Post your nominations and your reasoning for them, maybe you can convince another user to nominate the game you'd like, categories are:

>The “Test of Time” Award
>The “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” Award
>The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award
>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award
>The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award
>The “Game Within A Game” Award
>The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
>The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award
>The “We Didn’t Think Of Everything” Award

For details on each category go to:

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll start by saying I haven't thought too much about them yet but my first nomination is Fallout: New Vegas for "The “Test of Time” Award", the game's fucking great fun to replay and do different styles of playthroughs on, like killing everybody or roleplaying as a certain character, plus mods always make a game great to come back to

>The “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” Award
I voted for LISA

or maybe LISA should go to the "villain most in need of a hug" award...






Only categories i could of something for.

>upside down deer head is actually a white sporemacist nazi hate symbol

Plot Twist award guaranteed



I'm gonna be upset if MGR doesn't win the Whoa award.

Kek. Sadly I cannot do that because the game is not available in my cuntry.

make valve meme again

Dumb how you can nominate games that haven't even released.

>any year
>not nominating Day of the Tentacle for Game within a Game Award

Hope it wins

inb4 dota2 wins every category

Almost did that but then went for Wolfenstein TOB.

Reddit: The Nominations

Imagine if you got reddit to meme this shit up, there might be a chance of Valve being forced to acknowledge the concept of a third episode on their own damn store.

I'm really bad at thinking about this shit on the spot, when this is all over I'll probably remember about a game or two and be like "ohhhh" that could've been a great one

reddit has become a good platform for that shit
why not

r8 me

Didn't give much thought to my votes.

But Pochaco is the one that's a fat cow!

I only picked from games that I actually played and best fit the category.

Lets get the obvious one out of the way

Transistor made you cry? Really now?

only like """""sad"""" game I had in my library

r8 h8

>commandos 2
My man!

System shock doesn't hold up though. Like it's a great game but it has aged horribly. If you want an example of a game that passed the test of time, it'd be something like Worms or a genre that hasn't changed much like fighters or point and clicks

Mods don't make a game timeless or good.

>Villain most in need of a hug

Does Clannad the VN give as much feels as the anime? I'd nominate it for the tears award.


It held up from my perspective

>game within a game award
>sonic adventure 2


brb voting for this pham


Commandos 2 all the way! I hope Shadow Tactics will be good. I'm keeping it a bit together during this sale since ST is gonna be 40€
>test of time
>Shogun 2
underage b6
Solid nominations

>test on time
>not counter-strike
The only valid answer.


>the obscure game award
>winning it requires everyone to be aware of it

Gonna change my entry to this

Rate my taste

I couldn't find anything really for that category. I simply dont have a game that I "keep coming back to." I played Shogun 2 the most and had it reinstalled the most so I picked it.


Am I doing it right?

I think we can all agree on this one?

Very good.


>test of time award
>people picking games that aren't even a decade old

>Villain Most Need Of A Hug Award
Did I vote good?

>"Boss, I got some intel on some niggers nearby, you should go fulton them out, we need them for our crops.."
Really Kojima?

These nominations are pretty stupid...but super panda adventures is really the best game nobody ever heard about

Is this good

>test of time
>I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye
>just 5 more minutes
Rocket League, it's like they made it for it
>Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!
System Shock 2
>Villain Most In Need Of A Hug
>Game Within A Game
Half Minute Hero
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
>Best Use Of A Farm Animal

Call it "Tumblr" instead.


Hi Todd.


>"Test of time"
>Civ IV
That's cute

>not nominating garrysmod's goat melon racing for the game within a game award

>I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye
>people voting anything other than to the moon

neck yourselves.

reminder to vote for EYE divine cybermancy or you're a filthy jian scum

Good idea. "Tumblr cancer" should be even better.



>Dark Souls
I mean, staying close to the bosses is a viable tactic.

>The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award
If you don't vote Duck Game, you've never played Duck Game.

I agree fellow gamer!

I did play Duck Game.

>I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye
>people voting anything other than Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

kys yourselves

>thinking Gwent isn't the best game in a game ever


I gave Test of Time to Deus Ex.

awesome, didn't even think of it
hopefully goat simulator doesn't win

>nominating anything but Undertale to the Farm Animal Award
>letting Meme Simulator take it

Is GTAO still horrible? Does singleplayer GTAV make it worthwhile?

deus ex is pure dog shit what's wrong with you


Yes. No.

>On Sale: 35.99€
The "villain most in need of a hug" award.

>letting meme game win any award

>implying goat simulator will have even the slightest chance against the votes that stardew valley will get

The obvious choice

I'm torn between Titan Quest, Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Half-Life 2 for the test of time.


that's not Guacamelee

almost. see

I have one game that would win every award ever in the world.

It's called phantasy star online. The first one. Not the shit one.


It's stupid to have awards that span to time immemorial, since narrowing it down will veto 95%+ of votes.

But who ever claimed Valve actually knew what they were doing, they half ass everything.

>Gwent was good
I mean it's comfy, but just like any other card game, as soon as you realize how easy it is to play around the AI, it loses all it's fun

this was exactly the idea

Reposting from locked thread.

Replace TW2 with TW1, too lazy to edit the image. I've spent hours playing the dice poker game.

>tfw you have perfect video game taste