So the Patriots develop a device that deflects bullets and disable explosives

So the Patriots develop a device that deflects bullets and disable explosives,
but the best use they can come up with is to play a prank on a woman?

Truly they are the greatest trolls.


No, it was parasitic-nanomachines.


Too bad for them, she read the Secret, and used the power of positive belief to stop bullets

There's actually a very good explanation
You see, MGS2 is not meant to be internally coherent.
The whole point of Fortune being revealed to have been tricked is so that she can then stop the missiles without the device, emphasising the power of striving to become what you want.

I'm more annoyed how it literally does not come up again after 2, you would think that would come up again EVENTUALLY at some point, even in spin off, but after 2 it might as well have been dropped in the Hudson River.


But 2 was never meant to be canon, and it sure as shit wasn't meant to have a chronological sequel.
One of the reasons 4 was such a clusterfuck is that it had to accommodate a literal interpretation of the wacky bullshit Kojomblestan put in 2

>But 2 was never meant to be canon
Who the fuck makes a numbered sequel, and wants to make it noncanon?

Someone who doesn't want to make a numbered sequel, and so decides to make a game about how much he didn't want to make it
It is public knowledge at this point that Hideous Kaptaincrunch wanted and prepared for every MGS game to be the last

>But 2 was never meant to be canon
First I've heard of it. Why is it not meant to be canon?

It was never said that it was going to be non-canon, back when it came out Kojima was only saying it was going to be his last Metal Gear and he wanted to do some other projects.

When you think about it, it was also another form of mental control, like everything else in the project.

It's noncanon in the sense that not everything that happened in the game really mattered, and every character treats those events as barely happening at all.

Isn't there a theory that MGS2 is all a VR mission or was that debunked

It is not a prank but a charade.
And Ocelot used it as well on the tanker as well as the shell, so they already use it for their operatives.

So what was the actual goal of the s3 project. The GW thing explains it at the end but it went over my head completely.
>Beat the game a couple minutes ago
>Sup Forums has a thread about it
Every time.

>not everything that happened in the game really mattered
You mean like every part of any story that is just embellishment?

Then it is canon
It's just that MGS2 was supposed to be the last MGS
At least for Kojima

Control of information and how they can control people's view of the world through it.

Teaching AIs how to deal with information regulation in the worst case.

Are you implying that the plot in any of these games make sense.

So that's why why GW said that the project wasn't about Raiden but about itself. It was kind of hard for me pay attention because I had been holding in piss ever since the RAY fight