List ONE game that has the BEST game play

List ONE game that has the BEST game play.


Literally flawless

This board is 18+, nigger.

Dead Island

>0.5 tendies have been deposited into your goodboy account

Crash Team Racing

Mountain Blades

Ninja Gaiden

Denial fags stay mad

League of Legends

>what is The Last of Us, Uncharted, Bloodborne.

wew that was hard.

Witcher 3. Stay mad.

You overplayed your hand, user. Your bait was too big. No (You) for you.

>It's bait if I disagree!
never change Sup Forums...

Darksiders 2

>The Last of Us
I mean, I get Uncharted and Bloodborne, can't tell if underage or bait.


>inb4 I'm still mad


>He thinks Uncharted has better gameplay than TLoU


Jackie Chan stuntmaster

Baldur's Gate

Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo

Name a better game than Mountain Blade

Shadow of the Colossus, Conkers' Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie.

what is this webm and why do i have a doner

Old school RuneScape


Starcraft: Brood War


Kirby Superstar Ultra

I've played league since season 2. Is this bait?

mount and blade warband.

just remember fast travel is ctrl + space