I'm digging the aesthetic and the space battles.get it for $20 on g2a.(or pirate it).
I really want to play a space opera. How is the Infinite Warfare campaign?
5 missions.
Just watch the campaign on youtube or something OP, it has some entertaining action moments but it's not worth buying, let alone playing.
Is it worth a rental?
the campaign is alright, it has its moments
Yes. But only a rental, the campaign does feel like a space war against space people. You have command of a ship and crew, which is cool until you realize that you only have access to about 4 rooms and a hangar bay.
You can choose to play through side missions or just go through the main story, side missions unlock better equipment and perks which is very useful.
Story is nothing special, but it does a very, very good job at making the player feel like an underdog who only has the choice to go on suicide missions.
Don't bother with the MP, it's shit.
Ship flying is decent, could use some more polish and would work as a proper standalone.
Story is your generic CoD affair. Shit gets fucked, heroes get a plan, MC jobs super hard at a crucial moment, shit gets fucked even harder, MC has to do something crazy fucking stupid to win.
Also since this is CoD, main characters will die because that's the only way shooter devs know how to make the story have impact. Major spoiler:
Except, instead of one or two people, the body count in Infinite Warfare is so fucking high it's like slapstick comedy instead of dramatic. By the end of the campaign, you will feel absolutely nothing at the bodies of your allies falling around you, and instead of mourning, it will feel like checking off a tickbox before moving on.
Also the SDF's sheer hatefuck murder boner for Earth is never, ever explained. They just fucking hate Earth. Completely and to the last. Even fucking Zeonists have better motivations than the SDF because at least there was a purpose and message behind the colony drops rather than the SDF's mass slaughtering of civilians. Hell, even the villains of the Red Faction games had better explained motives than the SDF.
It's great. Get it.
It's alright. The Energy AK made me make it the only exception to my racism against energy weapons.
>MC jobs super hard at a crucial moment, shit gets fucked even harder,
When did this ever happen?
Best friend really enjoys it. I'm not into FPS campaigns so I can't judge but he loves it.
Because it's CoD and Sup Forums is full of hypocrites that repeat everything they read on Sup Forums it's shit. But outside Sup Forums it's enjoyed.
I loved it, as a space opera fan as well the game just felt right. Get it cheap or rent its worth it.
Another major spoiler, so OP skip this if you give a shit.
When they discover the transmitter in Riah that would signal the Martian fleet to attack once it goes dark, they made a plan to purposely deactivate it with all of their AA guns live and pointed at the sky.
Shit gets fucked and Riah escapes on foot. No biggie, Reyes shoots down like 75 fucking dudes and countless robots in the resulting chase and corners him in a church. Then you open the door that Riah just closed and Riah beats the ever living fuck out of Reyes. As in, red headed stepchild levels of ass beating, to the point where Reyes doesn't even get a blow of his own in while he's getting his shit pushed in for a solid ten (10) seconds of ass beating.
After this, Riah destroys all the AA guns with a very dramatic push of a single button, before taking his time killing himself and destroying the transmitter to signal the Martian fleet. All the while, Reyes has gotten his ass beaten SO BADLY that he can only due the usual 'limp to the knife' shit that has been in every modern Call of Duty so far.
It was all super predictable that their 'plan' was about to go to shit because at that point in the game, things weren't irredeemably fucked yet. And the campaign of modern CoD games follows the line of: Whatever bullshit and things go wrong-> MC gets a plan that will end the bullshit in one fell swoop -> (NOTE THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP BECAUSE IT HAPPENS IN EVERY CALL OF DUTY GAME) MC goes through a door and gets blindsided followed by getting the shit beat out of them -> shit goes south so hard it puts a kink in the dick of a compass.
By the end of the game I was literally hoping that these incompetent, bumblefuck retards would lose to the SDF.
>I really want to play a space opera.
Titanfall 2 is more space opera than this cod shit. The main chara of TF2 is basically a space marine and the majority of the game takes place on an alien plane / wrecked space ship / futuristic space station type facilities. The story back drop too is a ragtag bunch of human worlds fighting against a giant corporate backed space empire
By the end I didn't sympathize with either fucking side.
The SDF might as well have been the Putties from Power Rangers with how well explained their motivations were, and the MC and his crew were pants on head retarded.
Its fucking shit. I thought the same as you, it has a badass sci fi aesthetic. Thankfully I was able to try it on my bro's PS4 and its the same cover based "TAKE COVER TO REGEN HEALTH" ketchup on your screen shit. Not fun in any way, did not enjoy the gameplay whatsoever. Couldn't make it past the first level but something tells me it doesn't get any better, the gameplay is so terrible there is very little they could add to it without fundementally redoing it. Plus based on every other Infinityward COD its not like they're learning a lesson any time soon. I would imagine its so cheap because no one wants it. Save your money for the next Steam sale.
I actually wanted to like it, mind you.
Respawn splits form infinity ward because of Issues with Activision.
Respawn makes scifi game about brave rebels fighting against giant corporate space empire.
Infinity Ward makes scifi game about soldiers from a space empire taking down rebels.
sorry bud, TF2 is already in use, try another abbreviation
nice shilling
>Couldn't make it past the first level
Holy casual.
Speaking of not being able to make it past levels, Operation Burnwater can actually glitch out and make it impossible to progress. It happened to me the first time around and I had to restart the entire mission to get my C12 to work properly.
Writing is surprisingly good, Ethan is a bro
Call it what you want, I like hard games with good gameplay. Not ones where the challenge is to test your patience in hiding behind a wall. If I wanted to im sure I could progress but my point is I found the combat so uninteresting I didn't want to. Whether you find that truthful or not is whatever, thats how I felt about it. I appreciate this one let us open our own doors though.