TIL 78% of US Gamers actually game on Smart Phones

Gaming landscape is changing.

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or maybe it's because most people don't buy their PC and console games through paypal while mobile games usually consist of people shelling out money daily through paypal for ingame boosts?

Define gamer

People who play video games.
Don't try to make it into something with qualifications, as if it's a title that's earned and needs to be defended.
A reader is someone who reads books. A moviegoer is someone who watches movies. A gamer is someone who plays video games.

>Don't try to make it into something with qualifications
>A reader is someone who reads books
>Specifically books


100% of americans have farted sometime in their life. Thus farting is more popular than not farting. Check mate.

Hmmm, so people who read comics and graphic novels aren't considered readers? Really makes you think...

By that logic, a gamer would be anyone who has ever played a game of any kind.
Played tag or hide and seek as a kid? You're a gamer now.

>A moviegoer is someone who watches movies
can you be anymore rude, this is not okay.

Who says comic BOOKS and graphic NOVELS aren't books?

>phone """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

u almos had me op

playing a game on your phone is to gaming what watching a movie on your phone is to going to the cinema

>"gamer" being defined as someone who played a game sometime after exiting the womb

so because i played snake on my old cellphone last month while waiting in line, i count towards that 78% statistic

How would you define it then? What's the exact threshold or it is a self-identified thing?

I saw a movie at a cinema once, guess I must be knowledgeable on all things movies.

Main hobby is playing video games

What qualifies someone to be a book nerd?

>A gamer is someone who plays video games.
So all those old people playing Soduku, Candy Crush etc on their phones are gamers?

A novel isn't necessarily a book though and comics come in many non book forms.

how bout we just cut the identity politics and stop self defining as gamers?

i couldnt give a shit wether some stranger thinks im a casual for playing mobile games.

Even if it did change to this, it would die in only a few years time. Nothing but the shallowest of shit that appeals to peoples gambling nature and quick fix habits. Most games are forgotten as soon as they come out and 'sequels' aren't picked up.

Mobile companies rise and fall in a matter of months, with only a few lasting anywhere close to a substantial time period. This isn't anywhere close to sustainable and many of these big companies have other things to fall back on that actually make up the bulk of their profit.

Ask a guy who games on a smartphone anything

Who gives a fuck? I thought Sup Forums hated being identified as a "gamer" regardless

Fuck off.

>So all those old people playing Soduku, Candy Crush etc on their phones are gamers?
>How would you define it then? What's the exact threshold or it is a self-identified thing?

The definition of "gamer" is whatever helps businessmen extract more shekels from cud-chewing goyim.


What's your most favorite sci-fi movie?

Yes. Can I ask you why you think it matters?
Is gamer something you're actually attached to or take pride in?

How much would it cost to get you to suck a dick?

Nobody would know, the dick is of average size and smells nice.

emulators + bluetooth controllers = fun times and pizzas

Back to plebbit.

Is it a feminine dick?
Any STDs?

That's not the point. It's idiots trying to use the label as a means of pushing that the majority of money is in mobile, which is killing the hobby for everyone, mobile included.

what games you got?

how will it kill it?

No STDs. It can be a feminine dick if it makes you feel more comfortable.

The point is, what does it cost to get you to suck dick, no strings attached?

Can I ask you why you think it matters?
Is reading something you're actually attached to or take pride in?

Video games were a mistake. We should've stuck to running HAM radio clubs.

Terminator 2.
Eh, 10 bucks
I mostly play emulators (PPSSPP lately with Harvest Moon: Hero of the Leaf Valley) but I've been playing XCOM: EW too. Other than that, all my games are ports. The only game I have that isn't a port is Pokemon Go because it's the only game my gf will play with me

>yfw mobile will kill consoles in your lifetime

>Excuse me, sir. Have you played a """game""" on your phone at some point during the year?
>"Huh? Uh...I guess so?"
>There you have it, readers. Gamers are officially going mobile.

Not him, but something similar is happening with Japan and pachinko machines.

>10 bucks

This is a good thing. Casuals will gravitate towards phones, hack devs will follow, the only ones making and buying games for PC will be actual fans. Could be the dawn of a new Golden Age. I encourage this trend.

>a farter is someone who farts

how many dicks you think you could hold in your ass at once?

100% of people that play phone games play games on their phone #woah

were not japanese tho, plus console gaming is too large too fail, i dont think cell phone games will put a dent.

plus japan doesnt really have that much competition with consoles as mich as we do.

Threshold is finishing 12 games/books/movies per year.

This is a meme that is constantly pushed to destroy the established metrics that defined a group for decades.

If you have bought either:
>A console
>A handheld
>A graphics card

You count under the "Gamer" label. If you buy something where the primarily designated purpose is to play video games, you count. My fire stick plays video games too but that's not why I bought it.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow . What is the most "normie" game i can talk about with my relatives

I blame the trend of consoles attempting to mimic PCs for the decline of quality in PC games.

Why couldn't consoles just stick with platformers and casual games?

Google Earth VR

2 for sure. I could may be fit more, but there's the problem with more than 2 people being able to stand around my ass at once I stuck a cucumber up my ass once.

>too large too fail
Has that ever held true for anything ever?

Pachinko has leveled off a bit, will probably drop more in the future but not necessarily significantly. Quality of machines and parlors has gone up. Expect the same for games.

Shower with your dad simulator

defense of the ancients 2 on microsoft windows

>thanksgiving tommorrow

aww fuck, i hope i can survive this shit

its weird for me to go to thanksgiving since all of my cousins that i grew up have kids/etc. I can't relate to them anymore

Have you got your #ThanksgivingClapback all planed out user?

Maybe we could get games that look better than Crysis 1 8 years ago

>how will it kill it?

It's called a bubble. Let me explain.

>one or two mobile games become retardedly popular among casual crowds
>Flappy Bird and Candy Crush make gorillions
>news organizations fellate the "economic success" to generate clicks
>stories covering these few "successes" are often glaringly inaccurate
>hype up potential of a new market, utterly misrepresenting the economic reality of it
>publishers and developers, hungering for shekels, focus on mobiledev
>mobile market becomes bloated and unwieldly
>oh no, it looks like casuals really don't give a shit about your mobile game
>it turns out Flappy Bird and Candy Crush were just flukes
>developers and publishers crash and burn
>billions lost
>Sup Forums laughs and shitposts

Why would you talk to your relatives about vidya? Why not talk about anything else? Quit forcing your lame hobby into everything.

Easy money


so someone who only reads manuals is a book reader?

someone who only watched commercials is a movie goer?

japanese are a weird bunch, corporations over there couldnt care less what the people think, so they kinda do whatever they want. and they let them, because its polite.

so go have a baby with your gf/wife, what's the problem here?

That sounded better in your head.

> flukes


>console gaming is too large too fail
>too large too fail

That only means that when it does fail, it will be both spectacular and catastrophic.

Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible 2

i have to travel to the aunts hoise of my brothers single mother girlfriend. so i have no room to retreat to.

Good, maybe they'll finally fuck off from home consoles for good and we can have our hobby back from the normies.

It's not sustainable. Hey, remember all those stories about mobile companies throwing fits because they didn't make big bucks after hearing that you could make insane amount of money off a shitty flash game with a budget of 500k or even less?

Hundreds of 'game' companies have filed for bankruptcy in the last few years.

Meanwhile the big boys like Capcom and Konami have scrapped console divisions of popular game series to try to bring them back as mobile games, only to have it slapped in their faces by fans and normies not giving a fuck because they haven't heard of the likes of Breath of Fire.

Pachinko parlors, Mobiles big brother in the gambling, but not gambling, game, have also had a similar effect.

The only companies not feeling the hurt from Mobile games not performing to expectations are companies that have alternate methods of getting profit.

The only games coming out for mobile that people enjoy are small things that offer a rush of winning every few minutes. Not a future that many people that got into this as a hobby are going to like and not something that people will continue to play because those games have very little variation and ultimately boil down to being clones of Bejeweled, Puzzle Bobble, Rhythm Heaven. Eventually, this market will lose interest and move on to the next thing that catches their interest and companies won't be able to switch gears, either because they scrapped the divisions long ago, or simply from fans giving up on them.

i think separating the more hardcore audience to the extreme casuals is important.

Everyone eats food, but not everyone understands how recipes work

Everyone reads, but not everyone understands how classical literature works

Everyone watches movies, but not everyone can truly critique high quality cinema

Everyone plays shitty games on their phone but not everyone can understand what actual game design is and what is a positive or negative thing in the games industry

Phone games are just made to be addictive and passed off as fun.

what the fuck is TIL

videogames now are all about big screen tv's and big robust graphics, i dont see mobile gaming replacing that any time soon.

Today I learned.
You are not playing LoL?

I trust you know your way to reddit, no?

Didn't notch work for King?

Do they have the golden touch?

78% of the people gaming on smartphones isn't equal to 78% of the people ONLY game on smartphones, hell even I game on smartphones when I have nothing else to do.

>still trusting statistics after everything
>are you a gamer
>what do you play on
>do you vote for hillary

Here user: :^)


BBC UPDATE: Are Console Gamers Racist?

"These survey results may shock you."

This is also not sustainable. FFXV had probably over a TRILLION dollars in budget and it won't see even a fraction of that in return. Even worse, once again the brand name of Final Fantasy will be tarnished. As graphics has become more and more of an issue and who can pump out the prettiest thing, we have long hit a wall of how much it costs to produce while not seeing a noticeable return.

This compounds with the mobile issue above as many of these companies are using Mobile profits to try to fuel these big passion projects and we are getting nothing but shit in return. So even if the console market won't go away, it's become irrevocably shit, as companies are less concerned about making an enjoyable experience because they just fall back onto the latest mobile game craze while pumping out their own clone.

I would rather these companies be struggling to even make the next game, because at least then they weren't so conceited that they believe they knew better then the consumer about what was fun.

Which means that the Nintendo Switch has an amazing chance to be the pioneer to be middle between thing.

That is only and if it also does at least the necessary functions that the current tabs already do (Skype, decent internet browsing etc etc) while being in the 200€/£/$ area.

In a sense, Nintendo could be our savior if they can merge those two markets, they can also shift the phone peons taste of games, at least a bit. Meaning that the standard for phone games will rise up and the shitty games will be curbstombed to oblivion.

This is what I hope, because it's either that or the bleak, dark mobile game future with whatever "games" they currently hold.

Maybe. That would explain everything:


> Candy Crush is one of the most successful games of all time, and is believed to make $403,850 a day.

I play Solitaire on my phone if that counts. Are there any good and ad-free Tetris games on Android?

this tbqh

"mobile apps" is by no means a booming industry, yet so many grown up devs fall into this pathetic pitfall

most such companies struggle to pay their programmers after the first few months, because you can't really fund a business with occasional $0.5 play/app store microtransactions

mobile development is a meme and it needs to fuck off


>A moviegoer is someone who watches movies.

If someone watches netflix at home does that make them a movie GOER?

Didn't think so you dumb piece of shit.

> Everyone plays shitty games on their phone but not everyone can understand what actual game design is and what is a positive or negative thing in the games industry

They are growing...

i still dont see how big developers for consoles will somehow switch over to phone games. phones arent really powerfull enough yet to satisfy the average game consumer.

>I really like this thing
>I only do it once a month though

haha naw son

Nintendo saving gaming again.

They are the hero we deserve.

good for them. I play games on my desktop PC and I like it that way. Until somehow you can't get a regular PC any more there will always be games produced for it.

Go tell news organizations that.

They're the ones who define "gamer" as someone who plays videogames maybe at least one hour per month.

Does this mean people who play with Mega Bloks are LEGO enthusiasts?

>Threshold is finishing games
>Finishing games

Sounds about right user, see; >finishing games

Most people (these days) hardly finish any of their games. So a 12 finished games per year is okay.