With some headcanon before that you had everything in Memoria and Crystal World tying the until then frivolous callbacks to the theme of memories (They survived to the next worlds through the Crystal), the creepy Prelude remix in Crystal World and Necron as the the Anti-Crystal, as Anti-Final Fantasy and as the Void for a final boss for the entire series. The stakes the highest they've ever been. The end of the traditional FF era. The buildup and climax is palpable.

The ending feels so right and naturally so. If one were to play only a single Final Fantasy, it should be this one just for the ending.

My opinion on endings:

IX > VI > XIII-2 > V > III > BCVII > VII > DoCVII > X > IV > I > XII > VIII > X-2 > II > LRXIII > CCVII > XIII

>Squall getting lost in time. Balamb after-party. Hotdogs. Makeout sesh.

What's so great about that? Granted I never got that far since I dropped the game halfway through.

>Zidane not being dead. Garnet turning linebacker to get to him.

I guess, even though the final boss was out of place.

I like VII but the ending was rushed as fuck.

>DoC above anything

Really nigga? Though it's refreshing to see someone else who hates CC's overbloated, melodramatic ending.

ffx had the best ending, every other is forgettable

X the one where you cast life and win the game this is the best?

Just like Tidus?

I liked the ending of XIII because a single line of dialogue in it made it crystal clear that both XIII-2 and LR were completely, absolutely unecessary and it could very well have worked as a self-contained story with no need for further elaboration. But the writers simply didn't notice it.

So what is FF15 ending theme? I really hate this Wpop shit

VII itself had the Holy kills everyone ending (possibly not), which makes sense. VII beginning and ending with Aerith by the floating green balls adds to the mystique. Maybe she foresaw it vaguely? I just like the ambiguity. The Planet was the main story anyway and it fittingly chose in the end. The characters had gone through their growth already. I got what I wanted out of it. I know some don't agree.

>Really nigga?

It brought Vincent to an emotional* understanding with Lucrecia and since the whole game is about his hangups on her, it manages to bring it to a close, succeeding at its main job.

*) Meaning non-rational. I find this in particular curious for me personally, since I certainly can't empathize with Vincent's feelings on the matter, and I think no one can, because my brain says that he did nothing wrong. He just comes off as the greatest beta in the series. Yet I find it endlessly fascinating, that it seems to make some fucked up emotional sense for him, that I can sort of follow.

I don't remember how FF10 ended. I remember the final fight, against jecht and his pillars, and then against Yevon and then fighting all of your Aeons, but I don't remember what happens after the fight ends.

The song that OP posted actually plays just as Luna is resting her head on the throne.

>a single line of dialogue in it

Which was?

It's when the entire party turns into Crystal and Fang is just standing there freaking out completely, only for a minute or so later they all to reveal themselves as being back to normal.

She asks how the hell that could have happened, and the response she gets is
>Who knows? Maybe this all could just be more fal'cie smoke and mirrors

And I found that actually rather clever because in a single line you realize that you spent the entire game dancing at the tune of a compulsive liar who tricked you all at every possible turn and had a VERY clear interest in making you believe that he and his ilk were in complete control of the situation from the beginning and there's nothing you could possibly do to escape it. Except at that moment you realize "wait, these bitches can't even kill themselves, who is to say they really ARE really in control as they say they are?"

And at that moment I just felt that the chink in the armor that that doubt created made everything else about the plot irrelevant. We didn't need two more games exploring greater deities and Etro and Bhunivelze and why the crystal transformation didn't stick and whatnot. All that was necessary at that point was to know that the fal'cie were complete liars, and nowhere near as omnipotent as they spent all game pretending to be. And once you know about that, who cares about whatever gods they're after.

"Looks like this really is the Final Fantasy 13"
I wish I had a screencap of it

You must've played a pirated version

Mine was "I guess this really was the Final Fantasy (tm) XIII (c)(r)"

>Party turns to crystal
>Party uncrystallizes
>What happened?
>Lol I dunno :P
That is the super great line? A line that needed a sequel to explain it and it ended up being a literal Deus Ex Machina? All I have to say is


It all stems from Kain. He's the trope names for the Lancer trope square is fond of reusing.

Apart from the fact that Ultimecia is still coming.

No user, it's exactly the other way around. The XIII line and Fabula Nova Chrystalis was way too focused on exploring every single aspect of the lore it had created to exhaustion. If anything else that line just serves as a reminder that all of that explanation was just entirely unecessary.

Think of that, we didn't get two more games of V just to explain how the crystals reformed. Nor two more games of VI to explain how Kefka absorbed the power of the statues. Or of how Zidane escaped the Ilfa Tree. Or Ultimecia or Jenova's backstory. Or any other number of plot elements in the other games of the franchise that were simply obscured or not addressed by the end. And none of these games are significantly worse for it. Well maybe VIII is.

And thanks to Toriyama's cinematic fanfiction-o-vision, XIII, as an extremely closed-scope game that cared very little for its world when compared to just the endless wailing of its characters, could very well have just focused on their dealings with the fal'cie now that they had spent 80 hours crying about their problems and just ignore the rest.

I'd take a Deus Ex Machina over two more XIII games any day of the week

No matter how you spin it in the end they still used a Deus Ex Machina to justify the ending, that is not a good thing

>Nor two more games of VI to explain how Kefka absorbed the power of the statues
You know, the difference between this and FF13 ending is that it was established that such a thing would happen before even if we don't know the specifics, while 13's deal is a complete contradiction of stuff we had seen before just to give the game a happy ending
Suspension of disbelief is a thing but you cannot take it too far like the ending in 13 did because most people will call bullshit

I agree that not every single detail needs to be explained in detail or else stuff loses is mystique, but using something out of completely nowhere that contradicts everything the characters have seen themselves is not a good thing, especially when it's used to tie up the story

>and to be honest I didn't think it was bad at all, but whatever
Are you retarded or shitposting?

That wasn't a Deus Ex Machina though.

>Bartandelous is revealed to be an illusionist
>Constantly used illusions to try an trick the players
>Game shows that Bartandelous shot magic on the characters to make it look like they failed their focus
>Turned back to normal because they broke the illusion spell
>Lightning reiterates what they said before the final battle about Bartandelous using smoke and mirrors

FF13-2 is a paradox that is basically an alternate storyline.

>Crystallized people last ages stuck in the crystal and Vanille and Fang know that first hand
>The others get crystallized for a second and Serah and Dahj conveniently uncrystallize right on time with them on the same spot to have a happy reunion
>just smoke and mirrors bro
No, it is plot convenience, aka a Deus Ex Machina

viii and x. If you want to count it, xi's ending is quite good too.

>Crystallized people last ages stuck in the crystal and Vanille and Fang know that first hand

No, they said that the characters eventually wake up. How long that takes is an X factor

>The others get crystallized for a second and Serah and Dahj conveniently uncrystallize right on time with them on the same spot to have a happy reunion

Again, they never specified HOW LONG the crystallization lasts. We just know that they eventually wake up.

>just smoke and mirrors bro
That wasn't the smoke and mirrors part dumb ass. The illusions and the fact that the characters SEEMINGLY turned into Ceith were the illusions.

But VII could have had an explanation or two explaining the backstory of Jenova and the ancients. Instead Square said "Nah fuck that, let's just keep milking Cloud and Sephiroth that's what the fans want lol. Hell let's even throw in another Sephiroth except colored red ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL"

>No, they said that the characters eventually wake up. How long that takes is an X factor
They established that time in the crystal isn't always the same but it still takes a long ass time every time

We weren't discussing the bit with Barthandelus and if it really was an illusion or not, even the characters don't know for sure and it is unclear, but the ending itself
Not sure why you brought up that bit in the first place

But exactly how long isn't established. Fang and Vanille were crystalized for a long ass time due to the major thing they did (blew up a hole in Cocoon and whipped out all people on Grand Pulse)

But that's not what happened in FF13's main cast. They didn't do the big thing. Fang and Vanille did. So it stands to reason that their crystalization is nowhere near as long.

The dream ends, the tired fayth can finally sleep, Tidus dissapear, Yuna spearhead Spira in a new wave of hope

VIII's ending was brilliant

>the explanation of the time loop and the inevitability of fate
>Squall lost in time
>All that symbolism
>All that consistent characterization (he can't quite find it in himself yet to connect with others, but he's going to force himself to try and his friends literally meet him halfway)
>That after party
>that callback to the SeeD inauguration where all this started
>All building up to Squall's first smile since his childhood

X and XI's (Rhapsodies of Vana'diel) were great too.

>That double meaning speech with the developers talking through Iroha, thanking your character in-universe for saving the world, but also thanking the player in reality for keeping the game alive for nearly 2 decades and assuring you that your memories of Vana'diel will keep you warm forever even if the world eventually goes dark, and thus there's no need to dwell over its inevitable end.
>Followed by the final credits song, with the chorus sung by the long term players of the game

For all the shit he gets for his early behaviour Squall is one of the better characters in the series. The game just spends so much time delving into him and not in a particularly obtrusive way. Squall has an inner monologue. It broadcasts the sort of person he is and his struggles. The other characters actually respond to the type of person he is. He gradually changes.

The problems with VIII really stem from.... practically everything and everyone else in the game.

The developers kinda did
> ultimate weapon is boosted by MP instead of HP like Clouds or materia AP like Barrets
He still has an 18 hit limit so he's tied with Barret for most damage dealing potential

What would you want explained? We knew everything we needed to know about Jenova, the ancients and their history together
Jenova is basically a more intelligent Lavos that infiltrated the Cetra with her shape shifting and that is part of why it got mistaken as a Cetra by scientists many centuries later and she is a big part of why the cetra almost became extinct
The cetra are people with a stronger connection to the planet and normal humans are cetra who became sedentary and lost the ability to hear and communicate with the planet
I agree that they could have used something better than Kadaj becoming Sephiroth in AC. That shit was just dumb

>Japan hates spears and spear users with a passion.

Uh... no they don't?

Spear and bow were the primary weapons of war of the Samurai dingus. Hell one of their most famous 'mythical weapons' is the dragonfly cutter spear.

No idea where you're pulling this from.

There was a time (Meiji Era) when katanas were banned and samurai were seen as old and useless dredges on society.

When was it ever established that your Focus determines how much time you get crystallized? by that logic Serah and Dahj should have has shorter times because they did almost nothing and yet they had more time in the crystal than the people who were responsible for "saving" Cocoon

I also went to have a look at the wikia and apparently the logs state this on the subject
>For l'Cie, successful completion of a Focus holds the promise of eternal life in the peaceful slumber of crystal stasis—or so the legends say. Yet to spend an eternity as an immobile crystal is not so very different from death.
They call it an eternity in crystal, as in a really, really long time

VII had an incredibly artistic and open ending that connected well with the games themes, essentially portraying an apocalyptic scenario that led to a rebirth - similar to the ending of Akira.

But then they shat over the ambiguity and subtlety of the ending by making sequels that threw that all out of the window.

Goddamn, what is wrong with Square? It's like they're purposefully making all the wrong decisions.

I liked 9's quite a bit. It was touching how despite all the shit he pulled, Zidane at least gave Kuja some comfort before he died.

Also, loved how Zidane gave no fucks when it came to getting touchy with Garnet.

So, did Vivi actually die or what?

Didn't I's ending say that after beating Chaos though Garland was just a regular knight from that point on?

Zidane was like the only FF protag that was a horny heterosexual. This is what made him so relatable to the young guys that played this game 15-16 years ago.

Is it true they never go back to her storyline after she meets fratley? I never beat it.

>that voice acting
>that ending credit

>all those IX cucks

Holy shit is it cool to love IX? Back in the day it was hated as fuck because of its slow ass combat and shitty characters, what the fuck is wrong with you people?, Wha a bucnch of contrarians, fucking disgusting.

Also, VIII has the best ending by far OP, everyone knows that.


This isn't even close to being a real contest. The rest of the game is whatever but the ending BTFOs the entire rest of the franchise.

It's strange how the japs managed to skirt around this in every final fantasy.

>here we have two very attractive 16-17 year olds of the opposite sex that are around each other all the time and clearly into each other, but they are completely non sexual with each other (except for Zidane at least repeatedly trying)

IRL, most of these 16-17 year olds would have been fucking within weeks/months tops.

FF5 is not a good game

Literally Star wars.

because most of the devs are probably gay

5 or 8. I dont like bitter end like 6/7

6 and 7 are overrated

VI, VIII, and IX had the best endings for me.

come to think of it, we really haven't had a good ending since IX... X's ending was a meh because Tidus showing up was a cliffhanger D:

freaken square man can we have a happy ending for once?!

>IV, VIII, and IX

fixed lol


It's absolutely perfect. The good guys party, the bad guys go fishing, and lark about, laguna has a tearful moment in his new timeline, and everything works out great for everyone.

Then the lovers kiss, and the curtains close.

>Ultimecia's backstory

She was a powerful sorceress who hated the fact that her kind was hunted, fucked with time magic and didn't know what she was doing, starting the hunts in the first place. Then she continued fucking with time magic, despite the fact that she didn't know what she was doing from the get-go, and tried to compress it all down into one moment. And got fucked up.

Which final boss would be the most powerful?

Sin, Exdeath, Seph, Necron, Kefka, Ultimecia, etc...

I go with Bhunivelze from XIII-3 :D



Literally asspull the game

Fuck those forced suicide that doesn't matter in the end

FFXI: Chains of Promathia


>tfw when you have to bid Tenzen farewell at Port Bastok

Wasn't Lightning being popular the result of 13-2 and LR?

Neo-Exdeath seems pretty powerfull though, having the power to erease everything from existence and all.


I completely forgot about that nigga

FF 6