Why is it impossible to sign up to Neogaf?

Why is it impossible to sign up to Neogaf?

I've been reading the forum dialy for months and I love the content but I can't sign up for some reason.

nigga pls

With how much people bitch about it, I'm wondering why any of you would ever bother signing up. Why is Sup Forums obsessed with things they supposedly hate?

Because Sup Forums is dying and we'll have to find someplace to escape sooner or later.

>With how much people bitch about it, I'm wondering why any of you would ever bother signing up. Why is Sup Forums obsessed with things they supposedly hate?
Are you mentally stunted? Wait, don't answer that. OP clearly doesn't hate Neofag if you bothered to read his two sentence post.

if you get in, remember not to say anything negative against sony

>impossible to sign up

neofag only requires a private email account. Are you a neet phoneposter that lacks school, job, and an ISP?

no way he was actually banned for that specific post

>how to get blackmailed by angry social JUSTice janitors 101

Hiro wants you to think that

Pretty sure that's not the post that got him banned.
This said, it's true they're very "Sony-centric", just not in a such blatant way.
My issue with NeoGaf is more related to how they take easy offense at... everything, but this is an issue with lots of modern forums, actually.

I think forums are outdated in the web 2.0 anyway. I only go there for leaks.

>I only go there for leaks.
I get them from here.

t. Emily Rodgers

welcome to neo-v, hating on neogaf and reddit has become little more than a meme. these worthless pieces of trash have long invaded Sup Forums with their idiocy


some dude got banned because he didnt care that RDR2 will not have a female or black character.

Why would you ever want to go to Neogaf?

>escaping TO a prison

That's not how this works, user

The internet is like jumping from one circle of hell right into another.

Is Sup Forums limbo?

This is what stockholm syndrome does to you folks. Once you've been cucked enough you actually ~want~ to slurp the bull's semen out of your wife's holes.

neofag is an exclusive, high-quality community that does not want the lowly plebs to reduce the quality of their website

or because cancerous pedos like to keep it a hugbox

You have to be a cuck to enter

>Because Sup Forums is dying

What makes you say that?

hiro's made it clear the website isn't sustaining itself financially

Oh that's what you mean. I wondered, because I've been thinking it died 8 years ago.

why do you know these things?

who cares

Wasn't that before the FUCK LOAD of advertisements they added?

The community died 8 years ago and never recovered. But Sup Forums really is dying for real this time.

Sup Forums has been running at a loss 8 years ago, hiro is just full of shit

>tfw with all the e-celeb/twitter drama garbage, constant falseflagging and every other post screaming underage you feel like you don't belong here anymore but there is no better place to migrate to because they're all ruled by powerhungry losers with some dumb internet agenda and the communities are too worried about keeping appearances

This. I go there to feed on impotent liberal rage and sometimes I see people in threads threatening to blackmail people using the info they used to sign up.

>people actually believe the site is dying because a known conman said so

Ads don't mean shit when majority us adblockers.

I got permabanned 3 years ago because I said if this fat dog can lose weight, so can my girlfriend

Hiro, the only Jewish chink to exist, wants people to think that. You'd have to be fucking clinically retarded to fall for his bait. This shithole has never had this more advertisements than it does now. Also, moot never shilled the Sup Forums gold shit as bad as chink moot. Chink moot went out of his way to add extra features to make more people fall for his scam. Moot ran this site for nearly a decade without asking for donations and he said a year ago the site was financially sustainable. Don't believe Hiro's lies.

I know that feel. Or everything's a hugbox. I'm not a dick to be a dick like most people are on Sup Forums these days, but I don't like to tap dance around what I really want to say or be forced to join the hivemind or get downvoted into oblivion.

Holy shit Sup Forums, I went away for a few months and the first thing I see is a positive thread for neofags ?
What in the everloving fuck happened ?

it's actually doing good profit now but at the cost of ads everywhere, passes and him probably selling user data of pass users

Calm down mr Bond, it's only one poster.