Take the last game you played

>take the last game you played
>make a drinking game out of it

Other urls found in this thread:


>World of Warcraft
>Go in to LFR with a multi-speed vibrating buttplug in your anus, turn it up a notch every time you kill a boss, drop it two every time you wipe

Close enough?

>Pokemon Moon
Every time something you're trying to catch calls in reinforcements, drink.

i'v done this

>pic related
>drink every time you lose rep with someone despite picking the fucking dialogue options their fucking dossier says they like

>Rocket League
>take a shot every time you miss the ball

show me your fuckboi butt

this kills the user

>Dark Souls
>Start a new game and talk to every NPC and exhaust all dialogue, you must drink for every time they laugh.

Just down the whole fucking bottle

>God Hand
>Sip every time an enemy's defenses are impregnable
>Sip every time an enemy's style is impetuous
>Drink every time you are not Alexander

Dead Island Riptide

Drink whenever anyone says shit like "not again" or "I'm fucking tired of X"

I literally cant think of anything that would make a good drinking game for Terraria.

>drink every time Shepard gets the feelings

Whenever some rare bullshit that would have been useful at least 1 armor tier ago but is useless now drops, drink.

Since Terrarria is MMO lite: treadmill edition this will get one drunk not in a hurry but quite reliably

>No Man's Sky
>drink every time resources deplete

Drink every time a dog ruins your life.

every time someone insta-locks as genji, drink

Take a drink every time the AI blobs
Finish your drink if they have patches of other kingdoms in the middle of their kingdom

>Drink each time you miss
>Drink each time someone calls you a N'wah


drink when you die

BUt I want to live.

>Witcher 3

>Take a swig every time Geralt talks to himself
>Take a shot every time he mentions the weather
>Chug every time you initiate a game of Gwent.
>Die of alcohol poisoning inside of two hours.

Old Runescape
>1 shot every time someone asks my lvl
>2 shots every time someone accuses me of botting
>get completely wasted upon dying as a HCIM

I would be drunk really fast

I was going to say when something breaks out of your pokeball, but that might be worse.

Darksiders 2, take a shot every time Death says the word "Horse"

>League of Asians.
>Take the smallest possible sip every time someone uses the enemy missing ping on top of a teammate because they died, didn't participate in a fight or missed a skillshot.

You'll be laying comatose on the floor with soiled undies before your team is even eligible to pass a surrender vote.

>Senran kagura
Everytime one of the titty ninjas's clothes rip, you drink.


That's a death sentence even without the weather and gwent ones.

>Crypt of the NecroDancer
Drink every time you die
Hard mode: Drink every time you miss the beat.

>Every time tripwire breaks the game, soak a tampon in everclear, shove it up your ass, and die

Didn't League used to have color?

>take a drink every time you want to play something else but can't seem to manage doing so

every time shep says "i should go"

Yeah, but that was toxic.

>Tropico 5

Take a drink for
>every natural disaster
>every strike/protest
>every invasion/uprising

And at the start of every mission for the hell of it.

>drink every time your legs are okay

>being able to stomach tropico 5 long enough for any of this to happen
I would have alcohol poisoning already


>play dungeon siege 3
>take a shot whenever says "jeyne kassynder"

b-but I don't want to die

that seems pretty fun, im going to try that

DM PVP games,
anytime someone dies you drink, when you die take 2 drinks

>No Man's Sky
>boot up the game and then drink until you die

Pokemon Sun/Moon
>Every time a wild pokemon calls for help, take a shot
Guaranteed alcohol poisoning.

On a non-/vp/ note, World of Warcraft;
>Every time you get gold off of a raid boss, including bonus rolls, take a shot
Dead after one game. Fuck RNG, I'm losing interest in that game because I can't keep up with my friends. I literally can not progress because no gear drops for me. I got one of those shitty meme legendaries on three characters too, and it's the worst one for my classes. I still haven't cleared any content past Mythic 2 dungeons and Normal Emerald Nightmare, which are child's play. I can follow mechanics flawlessly, but I can't keep up with others' damage because I can't get gear. I can't get into groups on knowledge and common sense alone. Maybe the best expansion will be the one that makes me quit this horrible habit finally.

I was wishing for death after just 20 minutes of that garbage game.

>Dishonored 2
>take a shot whenever you hear DAMN IT I NEED TO PEE
>need to pee

>take a shot every time delilah immediately detects wherever you are in the boss room, ruining your no detected playthrough.
boy I wish I was dead

>Take a shot every time you have a Hanzo and a Widowmaker on your team

>Quiplash with friends
>every time someone makes a penis joke, take a sip
>take two if it wins the quip
>empty the glass if it is a quiplash

> BF1
> Take a shot everytime you get gassed

Gonna be wasted

>Take a shot everytime you get spotted
>2 Shots for save scumming
>Shot for a non-target kill
>A shot for each rank below silent assassin

Find a normal server with low level (>3) players, join as a medic, give support to your liking, take a drink every time a player dies.
OPTIONAL: Finish your drink if everyone but you in your squad dies
>Hard mode
All of the above as well as every time someone runs off on their own (aside from you), take a drink
>Legendary mode
All of the above as well as take a drink every time a player starts unloading their 9mm on a fleshpound AND/OR attacks a scrake when a berserker has it under control and they're not a berserker
>Serious mode
All of the above as well as take a drink when a sharpshooter has the M99 AMR and asks for money, or a berserker buys a chainsaw, or a player is using an off perk weapon when it is detrimental to their class
All of the above as well as take a drink every time a player kills themselves
>Patriarch wave
If a player buys and places pipe bombs, a player stands on them and causes the patriarch to bust them, take three drinks.

I ran out of ideas by dante must die mode

Take a drink everytime the game makes a reference to things outside the genre it is spoofing in particular
This is only because making a drinking game every time it references something from sentai would not be stupidly obvious, but also fucking suicidal.

>Battlefield 1
>Drink when someone clubs, hacks or stabs you
>Drink when someone kills you with a fucking horse
>Drink whenever a Behemoth, Dreadnought or train joins the game
>Drink whenever a Behemoth, Dreadnought or train gets destroyed (finish drink if allied)
>Finish drink for every defeat

Drink everytime you use a weapon in BF1 that you didn't know even existed prior to the game's release.

Drink every time your dumbass of a MC does or says something stupid.

Take a drink every time you die
Get drunk REAL quick.
(Ps: I mean not Hardmode (AKA endgame)

Take a drink every time a Grand/Order design has a hair color that is different either what is well known as fact the hair color of historical figure in question, or can be narrowed down to a very select set of options.
I would say "drink everything it commits a historical or mythological inaccuracy" but I rather not be responsible for killing one of you fuck ups.

Payday 2

>drink whenever a new dlc is released
>drink when bain says 'thermal drill'
>drink when the drill jams

i did the csgo thingy where you drink everytime you get killed and take 3 drinks when yoou get knifed i apperently drinked 2 bottles of vodka and ended up with liver poisening

drink responsibly niggers

what game is that ?


take a swig every time you get into a random encounter

This however, won't kill you, but by the end of it you would probably wish it did
Drink everytime Ryse commits a historical or mythological inaccuracy

>Dragon Age: Inquisition
Drink every time they break their own lore with their SJW crap. You'll die.

I'll give you "does something stupid" because as far as I saw, he's mostly just following people and his "stupid things he does" are usually in the face of even stupider things.

Every time he says something stupid is a death sentence. Literally the opening cutscene has him going "wha...?" like 3 times or something.

>any bioware game, DAO for example
>whenever a cringy shitty piece of writing shows up, take a shot
You're gonna be absolutely dead in 30 minutes

I'll drink for every time I don't play that game.
I drank once.

>Take a swig every time you get a bad mutation

Because a lot of them pretty much didn't exist except as prototypes.

Jokes on you, I'll start chaining so when I want them to call reinforcements, they never fucking will

Or impossible. I dare you.I double dare you. You would die of alcohol poisoning in about 30 mins.

Prototypes count. If it didn't, no one would give a crap about that 50 pounds of plastics the OCIW.


Just get fucking hammered before playing so that way when you play tomorrow you will have "fun"

Let's not forget about Genji or Junkrat.



A mobile game spin off revolving primarily around mythological or historical figures and heroes.
Needless to say, it takes some very extreme liberties, Jeanne d'Arc has her physical depiction described, she wasn't blonde.

Drinking is for degenerates

>Sonic Unleashed
>drink whenever you hear youtu.be/F3VW9ep3gDc

I almost exclusively play overwatch when I'm stoned, kek

Take a drink every time you forget that this actually isn't a stand alone game and in fact tied in to a mediocre novel you probably never heard about until looking it up right this moment.
Alternatively, drink everytime you DO remember it is in fact not a stand alone thing.
Alternatively alternatively, drink every time the enemy mechs suck absolute shit to the point you have to wonder why even bother with mechs


>drink shot of vodka everytime a glitch appears or you hear "cheeki breeki iv damke"

Drink every time you remember how much better the previous games done things over this one.
Drink every time you hear that stupid bitch complaining about how she's going to fall
Down the entire fucking bottle every time you are reminded that the reboot is in fact a continuation and get the fact all the things you remember fondly like the Hammeriters, Keepers, Garrett proper, and other things get casually tossed aside like garbage both in and out of universe.

Overwatch. Every time your team picks 5 dps and you have to choose between tank or healer but you lose anyway because your team goes in one by one and it's a groundhog day of seeing them die take a sip.

drink when someone says blood

Take a drink every time Aiden comes off as an unlikable asshole with zero charisma .

>play a bioware game
>take a drink every time you see an awful animation or badly modeled character

i want to kill myself


Drink every time it decides to CTD.

>Drink every time KOTOR characters use the same five animations
There must've been like 2 custom animations for the entire game, I have my gripes about KOTOR2 but one thing they did better is at least trying to avoid overusing the same animations and dealing out custom animations with more frequency.

drink every time you an alien character repeats the same phrase while subtitles try to bullshit you into thinking he's saying something else.

>CoD 4 Remastered

Drink everytime you get killed by a M16 or any sniper rifle
Drink every time you realize that you fell for Activision's tricks

Dead within moments

>kill NC
Take a shot
>kill VS
Take a shot

didn't mean to reply to

Drink every time you notice limitations in budget and hardware prompted a barely alternated reuse of a model with maybe a different outfit.

>drink any time an opponent's account has less than 500 hours played or has existed for less than a year

I'm fucking done with this game

>Dishonored 2
>take a shot every time the game drops below 25fps

What a nice way to stay sober!

This is of course pertaining to KOTOR in particular.

>Tekken Tag 2

Take a shot every time you get KO'd
Take two shots if you get KO'd during a tag assault or by a tag throw
Drink if you get perfected
Chug if you lose straight

>Metal Gear Online
>Drink every time your teammate COULD have safely fultoned the enemy, but chose to kill them.
>Take a drink every time you are fultoned.
>Down a pint of cider every time you lose a round.

>be NC
>take a shot every time you get teamkilled

Every time you hear "An Ally has been slain" take a drink

>user died after drink 176 shots in 20 minutes