Atelier Firis for PC

This is literally the best news I've heard all day. Now PC can also experience the wonderful and comfiness that is Atelier and join us in discussing it and, even more, there can now be nude mods made for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I just watched the trailer,neat.

Will pirate.

Games like this don't do well with nude mods though, since those are drawings and not 3D models.

No, the Atelier games after the Arland series are 3D. Pic related is the game before this one.

is that text unedited?

damn son it's happening

nude mods on the way


Well, guess that's one less reason for me to buy a PS4.

desu Atelier is dying and needs to be on as many fucking platforms as possible otherwise it will disappear, this is not meming, the series needs it badly, I know PC pirates and whatnot will buy pissall amount of this game but every little bit helps, Firis has some good things about it

Is it even confirmed?

The trailer shows steam logo at the end but it's not the 1st time Tecmo Koei releases a multiplatform game and not a single official post from TK has confirmed it or denied it really, they treat it as a regular Atelier game really and refuse to answer people's question.

I'm not saying it's impossible for it to happen, in fact I wouldn't even be too surprised but the whole thing is very unclear and we've seen the petition race going apeshit over similar stuff before.

anyone have that webm where a guy uses the camera to wedge in between a girl's dress and her underwear? like a single frame shot.

granted it might not even be atelier.

Sophie sold really well (for an Atelier, at least). Firis sold less but still an average amount. I don't see how it can be dying. It's just business as usual right now.
I won't complain about them getting more money from a larger market and increasing production values though. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Aren't all the ones after the Arland trilogy supposed to be shit though?

>there can now be nude mods made for it.
Why do people care about nude mods?
cute clothes = sexy clothes > nudes


sorry i'm not 13 years old who needs to see nudes to get a boner.

Gust stopped including details like that a long time ago, though. No more high impact sexual violence these days either.

Post your face when you didn't buy a PS4.

oh the wonders of pc gaming.

you can just be like "DELETE THIS" and the dress is gone.

it's not as fun but it's a thing.

>Now PC can also experience the wonderful and comfiness that is Atelier and join us in discussing it
You mean steam users and its cancerous userbase consisting of and 3rd world niggers and "obnoxious I'm such a weeb xD" faggots will flood and tear appart the nice community and ruin the comfy threads with shitposting and memes like it happened with countless game series before. Also the only way to experience Atelier comfiness is on Vita.

>nude mods made for it
Oh boy, can't wait for shitty textures swap.

All in all I don't care too much about Atelier, I played through Rorona + and while I enjoyed it I'm not a big fan of the series and never really take part in the threads but to all you Atelier fags I feel for you. I am a big fan of Tales of games and Zestria coming to PC was an absolute disaster, you couldn't possibly discuss the game without cancerous faggots spamming a shitty meme and up to this day it's hard to talk about it without encountering obnoxious memeposters or clueless faggots who's solely and only Tales experience was Zestria on steam. Your best bet with that new Atelier is for the game go unnoticed by the average steam dweller. Good luck guys.

I've grown bored of Atelier after the dusk series. I'm more interested in this and Azure 2, I heard Azure 1 was bad but hopefully 2 fixes the problems, and the girls are hotter in 2.

Its a downward spiral from here on. It was the barrier separating Atelier from Nep fags.

This is awesome but I wish they could release the Arland games somewhere down the line as well.

Tototi is what got me into the series so it holds a special place in my heart

What's hom?

Just think, we can all thank Neptunia for all of these JRPGS

High Impact Sexual Violence

how does one get this ass blasted?

nep is pure shit

PC players are probably going to be better for discussion than the console ones though. They'll start with Firis so they'll be used to time limits, so at least there won't be any complaining about how Mana Khemia or whatever was better because it let them grind as much as they want.

>Gust stopped including details like that a long time ago

What? Even Sophie had moderately detailed pantsu

Atelier is going to be the new nep thanks to steam audience.

>that retarded running animation
but why?

Every IP that jumps to PC has communities turn to shit. Look at souls, danganronpa, especially Zero Escape, and now Atelier.

What kind of shit taste do you have to suffer from to play games with nude mods? Cute outfits beat nude any day, even if you're trying to fap.


>Steam gets the shitty Mysterious games instead of the god-tier Arland and Dusk games

Oh boy, enjoy. I'm trying to force myself to finish Sophie, I don't even plan on buying Firis

Well, I guess I'm an idiot! All is well then.


Just like they were better for Dark Souls, MGS, Danganronpa, Neptunia or Senran Kagura?

Good thing steam totally isn't filled with kids, ironic weebs, redditors and literal 3rd world monkeys huh?

No seriously, how? You're fucking mental over nothing. The only shitposters in any of those threads are people like you.

>Sonygger already getting salty
Can you just stop being a faggot for once? Other people playing your games don't ruin them for you.

sophie has a nice butt doesn't she

It begins.

That she does
What she doesn't have is a good game though

Earth Defense Force? Disgaea? Tales(well, the Tales of community has always been kind of terrible)? Cut the confirmation bias, cunt.

>salty console plebs mad they can't get nude mods
start a petition for console mods?

That sounds like a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.
>be an insufferable cunt as soon as a game is announced on a different platform
>people respond telling you you're acting like an insufferable cunt making a big deal of nothing
>"s-see I told you so!"

They can't be any worse than half the current playerbase.

>Sophie bombed so hard Gust have to port the entire series to PC

if you need nude mods to play and enjoy the game then you shouldn't be playing at all

Fuck off, I play PC and I don't suffer from shit taste like you.

>tfw you're not an easily aroused 13 yo

This man knows his shit. Especially true for 2D where 90% of bodies are super similar.

Are you blind or what? Go dig some archives.

>"wow we totally didnunuffin it-it's the sonyggers look they are noticing that steam releases bring cancerous people that will tear appart their comfy community HOW DARE THEY question the quality people that us PCbros are!"


Does this one have yuri?

that's a nice butt

It was Firis that bombed

>btw im gay

I thought the high impact sexual violence was just a meme? Why are these

Look at this thread. It was fine until you came in and started having a paranoid hissy fit over nothing. Sorry some PC gamers are going to play your girly anime game? Get help, you need it.

shouldn't you be in bed? do your parents know you are still awake?

I guess from the way I defended that other user, yes.
But its not as if other series didn't suffer the same fate under PC users.

Yahtzee says
>fuck you demons souls
When series got ported to PC goes
>I love dark souls

A lot of western gamers have something against console users. That is never going to change. When something good was trash before, its suddenly gold when console users lose it. This is how it goes.

Here's some pantsu from Atelier Firis as well

What are the chances for Sophie plus

picked up

I bet you're the kind of person who goes "sauce" whenever you see cropped reaction images of that one succubus(male) doujin.

>wow man, a pussy! i know that women look better in clothes that actualy accent & enchance their beauty but i've never seen a woman naked so i strip my animes to feel better

The horse droppings arent the problem
i can't get ye flask

>Yahtzee says
you and I both know he explained why he liked dark souls just fine.

3rd world subhuman

easy. i'll see you in release day threads.

If I don't really care about pantsu, is this game any fun?

it's really hit or miss, no middle ground

Friendly reminder that atlier devolved into cute girls doing cute things and will never go back to its former glory.

Your game is trash, I wont even bother pirating it.

I really need to start up I think it was Rorona.

>moetrash for steam
wew lad

it's not yuri enough

Really? No buy then.

Never realized Keina had this left in lol.

>Good thing PS4 totally isn't filled with kids, ironic weebs, redditors and literal 3rd world monkeys huh?
The only shitposter here is you assblasted Sonycuck.

PC Master Race!

I made that example to show you the difference in attitudes presented by PC fanboys when they get a game as opposed to playing a game on a system that isn't PC. He absolutely loathed Demons Souls and slammed it. PCucks present some negative bias when playing games not on PC. Now imagine being a console user and having your toys shared with these elitists. Suddenly they love the game(s). Best thing ever, for them. Is this bad? Not inherently. But if they know you play on console you're in for some bullying. Also, console users don't get anything. They just lose more and more games and don't get any bonuses either. Not to mention, the current way big publishers handle things, console users still pay more than PC users, while going through all these things I just posted. Of course you'd hate it too if you really loved a series.

Man, I suppose there had to be a price in having Trump win.

Are you suggesting it was ever more than that?

Would be intrigued by Rorona with nude mods, if it were to happen

reminder that this spastic does this same shit every time a series starts being sold on steam
it's some of that high brow platform warring that mods are too lazy to ban for

>Lewding Rorona
You know what to do, user.

So basically PC users act like massive cunts and then get surprised when people don't want them around? Sort of makes sense.

Everytime a series I like jumps to PC I just find another series to play to be passionate about. But sooner or later it gets ported and I repeat the cycle. Please no bully. I also buy on PC. Just forgive me if I get mad sometimes.

I just have a bad history with PC fags. Its probably because I'm an elitist myself but I'm just not a PC guy unless its RTS.

I think he is. He's doing so in error, though.

This. Cute and lewd outfits are way better than nude. Showing bare skin only works if the pose is right, and since the pose of the characters will just be standing and walking it makes the nudity look ridiculous not sexy.

>panty shot in the first 30 seconds
I love it.

Such a shame, GUST needs to go back to Atelier roots and make a game as good as Totori/Rorona+, otherwise they're fucked.

These characters deserve better.

I think you mean Meruru/Ayesha

Totori is sleep inducing

Firis bombed, the whole mystery series bombed. That's why they're doing Blue Reflection. They just ported it to PC just to compensate for shit sales.

Series peaked at end of arland (meruru to ayesha)

Oh look a "real" "true" "fan" of X title is actually literally autistic. Whoop-dee-doo. Colour me surprised. You are the real reason why your general threads are turning into shit when new people come in.

I want to fuck Rorona so bad.

Holy fuck this. Ayesha and Meruru were the best two by far.

Sophie was such a disappointment that i have no faith for Firis.
They should port the plus editions of the Arland trilogy aswell, kinda of a shame they are stuck on the vita.

Maybe people are getting tired of the whole series.
18 main games since 1997, 33 games if yo count the spin offs. And i am not counting the 29 remakes and ports.

Rorona+ was better than Meruru, otherwise I agree though.

I'd place that as third, but yes, it was quite good.