Why can't vidya be as fulfilling as other hobbies? I'm growing out of vidya and it's seriously fucking bumming me out

Why can't vidya be as fulfilling as other hobbies? I'm growing out of vidya and it's seriously fucking bumming me out.

How old are you?

What other hobbies do you have?

I'm 31, an accounting major and only play VN and the occasional FPS when I feel like wreking little kids.

I don't really have any hobbies except for studying, tutoring sluts for sex and flipping cars.

You're just burnt out likely. You need variety in life. I work out, read, hike, socialize and play video games. If I only did any one of those I'd be miserable.

Watch animes.

Because videogames are simulations of achievements, where as an adult you can have actual achievements. This means that playing videogames as an adult is objectively a waste of time.

Eh, intrinsic vs extrinsic 'achievements'.

I love a challenge so I play games on hard so when I beat them it feelsgoodman.

Same. It might be the fact that 25 and getting older, but vidya as a medium has become complete trash in the last 10 years. It's become way too corporatized and now normies run the show.

Nah, unless your definition of not a waste of time is only shit that makes you money. They're no more of a waste of time than reading or listening to music or something.

Like others have said, burnout. It doesn't help that 2016 has been a somewhat disappointing year for gaming to boot.

Take a break from gaming and do something else for a while. Then come back to it.

I'm burnt out at the moment, but can't work out what the fuck I want to do. So here I am stuck on Sup Forums.

I do have variety. Besides work, I now read (hence OP pic related), watch movies, go fishing, snowboarding and hang with friends. I don't think it's me, I think vidya as a whole has been terrible for the last 2 years.

I'm not burnt out, though. I play less vidya nowadays than I ever have in my life.


I find that vidya is just a shitty way of me coping with neglecting the other more fulfilling activities I'm obsessed about
Being passionate about video games to the point of wanting to make them is one thing but otherwise it's just a void-filler like television and porn

Maybe you're just done then. I don't really watch tv or movies anymore. Sometimes you just get sick of a medium.

It is strange that the entire medium right now is essentially half arsed open world crap. Because that genuinely is the majority of games.

We enjoyed videogames because when we were in our late teens, or I guess early 20s for son here, our tastes were about as developed as they'd be, and we liked at least one style of game that was produced in mass.

I can't stand open worlds, to me it doesn't matter if it's GTAV or Assassin's Creed, the boring bits are still the same and still dominate the playtime.

I've only finished three games this gen, and one of those was Resident Evil 4 HD. For all of its flaws, it does a he'll of a lot more right than 90% of other games.

That's an average of 1 game a year and it isn't good enouggh. And on top of that I'm now ducked by the next generation coming out.

>why can't X be as fulfilling as other hobbies?


Video Games are just dead, user.
The last generation was the nail in the coffin, It's just normal.
You have to let go and move on; something most of Sup Forums just can't do.

Because video games are just toys that stunt the growth of your brain. They don't teach you anything worthwhile, they don't make you any healthier, and they don't make you grow as a person.

Once you're in your 20s, if you're not a NEET loser, you start to value your time and the way you spend it, because you have expectations for your life. It's fun to play vidya 24/7 as a teenager because you're not smart enough yet to realize what a waste of time it is and because it feels like you have all the time in the world.

Fuck. Now I'm bummed too.

Don't be a retarded nigger. You're literally spoiled for choice more today than you ever were before. There are a million fucking variations of different kinds of ideas and genres that you can be as picky as you want.

Just because the creative side of the new console generation is dead and there's little to no new I.P.s from the AAA normie money makers doesn't mean that the industry is "dead"

You might as well call the music industry dead because this season's music of your favorite genre fell flat.

stop using this word

I'm reading a book recently for the first time in 6 years and it's pretty comfy. I do it before going to bed so it's nice to just let it sooth me to sleep.

You're projecting your own failures.

>Because video games are just toys that stunt the growth of your brain

lolnope it's literally interactive fiction. It takes just as much meticulous design and passion to make the player feel like they're literally in control of a story even if it's faked and scripted.

>They don't teach you anything worthwhile, they don't make you any healthier

Trains your motor skills and quicker reflexes with your hands packaged in a very entertaining medium

>they don't make you grow as a person

Getting immersed in the shittalking and banter of online games make me grow a thicker skin and learn how to laugh with strangers

Maybe you should just git gud faggot

>Once you're in your 20s, if you're not a NEET loser, you start to value your time and the way you spend it, because you have expectations for your life. It's fun to play vidya 24/7 as a teenager because you're not smart enough yet to realize what a waste of time it is and because it feels like you have all the time in the world.

If this is bait then you got me hook line and sinker, but otherwise you're pathetic even if you're not a NEET.

Why are you here.

>being this salty that someone criticized your beloved neckbeard pasttime

Sounds like you're the one who's a loser

Better to love something than love nothing at all.

I'm not the one with a noose around his neck.

>being this salty that someone criticized your beliefs
lmao 2 b on est onii-fampai

Same for me, then I discovered it was because pretty much any game that came out in 2016 was somewhere between meh and utter shit.
I've been gaming a lot by replaying old games and discovering some retro stuff.

>Getting immersed in the shittalking and banter of online games make me grow a thicker skin and learn how to laugh with strangers
kek i love when people are delusional enough to think that vidya chat rooms and Sup Forums will help you in the real world

>waste of time
The Internet ist the biggest waste of time.

Evidently it taught me to be less of a pussy than the people that embrace
>tfw no girlfriend
without any sense of sarcasm and irony

pic related it's my bitch.

>Because videogames are simulations of achievements, where as an adult you can have actual achievements.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is great, because it allows a NEET to simulate having a menial job. Satisfying that part of the brain avoiding depression.

its just a tool user

if you look at things as tools then you'll be much happier and know exactly what is actually necessary, I think

user. Music hasn't been good since the 80s.

I don't actually listen to music user I'm autistic as fuck.

But video games are fulfilling. It's just a different sort of fulfilling.

Video games like fighting games, shmups, and CUHRAYZEE action games provide a challenge in demanding technical mastery of their controls, game mechanics, and recognition of enemy/boss/opponent patterns, always daring you to get better. That's where the 'game' part comes in. They demand that you git gud. Despite what normies think, it can be incredibly rewarding to make a complete joke out of something that gave you a lot of trouble beforehand, thanks to experience and practice.

In terms of being fulfilling in terms of writing, character development, narrative, symbolism, and conveying some kind of thought-provoking message, video games have a long way to go. I'm not opposed to story in video games, but most writing in the medium now is complete shit. Not to mention we're still working out HOW to tell a story in a video game, and using the medium's interactivity to its fullest in conjunction with storytelling.

Sup Forums has an abundance of people who absolutely hate their chosen medium. It's odd.


>Music hasn't been good since the 80s.
Anyone who says this stupid shit does not actually like music, imo.

They're the cringey neckbeards who insist that "REEL MOO-ZIK IS DED!!" or something stupid like that.