>Blanket on
>Playing all the Uncharted games for the first time
>Vidya on left monitor
>Sup Forums on right monitor
Welcome to user's thread, how comfy are 'ya?
>Blanket on
>Playing all the Uncharted games for the first time
>Vidya on left monitor
>Sup Forums on right monitor
Welcome to user's thread, how comfy are 'ya?
>overslept for uni
>got mad and decided to sleep even more, giving a total of 12 hours in bed
>probably gonna spend the entire evening modding Skyrim
bretty comfy self loathing
Pretty fuckin comfy
>just home from work
>smoking ciggy
>about to pray/slay hellhounds in osrs, get 70 att
>get whip for the first time in my life
>have the week off
>snowing outside
>loaded up Fable anniversary
>hooked up my PC to my TV at the end of my bed with a long HDMI cable
>tucked myself in and playing it with a bluetooth game
Whenever I browse Sup Forums I just can't play video games, I constantly get distracted by shitposting. And once I'm in the Sup Forums mood, I find it really hard to put it down and go play a game instead of just reopening a tab
Isn't rs3 better though?
That's only if you use a tv and a laptop, if you have two monitors it's easy to shitpost while playing
>got mad and decided to sleep even more
I wanna live like that every day
Probably depends on the person, but I hate living like it due to always being ashamed of myself when I finally get up. Looking forward to when I actually have to get up for a job
Mass pillows, blankets, PS4 in front-right, gonna watch Futurama, Star Trek, Pokemon XY, or Rorouni Kenshin while I play Pokemon Moon. Have a fat bag of bud on the way, prob gonna pick up some food in a few. I don't want to be anywhere else right now.
>tfw still waiting for Sun&Moon in the mail
>have to begin writing my masters project
>finals in three weeks
>want to start playing Skyrim again
>want to smoke some DUDEWEEDLMAO
>snow outside
>buying shit games
Woah sorry you're wasting your money on college.
>1 more minute
Your favorite game is shit
Also I fucked your mom
how? college is almost free in my country, and starting salary with my degree is around 100k, which is pretty good here
oh, and it's university, not college :)
Oh, I thought you were american/mexican because prices for education there are fucking ridiculous.
>Source: I'm a Mexicunt
Then good for you, what are you studying?
>university, not college
It's the same shit where I'm from
It's so fun dude. I hope for speedy travels your way. Coming from only having played RBY/&E prior, all the new stuff feels so good. Prob gonna finish the story today and get to working on a team.
How do I become comfy, Sup Forums?
>on way home from work in comfy winter clothing
>it's my birthday, having a comfy winter barbecue with my family when I get home
>will spend the rest of the night trying out all the new vidya I got in my newly renovated room
bretty comfy :3
That looks pretty comfy indeed, happy birthday user.
That's mega fucking comfy, honestly one of the most comfy things I have read. Have fun bro. You got some coffee or weed? Maybe some brews?
Uni prices here are really good, which unfortunately leads to a lot of people taking meme degrees which destroys the system, which in turn leads to the next generation not having the same opportunities as me.
I'm doing organic chemical engineering, pretty fucking fun.
Watch futurama, the why of fry and Jurassic bark
This is one of the best vidya purchases I have ever made
For sure bro, I played them all on ps3. I'm thinking of picking it up myself. I'm stuck on chapter 20 of uncharted 4 because I started on crushing first. It doesn't just make enemies tougher/deal more damage it adds turrets more enemies.
I'm currently playing Uncharted 1 and I also put it on Crushing first, it's not too hard honestly. Sure you have to repeat some parts until you figure out how kill everybody but it's not throw the controller-tier
>eaten like two slices of bacon and three eggs for the past four days
>drunk a few bottles of water
>order pizza
>consume said pizza
>stomach is now reenacting the battle of the somme
>comfy level in the negatives
someone kill me
More water or get a base like Arginine
Goddamn now I want some pizza but I've eaten too much garbage in the past few days...
>playing the new tomb raider tonight
>Im ill that means no work but gotta go to the doc tommorrow (uncomfy as fuck)
>loved the first tomb raider from the new generations and I hope the new one isnt a let down
Not at all comfy.
>lose a lot of weight
>surgery to remove excessive skin
>1½ weeks since surgery
>also hit with mild influenza
Literally want to fucking die. The only escape is sleep's embrace.
Dude I would fucking kill to be skinny again, cheer up.
Never had a console back then but im itching to buy and play uncharted4. But I wanna get into it first playing the first three games. Am I in for a joyful ride or a fucking chore? How do they hold up these days?
Both OSRS and RS3 are trash
I am pretty happy with the result. Down 65 kg from 137 to 72.
But I cannot do any form of exercise the next 2 months, other than walking, and I have a Marathon in May so this time right now is fucking torture.
Not to mention I have to wear this huge ass compression belt for 12 fucking weeks.
Just kill me now senpai.
congratz on that shit brah. Trying to recover here. Went from fucking 140kg to 90 then back to 120. Fuck it, I had it and threw it away. Gotta get back on track.
>the feels of being ex fatty
>the joy in live you never felt before
>no more fucking around your shirt trying to hide your manboobs
>wearing the hottest stuff
>getting chicks is now ez mode
enjoy it dude!
>just got some nachos from Taco Bell
>made a pillow fort
>put tablet in pillow fort so I can shitpost
>TV on the floor
>got blankets
>will play SH2 for the first time
Comfy as fug
>tfw no taco bell in germany
>tfw you will never feel the unhealthy but tasty as fuck shit they have in murrica
they're pretty good games. The catch is that they're very scripted and gameplay doesnt have any depth. Good for a once through then they sort of lose the appeal.
I'm not sure if i could marathon the series
>constantly tired
>thinking about suicide every day
>video games dont make me happy anymore
>just want a gf
Like you see, I'm not very comfy right now.
>fucking around your shirt trying to hide your manboobs
This hits too close to home. I hate having to do this shit. I always have to wear two shirts and a jacket.
I just wanna wear comfy V necks some day. Fuck my life.
Being actually able to wear trendy shit without looking awkward as fuck is a huge plus. My style has totally changed after I lost weight.
You should get back on it man. Did you try running? I found a running club which helped me fucking greatly even though I couldn't run fucking 500 m when I started, I've run around 10 half marathons, did one each weekend in October, longest run being 31 km.
The best thing about running is, you can absolutely eat anything you want after. 31 km burns fucking 2400 cals.
Also spinning is nice if you have a fitness center near you.
The shit is pretty tasty. I got their new steakhouse nachos and this shit shouldn't be as good as it is. Clogging my arteries shouldn't taste so good.
better start at just 4 then?
why depressed tho? Had the same shit in the last years. couldnt enjoy anything. Went to doc. Being a fatty virgin was my problem. Lost bazillion pounds. Now Im happy again. Damn.
Hey. Thx for the recommendations. I've been leaving it playing all the way through in the background. I've prob done that like 10 or so times by now. I'll check those specifically, when I grab some food.
The humor is p relaxed. It compliments vidya well with not having to pay too much attention to get it. Pokemon isn't too demanding either. Good combo to let the mind wander.
Smoked a lil bit of weed
Lying in bed watching my friends game of Overwatch before I start playing
Comfy af
i know that feel. Wish i could know it more
>work in the medical field
>possibility of a random drug test is unlikely, but possible
>Can't even enjoy weed because you get paranoid youll get tested
I'm a good employee too. i wish i could just enjoy some dank on my time off
jelly as fk right now.
yeah I go boxing for like 2 years now. But smoking pot and being a lazy fuck crushed me. Now fighting my way down to my beloved 90kgs.
Get over here for some feels.
Hate that shit too, it annoys me so much.
>tfw you hate summer cause of moobs while wearing a single shirt
we are not alone!
>no money for food
>house is virtually empty
>eat once a day
>sleep more than stay awake or stay in bed to conserve energy
>no one invited me to thanksgiving
>have Sup Forums and vidya
>winter is cold as fuck
>turn off heat to save money for food
>the rest of this and next month is going to fucking suck
I want to fucking die.
I'm starting a job with the government soon and it could have drug tests but my brother and sister-in-law know I smoke, and she works for the government as well and they've never mentioned them. Still gotta cut down for when I start so making the most of it.
>smoking some weed now
>getting high
>enjoy a fresh new game of PoE, maybe some overwatch later fucking shit up with harambe
>watching deep space nine later
why is this deep space nine so good? Or is my taste just shit? Didnt even know about it until yesterday.
>why depressed tho? Had the same shit in the last years. couldnt enjoy anything. Went to doc. Being a fatty virgin was my problem. Lost bazillion pounds. Now Im happy again. Damn.
I am a hikki neet loser with no friends or job (though I make some Euros flipping shit on ebay). Nothing gives me joy anymore, my life is meaningless and I see no reason in living.
And I too was a fatty virgin and then lost bazillion pounds. Now I am a skinny 65 kg virgin.
>want to get comfy
>ask mum where my thick socks are
>"In the wash, just wear a regular pair"
>Sup Forums on right monitor
how does this help the comfy?
This makes me sad. Godspeed breh
>Curled up under cover in computer chair that's comfy as fuck
>Drinking chocolate milk mixed with a banana since I worked out earlier
>GF texted me she loved me
>Playing Morrowind
I could literally die happy right now. I don't think things can get better.
Well I can assure you that you only feel like this because of fucking depression. And its not easy but possible to get it back on track. Imagine enjoying the little things and videogames again.
Being a loser or nerd is okay. I accepted and embraced it (dont overdo it tho). When I fucked a few bishes and wasnt a virgin anymore I thought to myself: what the fuck is all that fuzz about?! Thats it? Thats sex? Better off jerking or getting a godlike blowjob. Sex is nice but not as nice as a virgin imagines. Still to these day imo blowjobs are the fucking best.
Try to change a few things dude, but stay yourself. Hope you get better soon.
>Too sick and cold to be on PC
>On bed playing patapon 2 and browsing Sup Forums on phone
Pretty comfy aside from occasionally hacking up phlegm
hungover, didn't wash for 3 days, didn't sleep enough, just jizzed after pretending I was a girl on sex chat so my crotch is all wet, my feet are cold and my heather is broken.
Lliving the dream.
What's wrong with Heather user? What did you do to that deepthroating lovable whooer?
>pretty comfy
>read comfy thread
>is actually a depression thread
>get depressed
fuck you
*heater, fug
Also, I'm starting to think I should clean my room a little, get rid of all the piss bottles, I mean, what a sight if someone find me dead in all this filth.
Drink like 6 liters of water
Its what I'm doing to suicide
>Not buying helium tank
>implying it won't be mixed with oxygen
Carbon monoxide is the way.
Depression and anxiety
Currently addicted to a medication that no longer works
Chronic headaches
Mood swings
Insane leg pain
Waiting for a doctors appointment for next week
Will I ever be comfy again Sup Forums? I miss enjoying things.
at least you can pretend to the cashier you are buying it to inflate ballon because you are a party clown
don't tell me you are not used to pretend.
just get yourself a nice ass blanket
all your troubles will be gone
Still comfy over here family. Making some chicken and rice right now. I want the weed breh to show up already tho. Sum bitch.
I save browsing Sup Forums for cooldown periods and then only for 20 mins or so.
Leave facebook, it's saddening to see all your friend succeed at life, while you used to be the clever one back to school.
that's not your fault, you are just lazy. At least that's the excuse you keep repeating to yourself.
When you think about it, you never really enjoyed things.
You wish you could say that at leas, you tried.
It will never go well.
Not him but this makes things worse for me, because every break in the action turns into a prolonged Sup Forums break.
Look at the bright side, Life is Short.
> stayed home from college today, missed 2 classes
> posted up in bed watching A Christmas Story on DVD
> took a few klonopin
> snow falling outside
> pot of west coast dark roast keeping warm
> gonna bust out Wind Waker HD on Wii U after the movie
> grab a blanket and a cup of dark roast
> play until dinner
> breakfast for dinner
> Trailblazers game on TV tonight
Comfy as fuck Fall day
Now if only I wasn't so damn drowsy.
T-thanks guys
>Warioland Shake It!
>Steel Reserve 40oz.
>Pizza coming soon
>holiday break
comfy at 98.67%
>>while you used to be the clever one back to school
>tfw never was the clever one back at school
>used to just dick around in school and get in trouble
>tfw I deserve to be in the mess I am today
>Nintendo games
God, THAT's depressing.
meh, at least you had fun
It's all gone now.
>have to go to work in an hour
>term project deadlines and finals approaching
>don't want to play any vidya because my PS4 is supposed to arrive on Friday and I don't want to be in the middle of another game when it does
i'm not comfy at all
Are you kidding me? I have the same IKEA desk
i used to hate fun as well
you'll come around one day
Eh ! you still have time ! I mean, You're not 30 yet !
Soon, tough.
so Sup Forums on the TV and vidya on the laptop?
I still wish I was in that care-free environment with no worries at all man
I'll make it eventually senpai
I'm this guy I sold my PS4 and game collection because all of the fast paced shooters, and high pressure online games were making my anxiety unbearable.
Bought a Wii U, and honestly my anxiety is better just chilling playing Mario Kart or Kirby or the old classic Nintendo games which don't have that pressure. Best descsion I've made in a long time.
I also have like $150 in spare cash now too, and heating bills here in the Northland are going up now that there's snow everywhere.
>watching For A Few Dollars More
>playing Red Dead Redemption off and on because my xbone controller takes batteries and I'm too poor to buy a rechargeable pack or charge station
>going to play some Animal Crossing WW and get my new neighbor to move out by bashing them with the net
>watch Arrow and South Park later but idk if I want to watch South Park because of how boring that shit is now with the storyline
COMFY as a motherfucka all things considered. Anybody got comfy milf porn?
happy birthday user, love your room btw
> that unemployed friend with a great project in mind. He keep talking about it and how rich he will be. He's talking about it for 2 years now.
Two more hours and I'll be off work for a 4 day weekend.
I'm gonna hunt the fuck out of some monsters.
I'm on a 3 years weekend
If your standards are low enough to watch Arrow, I don't see how South Park is objectionable.
PS4 and xbone games just don't it for me
also, cut down on your heating bills by drinking more!
I remember those days. I didn't work from the time I graduated high school until I was 24.
whiskey, wool socks, and fleece blankets and you barely even need the heat on