Have you dropped a game because you couldn't stand it anymore?

Have you dropped a game because you couldn't stand it anymore?


Chibi Robo Ziplash
The gameplay itself is fun but all the bullshit they make you go through between every level makes playing it feel like a chore. I dropped it after a vehicle segment with particularly terrible controls.



Banjo Tooie
Currently replaying it and hating it slightly less

Golden Sun, two hours into it after being irritated by endless walls of text and being given choices that aren't actually choices because no matter what answer you give, the choice is irrelevant

Yeah, White Knight Chronicles after the first Giant Robot fight because it plays like shit

Pillars of Eternity, sixty fucking hours in. I kept waiting for it to get good and it never did. I figured by that point there was no use subjecting myself to more of it.



>Have you dropped a game because you couldn't stand it anymore?
Hundreds. Unlike 2 hour movies, it's much harder to convince yourself to "just finish" a game if you have hours, if not tens of hours to go and you're not enjoying yourself.



Sacred 2, 7 hours in.
Saw how big the map was, how slowly I was travelling, and how there wasn't a god damn thing that was satisfying in it, from lootan stuff to tootan out spells.

Wound up opening my eyes to how the entire Diablo-like genre is fucking shit and should have died a long time ago, and how sad it is that perfectly fine grafix and music talent is being wasted on such god awful gameplay.

>Fallout 4
It was boring as shit , dropped after 9hour , gave it a really honest chance.
>Dragon´s Dogma
Too much of the same for me after countless of Dark Souls hours , and the graphics looked like dogshit.
i can´t think of anything else right now.

half life 2 episode 2 was the first game in my adult life that i dropped

they revealed the car to me (apparently near the end of the episode) and i just quit the game and never played again

i will not play episode 3, and i will not play half life 3, because they thought i wanted to play with the car
i did not want to play with the car
i did not deserve a game over failure state for trying to push the cart off a cliff in base hl2

fuck that car
i'm fucking done

i liked the car

it is unlikely that the two of us can be friends now

Fire Emblem Awakening.
Wasn't a bad game, I just got to caught up in the gameplay, trying to give each unit the best possible skill that I restarted the game more than 3 times and got bored. I'll get back to it eventually because I like it's story.

Omerta - City of Gangsters. Just could not stand how the turn based combat worked at all.


Valkyria Chronicles

I didn't realize it was a VN. :x

Several, but if I mention them here, Sup Forums will crucify me.

Dark Souls 1 & Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.

dark souls

fucking annoying having to be patient with everything

>bullet sponges
>shitty weapons with no impact
>repetitive as fuck

I really wanted to like it too.

Wasn't big on Mount & Blade Warband, though I can see why others like it.

Fuck this I'am out.gif

Fuckin saved.

yes, Final Fantasy 13

it doesn't get better 40 hours in

I dropped Bounty Hunter (I think it's called) literally 10 minutes in because the camera was fucking nauseating.

I actually really liked this game. There was something satisfying about crouching between the droidikas guns and dagger punching their nuts, even if it took 20 some hits and was the easiest cheeze strat in gaming

Fuck that game

I agree with this

To add to the list.
League of legends-played since season 2 and quit earlier this year
Life is strange- quit after episode 2
Alien isolation- shits not scary or fun at all, dropped after 2 hours
The evil within-same as above but it was a little better
System shock 2-shit controls. Might give it a second chance though.

A fair few.

I once dropped a game because I hated the footstep noise but there's a long story behind that.

Got my hands on a borderlands game for free so I gave it a try, it was the pre-sequel one. It was honestly just because of the script that I dropped it, and I have never been deterred from a videogame because of words characters say before or since, it really shouldn't matter at all. The games sense of humor is shit, and I was prepared for it's infamous netflix description tier writing, but that's not what chased me away. There was this unsettling vibe to the game where every other side quest was a woman trying to make you kill her husband, but it always made a show of the woman pretending not to be betraying him when he's listening. After about the fourth time I recognized it was a deliberate formula, and that I was viewing some kind of fetish, so I stopped playing. It's hard to describe and it might sound like I'm seeing what isn't there, but if you've played the game you probably know what I'm talking about. Besides all that, the combat was so braindead easy that I would have stopped soon anyway.