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when will the lies stop Sup Forums?

Some blame goes to the white knights and thirsty beta faggots drowning female streamers in cash though

le twidder wud de he mean by dis


All. If those losers didn't give them attention and donations they wouldn't exist.

Probably because if sponsor x wants to build an esports team of females their options are very limited so the female players can hold out for more cash. Supply and demand.

wage gaps are a myth

Nah bro, wage gap in tennis exist

Women play less time, attract less viewers, but still get the same prize for winning

Not strictly a wage but it still applies to the discussion

inb4 battle of the sexes wiki pagr


That's just how tournaments work, user.
Anyway, you should probably look at how much they make from sponsorships, that's where the real money is.

There are wage gaps in some industries.
Funny enough, Hollywood is one of the worst offenders in this regard.

Yeah, it exists, but only in these specific cases, and only because of the same reasons female prostitutes would get paid more then male ones.

>at their level of ability
Big whoop.
None of them are on a team worth a damn
Scarlet doesn't fucking count he has a Y chromosome he is a man


>inb4 he's banned from twitter

Literally who

someone explain please, i dont watch esports?
is this because they attract more viewers or is a good token woman worth alot to meet a requirement?

can somebody report him so twitter yanks his account? i'm all for free speech and jokes, but this is really despicable and can't be allowed

He's talking about streamers that get paid because they have titties

it's because the BBC released a hatchet-job on "sexism" in e-sports which included such gems as:
-truncating and editing quotes given to them from women in the scene, who turned around and publicly called the BBC out on it
-not bothering to do basic research into why women-only tournaments have smaller prize pools
-claiming twitch is owned by youtube

Women have their own exclusive tournaments/sponsorships, but can't cut it in tournaments with men

So the best women get paid better than the 20th best male team, but they are equal on ability
also this I guess, but not really. Male streamers put up far higher viewer counts than females in the same game

What a time to be alive.

>idiots ITT not getting the joke


Don't ctrl+f the number 9

When will this bigoted madman be banned from all sponsorships and teams?

I am honestly baffled by the people donating and I guess supporting the female streamer. I mean, we've all seen some weird shit, but this is something I can't comprehend.

What's wrong with that? I love paying money to support my favorite girl streamers.

Fuck you.

>I will never be given loads of money by lonely losers just for having tits and being bad at video games
Just fuck my shit up.

True but if they didn't treat a video game platform as LiveJasmin the betas wouldn't be giving them money. Both parties are at fault.

>responding to "you just lost the game" 2.0
I hope you die in your sleep you stupid faggot.

Sup young prince abdul sherif


Seriously though what's wrong with supporting my favorite girl streamers,


donating to streamers is some of the most beta shit imaginable
literally the only reason they acknowledge you is because you're paying for their fucking rent

This is true for all wage gaps. When you actually compare apples to apples, women often make more because how much the lie about them making less has spread.

So what.

Sexbots will fix this broken system.

oh look, another thread on Sup Forums to celebrate misogyny

Donating to female streamers is the ultimate form of e-cuckery.

And? Why do you care what someone else does with their money? There's nothing wrong with supporting a streamer who makes you feel good

Didn't some butthurt feminists get sex robots retroactively banned in Canada?


truly you underestimate the power of the omegas

Yes but there's nothing wrong with that.

No they won't they just further entice men to treat women like trash and pieces of meat

>back in the day it used to just be "you just lost the game", very innocent and just a bit of fun
>now it's some shit about people's mothers dying in their sleep, scary and mean spirited

It's a sign of the times, really.

>buy a sexbot
>get it to play simple videogames
>open a twitch channel for it
>rake in the money
Robo-slavery isn't illegal yet, is it?

Tits or gtfo

Shit you're right.Hopefully Trump starts WW3 and ends us all

BBC made clickbait about how theres sexism in e-sports.

Thing is, theres so much money and casuals flowing around the e-sports scene that nobody is buying SJW bullshit in there (save for Riot employees).


fuck off

>-claiming twitch is owned by youtube
Neat. I actually thought it was Google that owned it. Must be because of the months of rumours back then and somewhat not-as-publicly announced purchase by Amazon.

>Ron Paul lost in 2012, so no full on ANCAP money above all else type shit
>Hillary lost, no WW3 with Russia



Feel free to donate to anyone, user. But don't deceive yourself, that donating to female streamers to support isn't a form of e-cuckery. Female streamers don't stream about games and they do not stream to entertain their viewers while playing them. All they do is easily entertain males because of the simple fact of being a fenale on majorly male visited website.


>tfw fell for it


So I watched his "Females in Esports" video, which I assumed was related to that tweet.
He's going to get some shit.

>look at twitch
>100x woman only getting mone because of tits and cute
>5x guys get money because they are idiots

Donating to any streamer is e-cuckery
>Paying someone else to watch them play a video game instead of playing it yourself


I COULD, in theory, understand donating to a streamer if s/he's actually someone you really, really enjoy and puts in at least a work day's effort into this. You'd be group funding their salaries if you deem his/her entertainment value high enough to consider him/her a sort of employee.

However, I don't understand paying a random skank flashing a bit of cleavage while playing video games with below average skill. I'd imagine there's some deep psychological stuff involved, like someone utterly lonely getting a girlfriend experience and is paying out of despair that it'll be over if he doesn't. Or just someone with seriously deep-rooted whiteknight morals helping the damsel in distress. Or just someone retarded enough to think she'll actually appreciate the individual handing her cash and possibly leading to IRL romantic endeavours.

Is this now the purpose of your life?

Who wouldve guessed modern media is keen on misquoting people to drive their narrative forward?

He wasn't talking about streamers. Christ, it's not that difficult to understand, there are less women interested in esports, thus, less skilled women (compared to men) tend to drift to the top as the player pool is much smaller. But they still get paid a decent amount.

Also, supposedly women have slower reflexes thus they're also biologically disadvantaged.

enernet sports?

>modern media
They have been doing that shit for years bro. Instead now its not to have someone buy a newspaper or magazine, its it get some (clicks).

That's misandry, what OP was about. Misandry.

No such thing as wage gap.

This guy is wrong too.


Can't we stop posting those.

>Getting dolled up in makeup to play vidya

Females do this?

Literally the most overrated csgo player in the world.

when Sup Forums lies in ashes

why are so many faggots talking about streamers? the point hes trying to make is that extremely shitty female esports teams are undeservedly getting paid much more than they should because all these fucking orgs want to look "progressive"

>not wearing 10 pounds of makeup and a pushup bra whenever you play league
you don't like getting comfy, faggot?

I guess they're just projecting. Sup Forums really hates streamers, so anything anybody says about esports automatically means ''streamers'' to your average Sup Forumsirgin.

No, they get dolled up to play videogames in front of a camera.


what is going on in this thread? theres a difference between esports and these titty streamers.

>Twitch will never be based and ban these roasties for inappropriate content


No. It won't be for a long time. Lt. Cmdr Data was the property of starfleet until that trial.

>Nip slip
RIP in peace user

All of her is a nip slip, my man

that's racist

Is there a site where girls actually get naked to play games? Like a porn version of twitch that isn't fake?

she's one slippery nip alright

I'd slip into that nip.


Scarlett's not even the only trans pro gamer.

Transexuals, who make up an extremely tiny portion of the population, have a larger presence in esports than women, who make up over half the population. It's hilarious.

that's because those streamers have a good chunk of twitch's subscriber base who pay $5 or more monthly (twitch gets about $2 for each sub)

literally this


Have there ever been any statistics compiled on this? It would be pretty amazing if MtFs actually outnumbered women in progaming

males in general tend to be more competitive.

literally fucking who