So now suddenly people pretend to like Nomura?

So now suddenly people pretend to like Nomura?

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Cloud was a faggot before. Cloud is still a faggot after. Cloud was also a faggot in AC.

The only time Cloud was ever not a faggot was when he was acting like Zack, but he still managed to have mental breakdowns and act like a faggot while doing that.

Wait when did the love for Nomura started besides the obvious KHfags that should quarantined?

cloud always was baby first Guts, so regardless of rendition its still just a B grade Guts

Nomura is a 50 year old japanese man who still dresses like a middle schooler and cant finish games because his autism forces him to spend money on fashion brand deals
Tabata is a corporate yes-man with an ego problem who spends insane ammounts of money on movie tie-ins for a project he was supposed to salvage and not ruin
I guess both deserve each other like some kind of freakish mario brothers duo.

The only person who currently shills for nomura is XV-kun who did a 180° on his stance in an attempt to force a "new identity" but is still as butthurt and autist about it which gives him away easily.

Maybe Cloud was always a fag, but it is so funny lurking here for years and see how someone who was back in the days called a hack and everything wrong with modern Square is now praised as a punished and best director in the world.

And the best thing is, that between first and second point the only thing that happened was him being removed from Versus project. No other games from here or anything.

Also pic related, Batman designed by Nomura genius mind

I don't. Overrated hack who made that soulless piece of fanwank Advent Children and couldn't even finish making Versus XIII so he handed it to someone else.

At no point in time should you ever listen to Sup Forumss consensus on anything no matter if it agrees with your opinion or not

im not even into final fantasy, but this picture is tells alot.

That batman is cool. Overdesigned, but would play as.

>who was back in the days called a hack and everything wrong with modern Square

Nobody said that except butthurt VI fags who look for any excuse to shit on VII and anything else Final Fantasy related released after 1994 barring Tactics. Literally the genwunners of Final Fantasy.

JRPG's have and will always be trash


I disagree.

Also I think that term is absolute retardation. Since, adding details doesn't necessarily mean more work was put into it's design.


seriously, Dissidia is from almost eight years ago, and Cloud's a mopey cunt in it, so the artwork reflects that. Stop being fags.

>implying Guts is an original character in any way shape or form

> advent children's sword
I cant, i just cant. Its like a 15 year old who still likes legos version of cool design.
Dissidia and smash got Cloud so right it makes my head spin.

I even like the Advent Children alt in both games. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's growing on me.

Which is fucking weird, because Nomura was in charge of the design oversight over at Team Ninja. I guess that guy can work magic once in awhile provided he doesn't have Hashimoto or Kitase breathing down his neck.

you spelled FPS wrong

Fuck you, the Fusion Sword and Fenrir give me wood. Go hate fun somewhere else.

Seriously, though; those two things were the only good parts of that movie.

Nomura is a good artist. As a director he's alright, KH is a good series. He was ditched halfway through FF15 so we won't know until FF7R if he's good enough for that role.

cloud isn't really like guts at all except for having a big sword.

Their stories aren't really similar and their major moral crises are totally different.

I like Amano's art for different reasons than why I like Nomura's, I think it's because of that rough sketch look, it was great in Angel's Egg

I never fucking liked this guy, his art style is trash like 90% percent of modern japanese entertainment.

Sup Forums new hip meme.

>midway through FF7R they release news that Nomura was moved to a different project and Tabata is taking over

I like all of Amano's art except for, fittingly, his cloud.

Cloud always looks super derpy when Amano draws him.

Also holy shit his Lightning looks like Griffith.

Kinda like Amano's version of Teeeedus better than Nomura's.
At least on that sketch

Can't wait to play it!

>Nomura is a good artist.
He's got a VERY distictive style and for the most part, I do like his designs, even the belty ones, but for fuck sake, I really wish he'd learn how to draw human proportions already.

I think that's why remake Cloud puts me off. It's not the skinnyness, it's the fact that it's emulating a Nomura drawing as closely as possible in a realistic artstyle.

Cloud fucced Tifa.

You dint

Probably because Amano's teeeedus looks like a totally different and likely better character while Nomura's is the same twit with the punchable face you know and love and despise.

amano has more heart

What does that even fucking mean

I like amano's designs when they're implemented in 3d such as the new Dissidia

>any form of entertainment in the entire world

overdesigned is the right term you self serious bastard

You mean, when they're touched up and polished?

me too

ugh, I hope they beef up Clouds arms in the final game. He looks too skinny and lanky to be swinging that sword around.

That's okay.

The fuccboi deserves that at least.

user you just gave me nightmares thanks

By nomura, even

so you want jean cloud van dame?

Guys, don't hit me...

I genuinely love Lightning's design one of my favorites of all time.

> he doesnt know cloud can only use Buster because of mako

I can understand why they did it, since Cloud is canonically a faggot wuss teenager who was nowhere near strong enough to get into Soldier, and the only reason he can swing around Zack's sword is all the Jenova cells he got injected with after the Nibelheim incident

But yeah it still does look awful.

I'm not even sure when or why people started liking him. I remember everyone saying he was a terrible game designer ten years ago but over time I slowly realized that I was hearing more praise than negativity concerning him.


That is kinda the point. And he looked like that in the original game anyway.

He used it before he got mako, though.

The truth is Buster's not nearly as heavy as it looks. Seriously, Kadaj kicks it over in the movie and it lands on the ground with little impact or weight.

>In a fantasy game


>cloud always was baby first Guts, so regardless of rendition its still just a B grade Guts

In what way is he Guts, beyond the stupidly large sword?

Didn't they replace Amano with Nomura in the first place because his designs translated to 3D better?

Tabata happened and Nomura was JUST talented enough to be considered the better alternative, particularly because the comparisons between Nomura's fun-looking Versus XIII gameplay and Tabata's borefest of changes invite that notion.

Say what you want about Nomura; he knows how to craft a decent ARPG system.

He got raped by a big, burly man.

Yeah, that was pretty much always the case.

>he used it before he got mako tho

No he didn't.

So, I take it you didn't play hisntrue flashback?

Last Order isn't canon, btw. Cloud was never exposed to Mako or Jenova Cells until Hojo got his hands on him and Zack.

Last order pissed me the fuck off. It's arguably the worst part of the compilation because it got two EXTREMELY important details wrong; Tifa waking up and realizing Cloud was there, and Cloud's eyes glowing during the nibelheim incident.

>He got raped by a big, burly man.


Her character design is really good, I'd say Nomura's best. Shame Toriyama's writing is so terrible.

People have been sucking Nomura's dick since 1997.

Also because Nomura was a paid staffer who worked on various parts of game design. Why pay an outside artist money to design characters when you have an assistant art designer who can do both backgrounds and characters? And has the skills to model the characters in game. You just saved yourself more money by having one guy do three jobs.

I just wish she had an ass...

The screening process for SOLDIER involves seeing if the applicants take to the Jenova cells. Cloud ending up as a Shinra grunt is because it didn't seem to work.

So it's implied that they went sort of latent in Cloud.

I like Lightning's design but her character is dull and I hate her freaking sword. It looks like a piece of plastic.

I see no difference. Looks like a fag before and after. And probably only fags would argue this over one of the worst Final Fantasy games.
People only like it because it was babbyys first nostalgic emo rpg


Fuck off faggot, you don't know what you are talking about

>People only like it because it had a 100 million dollar marketing budget, same as Pokemon which came out a year later


>implying 100 million marketing budget makes it a good game
>it literally doesn't because they spent that much promoting it
kek, off to bed little one

No, the Mako and Jenova Cella happen at the training facility. Cloud never even got that far; he didn't even pass selection for candidacy. Poor guy went straight to being an MP. In Crisis Core, he laments that and hopes to try again. They don't waste Jenova Cells on you if they think you might not be able to handle it. The ones thay drop out of training are often too mentally/physically ill to continue, which is the state Cloud was in after Nibelheim, and extreme cases are kept a company secret. The ones that escape are sometimes even hunted down if considered dangerous, but either way, they are almost never fit to serve after that point.

There's also an important plot element; Cloud and Zack both recieved cells taken directly from Sephiroth's body when in Hojo's custody alongside the other Nibelheim survivors. That's what made Cloud so strong; he was the ONLY functioning Sephiroth Clone. Zack wasn't affected because his cells had already been mutated by the cookie cutter Jenova Cells SOLDIERs recieve. If Cloud was previous ly modified, his body would have rejected the cells alongside Zack.

His zipper goes to his crouch. His fucking crouch.

supposedly as the game progresses he starts to get some mass. We'll see

>level up
>bulk up
I would appreciate such sick natty gains

The figarts figure prototype for the remake looked a bit bulkier, so there's that

>implying 100 million marketing budget makes it a good game
I wasn't implying that. I was implying that it got popular because of an unprecedented marketing budget. Same way shitty Transformers movies keep getting viewers.

I don't think anyone argues that she's badly designed. Just stuck in a terrible game and poorly characterized to the point where they literally just wrote out her emotions in her last game instead of try anymore.

I fucking love that kefka drawing so much.

In color

PaK figures should never be taken seriously.

Especially their arms.

How does this game even work?
I played the first two Dissidias to death and I still don't understand what is happening in this
I agree that Cloud looks great here tho

I'm more interested in seeing how the hell they'll deal with Cait Sith.


Reeve dies of being a dumb cunt

>his fucking crouch

Who is reeve

Sony paid for Kingsglaive.

>look at steam achievement rating
>beating the game is at 7.1% global status
>getting cait sith's slots is at 6.4%

That means more people on steam have beaten the game then simply killed 40 enemies with cait sith. That's just how much people hate him.

Hey retard, in case you didn't notice 2011 was when SHITLOADS of dumb underage kids migrated to Sup Forums. Couple that with things like "oldfags" leaving and mods make it harded to self-moderate your own board, things change.

Sup Forums is now largely composed of retarded 20 year olds who think Kingdom Hearts and Persona are good because they played them when they were kids.

We are getting old. Time to die.

Doing a slots speed run is complete cancer, so I don't blame them.

I have finished the game many times, but never ever have used Cait Sith unless had to.


>KH is a good series

His character artwork for Parasite Eve are my absolute favourite.

> you're only required to use cait sith once on disc 2
> barret is loads better so you can just slap materia on him and let cs sit there
I hope this stays the same in ff7re because Cait Sith is worse than Vincent

>Cait Sith is worse than Vincent

I assume you mean character-wise, and yeah you might be right. Vincent could at least be hilarious because of how fucking pathetic he was (constantly apologizing to the bitch who cheated on you multiple times, injected her child with Jenova, and was complicit in you getting shot and experimented on until you became a monster?) Reeve was just an annoying fuck.

Who, or what, the fuck is Guts?
