Whoa, mail's here!

Whoa, mail's here!

Hope it's somethin' good.


First for dildis

old games/weeb shit
that is how Sup Forums operates today


It's Ubisoft Montreal's Watch_Dogs 2.

Feels game sized. About the size of a 3DS case maybe? I hope it's Pokemon! Or titty ninjas!

Not counting out a flat square dildo.

Inflatable anal beads

You got me

My feeble virgin arms can't rip this titanium infused packaging!

Oh hey. This narrows it down a bit. There are only 2000 something games in its library.

A gun to off yourself with. Hopefully.

is it X Gaems. X Gaems was the shit

its always weeb shit

If only!

Oops, the cat's out of the bag. It's just Earthworm Jim. Sorry to disappoint everyone.

clay fighter

That is actually close

Aha! Wait get out of the way, you!

called it
Sup Forums is so boring

Old games are best though, user.

good taste famalam

if you played they in your younger years they are awesome, but try to remember not everyone had the money/lived in the right country to play video games in that time
