Who else getting a vr headset on black friday?

who else getting a vr headset on black friday?

Got one last week, puking all over the place.

Are there even any deals for it?

100 dollars off.

How much for yuropoors?

relevant to my interest too

good meme

Which one's the best for porn?
Or should I just get a phone vr headsets then?

899euros without shipping
Europoors didn't get blackfriday deal.

I suppose the phone sets are so shit that it doesn't matter whether you have one, you don't want to use it for long. The "real" ones are great though, I suppose vive is better for not spying on you alone, plus the hand controllers are ballin

>tfw a doom 3 VR mod was all it needed to convince me to get a headset.

That was all i ever asked... an actual game... not even a good one...


Porn is not as good as you think it is. I tried it and Id rather stick with regular porn.

Slowly but steadily we're getting new ports. There's a lot of "real" games already available if you go look at the Steam list.

Honestly... even if they just start to port old games to VR like they did with doom, i'm totally fine with this since it would already be infinite potential.

Doom is just some mod made by literal who. Can't wait for Fallout though.

Yes exactly. Seriously go take a look. There's Ark, Subnautica and some other shit I don't remember, but the point is, those are "real" games. Other games being ported is bound to happen, we'll be getting exponentially more games since the pool is basically unlimited like you said, and porting can't be THAT hard

I disagree
Even watching 360* mmd videos on youtube with cardboard is way better then watching normal porn

I'm waiting until they make them with gloves.
Not worth it until I can grab my waifus tits.

You payed $800 to play games that already exist and are more comfortably played with a normal display.
Truly this is the future of video games.

Nothing is getting "ported" unless its open source or the devs are doing it themselves.

vive is the best

>are more comfortably played with a normal display.
Hah, that's bullshit and you'd know it if you had tried one of the retail HMDs. Playing on a regular monitor feels lame compared to a HMD.

No shit. But it's good profit for very little work, why wouldn't ports happen?

I payed $800 bucks to fullfill me a wish that i had since i was a little dipshit - so yeah - a waste of a lot of money, but actually worth for me.

It's different with porn. It looks real and your brain expect the actual fucking to happen. Maybe if you buy one of those gook waifu machines.

>tfw no black friday where I live

>where I live
Why don't you just say where you live?

Not in the mood for getting bullied.

>good profit for very little work
Not sure how little work is required. When 1 autist does it, no one expects top quality like with doom. But if it's a serious dev, you gotta make a polished product that won't make your consumers puke etc.

I was hoping there would be more patches/mods to old games that added in vr support. I don't want roomscale, steated is fine. just give me the depth and headtracking and i'm good. but we have not really seen that.

Sup Forums did meme me into buying vorpx for $40 which was a complete waste of money. it makes to attempt to achieve depth and uses a shitty smoke and mirrors effect to try and achieve head tracking which ultimately looks terrible.

Try reshipping. Even with added shipping costs it might still be a good deal.

Well, devs can't ban modding and won't ban it when it would rekindle the interest in an old product...

For god's sakes if something like subnautica has a port already, it CAN'T be a huge deal for a big company. A port would boost the sales of dead games immensely, and they could honestly ask money for the patch or sell it as a new game even.

Yes, seated is indeed fine. The day that devs understand this will come.

It doesn't matter my friend, you're anonymous

Isn't subnautica some indie shit though? All the indies try to ride the hype dick for free $.

>indie shit
Wow what a great constructive argument. I don't know much about the game but I've seen Sup Forums play it a lot.

Picked up a PSVR for RIGS and Valkyrie and figured I wouldn't bother with the caual shit.

VR is so fucking fun I've bought like 10 games now. Seriously this shit is the future. The nausea goes away after the first day unless your a super baby that never played FPS games.

Can you explain how does it work on shit hardware that ps4 has?