Other urls found in this thread:

its not even good enough to pirate

who cares, it's shit..If you consume feces just because it's free, you are just a shit eating sub human animal, not a gamer, not something that has a legitimate right to post on Sup Forums

Where is the torrent

I bought and played at release because I love Deus ex.

Looks like pirate fags finally get to taste what I've already finished with.

>I'm proud to call myself a gamer

Just wait for Direct link or Fitgirl Repack.

lol nobody cares already

we knew this was coming since that clue dropped

Too bad the game is garbage.
Your time is better spent watching paint dry.

Is it good ?

How long you beat it ?

Le Butthurt Buyfag detected


private trackers

This is good. I wanted to try this but it wasn't worth what SE was asking.

di ju rike it?

all those salty buyfags

Oh boy. I was looking for a reason to play the game I bought at launch.

There wasn't enough Sup Forums threads to keep me interested. For some reason I can only play games that have threads up about them.

It's utter shit but I'm glad it's cracked of course.

>the city of denuvo

I hope for more threads now.

Are you going to run-n-gun through the main story? Way under 20 hours.
Are you going to explore every corner of every map and do every side mission? All the places are full of details, that will take you much longer.

I also bought it. It has serious faults, like story and characters, but if you dig HR you're likely going to enjoy this too.

I'm just curious if my computer will be able to run it

I honestly think it's the best Deus Ex game in terms of gameplay, but here's a list of annoyances:

- Obvious political shoehorning; OH NO AN AUG, let me check your papers (literally every first time you enter an area), also ENTER THE AUG TRAIN, we don't like your kind in the PEOPLE train! Okay now you feel how it's like to be a refugee :^)
- Weak story, ends in a cliffhanger
- Weak characters overall, best ones are in side quests in my opinion
- Lip sync is just as bad as DXHR but since the graphics are better it's a lot more jarring
- PC controls are a bit awkward sometimes

+ Pretty much everything in the game has at least three ways of doing them
+ Hubs are really nice although the loading times are kinda long
+ Side-missions are a lot less related to the main narrative but are more numerous and kind of let you fuck around in the hubs, I imagine the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077 to be kind of like this
+ Graphics are nice if you turn the fucking sharpen off, would be nice to have a slider
+ Break into fucking everyone's houses
+ Uh, augmented strippers

Also the microtransactions are a non-issue, I think the devs just said fuck you Squeenix and only did the bare minimum of adding a 'shop' button. I never really noticed it again. The pre-order DLC is also completely separate and pretty much consists of like one two tiny maps and some talking, completely pointless.


>I bought and played at release because I love Deus ex.

Unlikely, or you wouldn't buy this trash. What you meant to say was that you loved Deus Ex HR and you haven't even played the real one.

bought it on release from amazon at discount and couldnt refund

didnt even manage to go past prague considering how disappointing it was

>still no hitman
literally the only game

Man, I wish they'd do Total War: Warhammer

this kills the denuvofag

Still has DLC and stuff coming out for it so they're waiting for that to finish.

Consolefags and shills BTFO

Does this mean Denuvo is crack for good or the key is different for each games/versions

It'll have DLC coming out the next 3 years or so though while they add all the races.

I'm just a huge Warhammer fan, but not a big Total War fan so I really want to try it.

>The pre-order DLC is also completely separate and pretty much consists of like one two tiny maps and some talking, completely pointless.
It would have been less pointless as a part of the main story, but Squeenix can't have that.
Even SysRift could've been part of main game, no fucking way it's worth 12 bucks.

For some reason each game has to be cracked individually and it takes like a month.

CPY has been at it since they released DOOM 2016 and Rise of the Tomb Raider a few months ago

Not that user but CPY usually waits for Complete Ultra Shining Delux Edition before they crack it. Like Dragon Age.

This is because Denuvo sometimes gets updated between patches and it would require them to crack each individual DLC month after month.

>76.99 GB


fml. i paid $1 for it a few days ago to some russian dude

Heh i liked it, enjoy it piratefags.

>game gets cracked
>pirates does a complete 180 on the game


Nah, it's still shit.

So why is the one on RAR 77gb and on TL 46? Is one fake?

what tracker

>tfw playing God Eater online with the pirated version
Italian madmen!

it's like 5 euro what the fuck is your problem

Not sure. Probably loaded with 30GB cheese pizza.

The Linux DRM-free version is 56gb

The Windows Denuvo version is almost 80gb

And people still defend Denuvo

they made a linux version of an aaa game? big is the base game install?

I might have to install another harddrive for this shit

Not only that but the online elements were great

Yes. AMD graphic cards are not supported

My steam folder is 67.1 Go and that's with all the DLC included

and where the fuck is the torrent file
half the shit that site links to like pirate bay and kickass are dead

It's a good game if you take the time to explore . It's shit if you rush through it. Enjoy the game anons

What about System Rift?

ok thanks

guess its all uncompressed other languages

>5 euro
nigga, its like 30 bucks here

Planet Coaster fucking when?

Has Deus Ex even had any worthwhile DLC yet?

Hey, hey.

Im a poorfag who have 2010 PC

Phenom II processors that didnt support SSE 4.1 is still can running this game, right ?

I seeing all jew AAA developers are dropping the support for Phenom processors so we must force ourself to buy new Computer.

no, all of them are shit


Mah nig.

I bought the game close to release for a bit under retail and it's really good. It does suffer from being the middle game in a trilogy though, the story seems to go absolutely nowhere and ends just as it starts to pick up, frustrating as fuck for a DX game for sure.

But the gameplay portion is where it shines. The options you have for even side quests are pretty fucking robust and it maintains that momentum in the gameplay all the way till the end. You don't feel as though your options are getting less and less as you near the end as though the devs had to rush the game or anything.

Definitely worth a pirate if you loved the previous games but thought they felt rushed.

Also, to add, the crack is for an older version of the game (I think the one near release) so most of the performance patches aren't included. You get it for free but it might run like ass.

denuvo buycucks btfo jews btfo dishonored 2 next

I will probably buy it if I can get it to run reasonably well

>image isn't even 4k

Just Cause 3 hasnt been Cracked in a year

Fifa 16 hasnt been Cracked in a year & a month

>takes months and months to crack

Devs already made majority of their money now thanks to Denuvo

Piratefags BTFO

in the end pirates always win

i'm pretty sure it's because there's virtually no demand for JC3 cracks given how shit the game is, especially given that CPY cracked versions with later versions of denuvo

Why is Denuvo so hard to crack?

abstraction layers or some shit

>on pc
>he likes fifa
lmao at your life eurocuck. soccer is not a real sport.

Nope devs win in the end since their goal is too stop pirates in the first months where they make most money.

Fuck off about demand, trash like god eater is cracked and trying to tell me there's more demand for that than JC3

because it's an anti-tamper system and not just a DRM
and a very resource-heavy one
there's a reason most games with denuvo run like complete shit unless devs optimize the game specifically for it like it was with doom

>3 months later
Nobody cares anymore buddy.

>pirated God Eater
hold the fuck up

Probably the next game.

>devs win

kek keep dreaming cuck

Adn Just cause 3 is now sold for 8€ on keysites.

Handegg is practically dead even in burgertopia.

>playes total 363,816 ± 15,739

I wonder how much performance boost we will get out of disabled denuvo.
AFAIK virtually every single cracked denuvo game gets one.

>Owners: 386,655
>Mixed reviews
>shit port
>now cracked
>not even 700 active players

Denuvo was a mistake

lol faggot

bought JC3 for 15€
although I had some fun with it I still kinda regret buying it.

>all those sales are at full price

Everything on Steam and Origin will get cracked now.

But so far nobody managed to crack a Denuvo game using uPlay

No, the fucking #AUGLIVESMATTER was a mistake.

>It took them months
>Includes Hotfix from Nov 11
It took them 12 days they just didn't start earlier

Imagine buying it for full price at launch. It was one of those games where I really couldn't see any way they could fuck it up, all they needed to do was take JC2, give it a graphical and physics upgrade, then place it in a new locale. But they managed to do the impossible.

Why they didn't give Avalanche Stockholm the game, I have no idea. They should have handled JC3 while the fucks that made this pile of shit get to handle Mad Max. As it stands, MM is miles better than JC3 despite having a limited amount of gameplay mechanics to play with. How the fuck did they manage that, even?

Keep in mind that Steam is full on digital cutting the cost of the packaging, shipment and retail away. It made profit anyway.

Not defending Denuvo though, that shit doesn't help.

> - The version is updated to the hotfix released on November 11th

It says that right in OP's link

Not entirely correct.
The game was part of a Nvidia promo so plenty of people got cheap keys with GPU deals.

notice how both deus ex md and just cause 3 have the same publisher - square enix.

>a throwaway bit of graffiti in a non-canon piece of concept art that most people never even saw
>somehow responsible for changing people's opinion of the game

The only people that got ~triggered~ by that were the fucking neo-Sup Forums trumpcucks that couldn't believe a videogame would dare attempt political commentary

What's wrong with it? How they managed to make it worse even though it should have more tools for doing fun things?

>meanwhile Witcher 3
>no Denuvo
>good port
>good game
>2.2 million sales
B-But m-muh Denuvo for the players.

>a throwaway bit of graffiti in a non-canon piece of concept art that most people never even saw
Didn't mean JUST the concept art. The whole story can go fuck itself.

>The only people that got ~triggered~ by that were the fucking neo-Sup Forums trumpcucks that couldn't believe a videogame would dare attempt political commentary
Sure. Pander to SJWs instead and see your games flop.

Meh doubt it was any less than $30