Is Jeff Gerstmann still a respectable video games journalist?
Is Jeff Gerstmann still a respectable video games journalist?
Sure. He's honest about his shit taste and isn't afraid of telling it like it is.
I think he's better as an e-celeb, though, dude is funny.
The bombcast and quick looks are so cosy.
>video game
>Get fired from company because of not falling in corporate line, giving game a bad review
>Make new company
>Get bought out the same company that fired you
He is a corporate sellout. Once he sold giant bomb I lost all respect for him
He's a cynical blob who seemingly hates everything, or at least has an "I'm so above it all" attitude toward everything. At least from what I've seen, I don't really follow GB. Maybe Sup Forums just cherry picks the stuff where they're being negative. It seems like spending too much time in the enthusiast press results in one of three outcomes:
>End up becoming a paid shill for publishers (Dorito Pope, Colin Moriarty)
>Spend too much time in San Francisco, and become more interested in the identity politics of games, rather than the games themselves (Patricia Hernandez, and too many others to count)
>Get burned out on the whole scene, and just grow increasingly hateful and bitter toward the thing you used to love (Jeff)
>my wife
He's a cynical fuck that never seems to be happy, but he loves the shit out of many casual games, such as the new Call of Duty and Titanfall 2. Dude just has shit taste, is all.
CBS didn't fire him. Both GB and gamespot both got bought by CBS.
Hes shit compared to Sorola
I wonder what Jeff's wife looks like.
he'll call out things in games that are retarded, whether he likes them or not, which is important
He had a fall from Grace. He used to be notorious for not shilling and now he is one. He sold his soul, and for what?
Is this bait?
He's a shill for VR now.
GS Fired him. GS bought out GB.
Doesn't matter that GS was owned by NBC instead of Ziff Davis
Yeah, fuck him for getting married. God forbid he try to move on with his life after his best friend died.
>GS bought out GB.
That's not true.
>fat, ugly piece of shit
>respectable video game journalist
what is a video game journalist
does he do investigations into business practices, annual budget performance, etc?
Why doesn't that matter? He grew his company to the exact same level as the company he left and then made some f
Fuck You money while he continues to the same shit he as doing before.
Really? It seemed like he was pretty unenthused with them during the streams.
Sup Forums is just jealous he can make a living from talking about games and work in a comfy job in san francisco.
Remember that time he said Gerstmann gave Fallout 4 a lower than average score to look cool while he and his coworkers all wore Pip boys?
He sold his soul
F*ck Jeff Gerstmann he only gave Fallout 4 3 stars. He needs to freak off from the industry
Oh wait you wear thing you don't like?
OK. Now I see. You're fucking retarded.
>new Call of Duty
he hates it, the only Call of Duty he liked last was Advanced warfare .
You're right about TF2 tho
Man angry joe sure got fat
He's good for insight on the industry. He's got a real shitty taste in video games though.
What videog games does he like?
Sorry this was meant for
>Giant Bomb becoming a part of GameSpot
>video game journalist
What ever happened to the other GameSpot guys? Like Ryan MacDonald and Rich Gallup. The era of on the spot live on around 2004 was great before all this YouTube gamer bs.
I mean, that doesn't say GS. And then there's
>has been purchased by CBS Interactive, parent company of Gerstmann's former employer GameStop.
Which also points out that CBSi isn't GS. And has a hilarious typo.
They share resources.... they don't share ideas.... GIantbomb is very much its own thing.. Just equipment sometimes floor space and gear is shared.
Jesus, read the headline. GB bought by CBS. You are truly retarded.
So he sold Giant Bomb and then Giant Bomb became a part of GameSpot, but you're going to argue he somehow didn't sell himself out to the people, company and corporate culture that got him fired in the fucking first place?
I have followed him since the Gamespot days, Jeff Gerstmann aka 8.8 aka The Fuhrer of the Zelda Genocide has always been vocal and open about his casual taste in video games and has as far as I can remember been totally unabashed by it. Some people call it cynicism but he's just a man who knows what he likes and don't like.
What happened to gamespot? I don't even hear about them anymore
>Gets proven wrong
>Still argues from a position of ignorance
Never change Sup Forums
Gamespot is as well owned by CBSi....
He sold Giant Bomb and then Giant Bomb instantly became a part of GameSpot.
How is that not selling himself to GameSpot?
Anyone got a figure on how much he made selling GB? Would be interesting to know where he is financially since we hear slot about his life.
Are you trolling or can you not read?
around 15k
I heard Gallup owns a polling company now
Ryan still works at GameSpot sort of
Rich is working for some startup making a Star Trek phone game.
Not only did it not become a part of Gamespot, getting bought by a parent company and merging with a subsidiary of the parent company wouldn't mean you've been by by that subsidiary.
They're irrelevant now (at least as a web site) as everybody just watches content on YouTube. It used to be a good community where you could blog and comment on others' blogs. Just doesn't feel that way anymore. The community moved on I guess. I occasionally check out their video reviews.
>you've been by by that subsidiary.
*you've been bought by that subsidiary. Fucking typos.
Open up
It's full of Giant Bomb content
They're in the same fucking building
Wow I figuratively wipe my ass with that. I'm sure that's about what they get in memberships though since they barely make content anymore for premium.
I do not see a single giant bomb thing on that page. The fuck are you talking about?
They were pretty cool guys. Everybody kept asking about Gallup's scarred eyebrow. Ryan used to do a lot of the E3 live stuff. I remember once someone closed a door and severed their cable but they managed to fix it and resume broadcasting.
How much do you make?
But he's still working in the same building with the same people, and same corporate structure that got him fired for giving Kane and Lynch a bad review.
Don't worry though, he became a subsidiary of the people that fucked him earlier, through an even bigger corporation that will fuck him, so it's fine! now redirects to giant bomb instead of gamespot... what's up with that? does cbs finally realize gamespot is dead?
I make 300k as a Wendy's chef and have a 9inch penis. My point is that 15k is not slot of money and not what he was paid for selling GB.
>But he's still working ... with the same people
No, definitely different people and he's not even working with those really.
>and same corporate structure that got him fired for giving Kane and Lynch a bad review.
I doubt that, I'm pretty sure they have way more creative control now. But that's just my guess. Besides, CBSi didn't get him fired, that's the corporate structure he's under now.
>he became a subsidiary of the people that fucked him earlier
No he fucking didn't, learn to read. GB is a subsidiary of CBSi, not GS.
>Jeff x Carrie never happened
>One of the few non-SJW's females in the biz
>Can keep up with the bantz
>Literately a female Gerstmann
>She made an instance named after Jeff in Warhammer Online
>She could've filled the void left after Ryan Davis
It would've been too good to be true.
Whack u Dan rykert hacked it with his friend Tyson Kidd
The cognitive dissonance you have in trying to justify why he became a part of the same company that fucked him is amazing.
There is all kinds of companies, why'd he become a part of the one company that fired him for his reviews.
Too many retards in this thread. Let's just watch some GB.
The people who were directly responsible of Jeff getting fired, was fired by the time they got bought. GB would've continued being semi-independent if the owner of Whiskey Media didn't sell out.
No one at CBS had anything to do with Jeff leaving GS. GB is not a part of GS, nor is it under GS, they are now owned by the same company (remember this isn't the company that had anything to with Jeff's termination.)
You're the fucking retard with cognitive dissonance here. Gamespot didn't fucking buy Giant Bomb. CBSi bought BOTH Gamespot AND Giant Bomb.
It's not the same fucking company dipshit. That's the whole point.
They also used to have user forums called unions which they killed off, fucking over that entire portion of dedicated users.
I like him most of the time and GB wouldn't function without him but man is it rage-inducing when he hates good games for silly reasons, like Majora's Mask because it's a "side game" and stupid shit like that.
>tfw jeff is getting old
Who cares what he looks like? You fucking fags sound like women and homos, you even give retards like Pewdiepie a pass because you want to fuck them.
I liked it
god jeff has such shitty dudebro taste in games
Advanced Warfare was fun, and CoD not going further with that design is stupid. I loved AW's fast acceleration.
He doesn't hate it for being a side game. He hates for mostly being an Ocarina asset flip. Which is still bone-headed, but I can see where he's coming from, since it makes the whole product seem cheap and low effort at first glance. Hell, it kept me from playing it for an embarassingly long time, because I also wasn't expecting much from it. And now it's my favorite Zelda.
Give him a game that feels too complicated and he will make it seem like the game is flawed.
What's her full name? She sounds interesting
What ever happened to Ryan Davis? That guy was unhealthy.
>She could've filled the void left after Ryan Davis
SF office will be hiring again. We can still dream.
Top kek, right, my family?
I was bullshitting. Sorry user
He got executed for being too savage on his twitter.
>Ryan's Tweets are gone forever
>got fired for "protesting" a game
>didn't have enough money to start a cheap site
>got cucked into being hired by someone who did
>got cucked into taking on sjw trash
>got cucked into promoting sjw group think
>got cucked when site was sold right to the company he was fired from in the first place
And there's no such thing as a respectable game journalist, even actual journalists aren't respected anymore.
CBS owns Gamespot but Gamespot officially purchased GiantBomb since Gamespot is part of the digital interactive arm of CBS.
Jeff basically took a long walk right back to the people who fired him, plus he never owned GiantBomb, there was an investor who created Whiskey Media, GiantBomb's parent company. Jeff is probably barely making more now than when he was fired, I wouldn't be shocked if he gets paid hourly instead of salaried.
This game was the closest to a mainstream Unreal Tournament game we've got in a decade. Fuck you I liked it.
When Jeff is a savage. He's savage as fuck.
>Spends entire interview before this ribbing Kudo for making the only good Army Men game then ruining Def Jam while Phil is laughing
>First question to Phil is straight raw hunking.
>but Gamespot officially purchased GiantBomb since Gamespot is part of the digital interactive arm of CBS.
That's wrong and does not make sense. CBSi =/= GS.
Who are the guys he's talking to?
>video games journalist
Pick one
How are you on this board and don't know who Phil Spencer is?
He gave the Syndicate reboot a 5/5.
Of course he's not. Him being fired because of K&L doesn't suddenly make him a paragon of virtue.
That's Phil Spencer on the left.