Just about midnight

>just about midnight
>all the normalfags have gone to bed, most the wage slaves are gone
>I'm cracking open another Dr Pepper, licking the spicy sweet chili dorito dust off my fingers and booting up Morrowind


Das it mane


Drinking any form of soda is degenerate
Why eat doritos when you can eat real food?

morrowindfag here, you disgust me

you have taste in games, but no taste in lifestyle

grow up

how much do you weigh


wage cucks gonna hate ;)

>drinking pop
>eating doritos
Nah you're a normalfag, us NEETs don't want fags like you to be associated with us.

not even a wage cuck

but i at least dont kill myself by eating and drinking poison

Explain to me how the fuck dabbing is funny

It's just one of those "I'm a retard" signals, don't call them out on it or they'll stop giving you such obvious clues.


Disgusting. Fat people need to be shamed in public.

cool story, bro

I'm a "wagecuck" but that doesn't mean I go to bed like a grandpa. I'm not a pussy that needs 7+ hours of sleep. When you move out of your parents' house, you'll realize adults have this thing we're all addicted to called coffee.


>eat one dorito
>have heartburn for like two days

whats wrong with me.

i agree with you good sir. fine gentlemen like us only drink water and eat celery while gaming! no need to ingest the poison

>on week long vacation from work
>just got done playing some Skyrim
>watching grumps on the side while browsing Sup Forums
>about to slip on my Pusheen hoodie, slide right into my bed under the covers and play some more Pokemon Moon

Wish I had some snacks or drinks but I already brushed my teeth for the night.

*tps fedora*
muh gentleman it is sir indeed yaaa

that post gave me normie-aids.

hope you like getting fucking sued.

>he gets only 1 week vacation
slaves are so sad

>hope you like getting fucking sued
not him, but wat?

Nah, bro.
I already used my other week. Where I work I get about 2 weeks vacation and 4/5 personal days.

>Tfw when you get neet bux and work under the table
>Tfw live like a neet 4 days a week
>tfw have almost 2k USD a month to blow on my hobbys


GOP gonna cut the social securities then you and your kinds are fucked

But we have our own money, apartment, and girls aren't disgusted by us. :)

>inb4 but muh le traps dont mind

>only 3 weeks a year
that is so sad man, poor slaves :( satan has really brainwashed them...

Dang, where do you work.

>not having a 401k

Anyone who bets on social security post 2010 is an idiot.

2K a month is shit, user

>Caffeine works on him
Must be nice to be so privileged. Some of us have narcolepsy or IH and can't be so easily fixed.

who the fuck sleep 8hours ?

I drink diet Dr. Pepper because it tastes the exact same except it doesn't have calories.

and i get welfare and subsidized housing with my wife who makes love to me every night and baby sits for undeclared cash, life's good :)

cool. not all of us are damaged, fuckface

Normie humor.

>Not all of us are damaged
>He says as he needs caffeine to perform basic functions

I work at a bar and grill as a dishwasher but I dont have to pay taxes so I make a fair amount. Taxes are what kill you.
Thats just on fun, after I pay rent, food, phone, ect. Tho you are ring I need to be makin at least 5k to be well off,

that doesn't help answer my question though
what do normies find funny about it?

Thumbnail looks like a massive fart trail

I hope you enjoy your feminine hips and senile dementia.

>been a NEET for 3 years
>realize that I can never get a job after this
>realize that where I'm at in life right now is where I'll be until the day I die

yeah it's pretty great right now to be able to play as much vidya as I want and have no responsibilities, but I'm approaching 30 and I'm a total failure...

>finally find a wage slave job
>expect to have no more time for any vidya like every other thread claiming to be
>only get assigned like 2-3 hours every other day
>still have plenty of time to fuck around

Bullshit all of you

>until the day I die
Which isn't far off.

>Claim the absence was due to cancer
>Employers don't ask any further
Worked for me after 3 years of NEETdom.


I'd rather die, user. Also, you're on welfare and your wife baby sits. I like making real money, but that's nice you guys have enough money to pay bills. Good for you.

You realize he lives with his parents and is making this up as what he believes to be a method of trolling right.

Fair enough mate

I wasn't happy with that lifestyle but if you're content then good on ya

>tfw have a 5 page essay on Nat Turner due tomorrow and haven't even wrote my thesis yet

College was not meant for my dumbass