Making an online RPG

>Making an online RPG
Better fences edition
Anybody interested?
>Posting stream link if enough interest

>What is this game?
A 2d online fantasy RPG called Old World.
You can level up, mine, fish, cook etc.

>Will it be free to play?
Yes, and no pay-to-win elements.
You can donate for VIP status that gives you
some extra goodies and a gold badge, but nothing
that gives you an edge over other players.

>Can I help?
Yes. You can contribute with pixelart, MIDI music arrangements,
Sound effects, World Tiles, etc. Check stream for information on
rules on what I accept and how to match the games art style.

>What makes your game unique?
PVP Everywhere except towns, Interactable world
No classes, No forced main storyline (There is still world lore for those that want to examine shit)

>Where can I play this?
Currently holding a testing phase. Here's the client download.
New client coming later today as well

>When will this game be released?
I'm not sure. The line for "final release" is blurry in my mind.
I'll probably just say fuck it and release the game at some point
where I think the game is ready for real play and not just testing.

I've seen better ghetto sonic MMOs made in XtremeWorlds nearly a decade ago

That's pretty mean

The sprites are far too simple and not in an aesthetically pleasing way

What are you programming in?

dude hit me up on skype

I'm not the one that made the engine, however, it'll be open source in around december probably. It's made in C#, XNA/monogame

You're right. I get better and better by the day, though. Sprites get updated, so do tiles

Thanks for your input


The grid system, slowness, and lack of farming is boring the fuck out of me

Also having to press E to enter buildings

>Guy comes up to me and deals 89 damage and then kills me with a spell

boi what

thanks for the input.
grid system will always remain, but combat and tasks that make using a grid system tedious will be adjusted around it. combat will for example have auto-attacking and pathfinding if you so wish and less skillshots

sorry, safe zones don't exist yet lmao
it's a testing build to check for crashes

>no shadows on anything
user what the hell are you doing

stream link:
>twitch tv/oldworldrpg

Your shilling has gone far enough. Time to end this.

>posting this scam again after no news or updates after so long

Kill yourselves.

how bout you come on the game and we settle this you fagboi

This just looks absolutely awful and once again proves that indie games were a mistake.

>posting this scam again after no news or updates after so long
what the fuck are you talking about

cry about it faggot

I love 2D MMOs. It's a shame they are dying. Keep it up.

Thanks mate. I'm looking to make the gameplay actually feel good and responsive so that people will enjoy it, also might be porting to iOS using unity.

Reminds me of a game called TerraWorld
Once it's done I may try it if it ends up on Steam or something, I'm a sucker for absolutely no-name MMOs

I'll be greenlighting it when the playability is decent and engine is stable.

Isn't Steam already full of this same exact game made with the same 'MMO maker 2016' program already?

I've seen a bunch of RPG maker games, i've only seen about one 2D MMO that's got successfully greenlighted.