Why do homosexuals bring down the overall quality of video games that feature them...

Why do homosexuals bring down the overall quality of video games that feature them? Is it an innate psychological response? Your brain just naturally picks up on unhealthy and disgusting characteristics that are glorified by degenerates in an attempt to justify their lifestyle choices?

Queers should not be shoehorned into otherwise acceptable video games: Discuss.

i dont mind them being gay as long as they keep it to themselves and not trying to be, a special snowflak. i like zevrsn. his alright for an elf and you can tell him stop hitting on you if you dont like it.

Nothing should be shoehorned into anything. That said, i liked Zevran.

It's characters like that faggot wizard from Cisquisition that i can't stand.

>Killed him on my first play through the first time I met him while he was unconscious.

>Forced to kill Liliana at the mountain because I defiled the ashes and I didn't think the game devs had the balls to make her attack me over it (this also caused me to kill wynn).

>mfw I learn from a friend they both were the gay options.

I've played DAO like 4 times or so and I've always killed this faggot.

I don't think Zevran brought down the quality, and I don't think he was gay. He was just a lowlife raised in a brothel and then raised by other lowlifes. That said, I do agree that the moment you mention that someone is gay, the whole story comes to a screeching halt for me because I now realize that the writer or one of the writers is either trying to pander or to make a statement. The only time it worked for me was Arcade in NV.

Come on man, Zevran was great.

He's actually a stark contrast to the characters Bioware shits out nowadays.

origins actually did faggots right

he may be gay but at least he's not a faggot like you

>not killing or telling the gay options to fuck off
You're doing it all wrong.

Lesbians have never brought down the quality of a game EVER.

Where does Venom fall into OP's category?

Is he a shoehorned homo?

This, I actually didn't know that you can hace him in the team but I would never use a faggot in my team so it's ok

Yes, because any games that prominently feature or center around lesbians are automatically trash.

Go on.
Name 5 games with a or multiple lesbian protags that aren't embarassing trash.

>Gay characters in Dragon Age series
>They are all fucking twisted psychopaths

This isn't actually gaypropganda

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

i have this unfortunate thing with male homosexuals that whenever I'm around them, see them in games or other media, I can't help but imagine the smell and taste of shit
It's involuntary and fucking frustrating.
It's started when I was 11. Some sex educationer came to our class and told us about the birds and the bees. He spoke of anal sex and said that while some heterosexuals do it is it mostly practiced by homosexuals. After that day have I always associated male homosexuals with feces.
I have nothing against homosexuals per se otherwise, but the fact that i smell and taste shit when i think about them is greatly off putting.

new vegas player character

And just who is the twisted psycopath, cause with the exception of Dorian, everyone else is player sexual otherwise they're straight. Of course you faggots would know this if you didn't become cock sluts every time and actually left Anders alone instead of letting him use you like a cock sleeve.

Gone Home
The Last of Us
Jackie Chan


>knowing the taste of shit
Is it fun to rim your daddy's crusty fartbox everyday, closetfag?

If you can't discern the taste of shit by the smell of it then you don't know shit

I don't really mind homosexuals if they keep their sexuality to themselves. Same goes for my vidya

Because homosexualism is awful and fags in general make normal people feel uncomfortable subconsciously.

bara thread?

>hur dur I reallyy dont mine straights if they keep their sexuality to themselves. same goes for my vidja xDDD

kys fucking retarded cuck

So they are never allowed to pursue happiness?

No. They should die. Fuck them

I honestly didn't have much against homosexual in my RPGs, conceptually.

Then I played Dragon Age 1 & 2.

So long as the game doesn't shove them in my face and make him being gay his only charactertrain.

That's the main problem with including a gay character for the sake of having a gay character. Being gay defines everything about him and he ends up being a hamfisted one dimensional cliche.

There is no other reason for including a gay character in a game other than pandering or "makun muh statmunt". Therefore I am against homosexuals in games. I want to play the game, not listen to someone's retarded propaganda

This, gay is shit and shouldnt be pushed or even shown in society fucking queers

>happiness is the end goal
Fuck off hedonist

I get what you mean, but humans are sexual beings and have a basic need to express it in some way or form.
I think you mean that you don't like it when homosexuals make their sexuality the basis of their personality and incessantly drawing attention to it, but that they should "keep their sexuality to themselves" is denying a person the freedom to express their sexuality, which literally is oppression.

The issue with gays in video games is that most the time that becomes the primary focus of their character, or can be forced onto the player character unwittingly, see: Dragon Age/Mass Effect, wherein they will make advances on you because one of if not their only defining trait is their sexuality. Zevran was "an assassin", yet his personality devolved into "I'm gonna fuck that person".

Then compare it to Arcade from FO:NV: His defining trait he's a scientist. And to even really discover that he's gay, you have to have Confirmed Bachelor AND find him to begin with. And if you're a male and you've chosen Confirmed Bachelor, odds are you're already a homosexual in real life, or read up how to unlock a good companion for the game.

Cry more faggot

I'd say in a game like Witcher 3 it's acceptable. This character will tell you he's gay when you press him on him being a "freak". He's obviously reluctant to admit his shameful mental illness, and when he was found out, he was exiled from the old lord's manor. Not trying to be edgy by saying "gays r mentally ill", but that was the medieval mindset, so it just makes the whole situation a lot more realistic than just "Hey witcher! I'm a fucking fruit, now let's find this gryphon!"

It depends on the writing. You really shouldn't make a character something for the sake of making a political message. That would just make the writing dated. Remember the whole Baldur's Gate fiasco?
Anyways it can be a character trait that helps enhance him. Like Arcade from Fallout NV, it was just a subtle trait.
But having a gay character's personality be "gay" is downright unrealistic unless the game takes place at a pride parade.

i dont mind them being straight as long as they keep it to themselves and not try to be a special snowflake

No matter what you do or what you wish, homos will always exist and be relevant.


>playing dorf rogue
>want to be assassin for maximum deeps
>have to grab this faget up or wait until shit goes down

Zevran was bisexual and he was just a hedonistic slut, not some shoehorned "let me tell you about muh oppression" shitter.

>Why do homosexuals bring down the overall quality of video games that feature them?

They don't always, pic related.

Why don't we just have a box in the options to enable/disable gays?

Because that's not how the world works. You can't disable gays in real life, why would think that would be an option in a videogame?

Can I fuck that?

>You can't disable gays in real life
Sure you can.

Wait, my bro Duncan is actually gay?

I mean, I don't really mind (didn't even come up in my game). Just didn't know that.

>It's a Sup Forums tries to overcompensate and "pray the gay away" by spewing homophobic bullshit to try and convince everyone else how totally straight they definitely are episode

>retard´s opinion: discuss
Yeah, it is a retard´s opinion.

You mean cross-posting Sup Forumsedditors but you're close enough

You can do anything you want really, but that stops being in the realm of legality.

He's your brother you sick fuck.

It's actually only mentioned in a single line of dialogue, really easy to miss. When you talk to him about why your father was constantly angry with him back in the day and you can go
>was it because you started dating so early?
>no this wasn't about
and then the conversation immediately moves on.

It's super subtle and the character isn't defined by it in the slightest, I like it.

>being this butthurt

Duncan is a homo done right. Too bad the additional campaign makes him a bitch in the other sense of the word.

So it's kinda handled like Arcade Gannon in NV. Or that hunter in TW3.

Cool, I actually like it. I hate when a character is built solely on sexuality and shit.

>Queers should not be shoehorned into
You cana nd should replace "Queers" with anything.

If something is shoehorned in, of course it feels out of place.

If a *insert special needs character,repsect safespace goy*'s character only consists of "look at me I'm special" then fuck you Mr. Developer.

That's not a good character.

A fair argument.

Now, name one recent straight character, who rubbed their sexuality/gender int the players face?

Yeah that was quite a shitshow

Why can't I get him a SIN while I leave with my team? That ending felt rather ponitlessly limited IMHO

>he is your brother
And? Can I fuck that?

Hey Sup Forums/redditor, don't you have some tweets to screencap?

Isn't that literally any female character that's trying to seduce you?

I dunno, the Metal Gear Solid games are mostly fantastic and they're absolutely dripping with canonical homolust.

>Too bad the additional campaign makes him a bitch in the other sense of the word.

Never played that. What happens?

Zevran isn't really the best example because he's pretty cool as a character and it makes sense he'll have sex with guys because it fits the character
They only really dropped the ball with DA2 because not wanting to have sex with people shouldn't make them hate you
But it's less a game and more a dumpsterfire so go figure

Pretty sure you can't fight dragons in real life
Video games are supposed to be better than real life

In a way, yes.

Of course this also applies to *le female hourglass with bazoonga melons*

At the end of the game you get a choice for getting your (and your step-brother Duncan's) old life back.

So basically you get a choice, burn down the warehouse like your crime boss demands and your chances at getting your old civilian lives back goes to shit. Duncan gets super pissed off at you and leaves forever, but you stay with your team and go to Seattle to start a new base of operations with them.

Or you can save the warehouse like the cop police inspector demands, get your SIN (System Identification Number) back, but then you also have to leave your team behind forever. You and Duncan then both leave for Seattle where you grew up.


What a catastrofuck. Gayness muscled in on an otherwise compelling character and reduced him to a caricature. Bioware hasn't been this clumsy with a character since Anders, but at least Dorian didn't blow up a cathedral.

Why is Bioware so bad at handling the gays?

It's just as obnoxious when writers have a straight character express their orientation the way they do with gays, don't pretend otherwise.

They never will keep to themselves.

Basically, at the end you get the option of getting your SIN back, leave Hong Kong and leave your team, or keep on running the shadows If you choose the latter, Ducan fucks off and leaves the team.

There's nothing wrong with homosexually. I have interest in it, but it's okay if someone else does.

As long as faggots aren't trying to plunder your bp it should be okay to you too.

Yeah I liked that

"super pissed off" is an understatement.

He's literally frothing with anger and threatens to shoot your in your spine if both of you didn't go as back as you did (you grew up on the streets with him). And then he dissapears forever.

Because they're usually always poorly written characters with their sexuality being their main character trait or their sexuality is tacked on arbitrarily.

I can't really think of any character in particular that's been handled well.

A gay character is a good character if they don't mention sucking cock the first time I talk to them

Sexuality is not the character thing that SHOULD be in games. You can create the game without homosexuals.

Or have characters that are gay, but not only that.

If a gay person was to be a nymphomaniac, then his sexuality isn't as important as long as the nympho parts is the dominant aspect in conversations/scene with said character.

>character acting appropriately in-character to achieve her character's aims within the game's universe
>versus a homo saying how gay they are with no rhyme, reason or relevance to the plot or situation at hand in order to virtue signal to players

>There's nothing wrong with homosexually

That's okay, but don't exspect validation via answers.



Lol homo

I never said you were man.

You better seek professional help, judged by your avatar.

He actually never mentions his sexuality, unless you try to flirt with him.

any expression of sexuality in the main story just for the hell of it feels shoehorned and unneeded.

it should only be there when directly asked. like, if you roleplay as a gay and try to hit on an npc and he comments "sorry, i don't do gays" or something. not forced down your throat when you just want to go kill the asshole wizard, dragon or politician and/or save the world from the evil god/cabal/aliens.

there's a place for everything, you don't need to cram as much shit as you can into one package to bloat it up with forced content.

the story itself shouldn't have to pander to any demographics unless it's a romance/sex centered one. or shit like gta.

>The most absolute madman and best character of the whole franchise.
>Is an implied homosexual.
What did Spike Chunsoft mean by this?

Nah you're just a horrible/confused person if you're being serious.

There's a difference between a gay guy hitting on you, you being surprised, and him being like "oh you're not gay? Oh well" like a normal person would, and


Like most gays act.

>There is no other reason for including a ginger character in a game other than pandering or "makun muh statmunt". Therefore I am against gingers in games. I want to play the game, not listen to someone's retarded propaganda

>There is no other reason for including a tall character in a game other than pandering or "makun muh statmunt". Therefore I am against talls in games. I want to play the game, not listen to someone's retarded propaganda

>There is no other reason for including a bearded character in a game other than pandering or "makun muh statmunt". Therefore I am against beards in games. I want to play the game, not listen to someone's retarded propaganda

Its just a character trait. Every single character will have seemingly pointless character traits, its how you differentiate characters and give them a sense of identity.

Kill yourself.

Because it breaks the rules of teh games

It genarates a topic that is not in tune with the rest of the game its the same shit DLC does

thing is that red hair, tall body or a beard are accessories. so is just being gay.

talking about the love of cocks to the player who just asked for directions or homolusting after him isn't, unless the character's trait is being an annoying attention whore.

>Like most gays act.
Is your entire view of gays based on pop culture and Sup Forums or do you live in San Francisco?


In plenty of games background characters will make comments like "Have you seen the new barmaid" or whatever. And in the real world talking about who you want to date/fuck is one of the alltime most common conversational topics.

Humans are inextricably linked to sexuality and it plays a huge part in everyones lives. Obviously it can be pushed too far, but there is nothing inherently wrong with vidya characters unprovokedly talking about sex. Its an accurate depiction of ordinary conversations between adult men.

>Why do homosexuals bring down the overall quality of video games that feature them?

Zevran was my favorite character in Dragon Age. suck it op, your argument is invalid.

Zevran was perfectly okay though.

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay.

You Sup Forumstards have nothing to worry about, not even gay people will ever want to fuck you

>Its an accurate depiction of ordinary conversations between adult men.
Maybe if you're a construction worker.