Thanks god I bought a WiiU + #FE. I was at the fence because of how good FF XV looked to be, it's amazing how FF XV is bad.
Thanks god I bought a WiiU + #FE. I was at the fence because of how good FF XV looked to be...
I know you SMTxFE fag were desperate in liking the game but claiming it's better than FF15 is a joke
TMS is a decent game.
which is a lot better than what FFXV is.
more varied locations, better combat, actual ending, story shit doesn't happen off screen, story isn't cut into movie/anime/dlc.
>TMS is a decent game.
nice argument.
Can I emulate Tsubasa's game?
why argue against bait?
Most of the hate against 15 is shitposting and misinformation,
Like the webm showing the final battle. It's the finishing, you still have fight the boss normally. It's no different than using Blade Mode over and over on Armstrong to kill him.
>actual arguments to why the game is good
ok FFXV-Kun
just saw the actual battle, somehow it's more repetitive and boring than the QTE which is quite a feat
What the fuck is this post? Why is it so bizarre? It's like it was written by a 5 year old or by an alien that's trying to mimic human speech.
I haven't played either game, but just saying shit like "better combat" isn't an actual argument, my friend.
An actual argument would be explaining why you think #FE has better combat than FF15. What you did there was just shit flinging.
>What the fuck is this post? Why is it so bizarre? It's like it was written by a 5 year old or by an alien that's trying to mimic human speech.
welcome to the Hashtag FE fanbase. Full of immature kids.
You know people spamming Persona 5 spoilers? It was them in a desperate attempt to boost SMTxFE's sales
>TMS ended up being the best JRPG of the year
How sad for the genre.
And #FE is shit and looks bad too. Good job.
>spoiling a game for someone
>spoiling a game for someone to boost the sales of your preferred game
holy FUCK that is cancer on a whole new level.
>tfw P5 will get best review out of these 3
that pic is some high level falseflagging, i must say
nothing was promised. you built hype yourself
a what could have been :))))
Reminder they never promised a crossover, it was just an idea they were throwing around.
>Names the fucking project SMT x FE
Source on your BS m8
good to see someone screencapped your posts in You are still THIS autistic. Good to know :,-)
they did, but only for a like a week
Why the fuck are the shills still here?
Yeah, and Marvel vs Capcom could have been DDR clone, and nobody would have been disappointed, right?
Alright FFXV is an abortion of a game, but TMS is just as cancerous. Buy P5.
To keep awareness up. A rumor earlier this year stated they're working on a new game.
I was heavily disappointed by Persona 5, but it looks to be JRPG of the year.
>The clock in the background has no hands
Nice game.
I cant yet.
>tfw can't officially marry best Scandinavian girl.
Why even bother bringing the game out if you resort to half-assed edits? What is the motivation? Is NoA so gunshy about getting another petition that they resort to these 4Kids-tier changes?
>That dialogue
Has anyone really been as far as decided?