Look under NPC's skirt

>look under NPC's skirt
>there's a black void

>look under NPC's skirt
>It's a transparent void that doest show the rest of the model

>look under a npcs skirt
>See a black men laughing

>Look under npc's skirt
>See a fully modeled vagina and ass complete with pubic hair

>look under NPC's unconscious body
>angle camera just right and see her pure panties


>look under NPC's skirt
>It's Deep Striker

>look under character's skirt
>see panties
>look under characters skirt again years later while playing remaster
>blank void

>3d fighting game with skirt physics
>if you hit them right you can see their panties
just like real life

>stare into the void too long
>the void stares into you



>3D fighting game
>every kick attack reveals the character's skirt

>look under NPC's skirt

>Kill NPC so you can take a better look

d fighting game with skirt physics
>Almost every move exposes the underwear.

>look under NPC's skirt
>there's a bulge

>game has a camera function

>chop NPC into pieces so you can get a better look

>look under a NPC's skirt
>see reflection

>Pause the game

Got nerfed in smash 4

>look under NPC's ski-

Oh wait, I don't because I have more self-respect than that

yet here you are

>Try to look up NPC's skirt
>NPC calls you a pervert


>look under character's skirt
>see appropriately coloured panties
>look under character's official figure's skirt
>see panties
>buy official figure and look under skirt
>legs that end in dress

>Telling lies on the internet

>choosing to deny yourself something you'll enjoy
>self respect

Pick one and only one, faggot.


>look under NPC's skirt
>"You have left the play area"


>look under NPC's skirt
>developer's photograph texture

is that...a bulge?