Denuvo removed from inside

>denuvo removed from inside

>Cracked less than a week after launch

>implying 'minor fixes' doesnt include removing denuvo

who cares, the game is a shitty walking simulator.

I swear, you idiots would eat shit on a plate if someone found a denuvo bypass for it.

>Paying all that money for Denuvo
>Game is cracked a few days after release
>Quietly remove Denuvo entirely and accept that your shitty meme game not only got pirated to hell and back, but the few sales you did make lost a huge % to Denuvo's fee

based millennial

>paid 40 thousand dollars and it didn't do SHIT

At this point Denuvo on a game is like a huge fucking rack of antlers on a buck. Generally works fine for it's natural purpose, but makes for a more worthy target.

Someone cracks a denuvo game and it's an accomplishment that draws people to the pirated copy.

>game bombs so hard they can't even pay denuvo

What a surprise

>make a shitty walking simulator
>be so pretentious that you pay a shitton of money to protect it from piracy
>no one buys it

get fucked, if only the same thing happened to Revolution 50 and Gone Homo

>shitty meme game
>pirated to hell and back

why would anyone bother pirating a shitty game?

>CPY and Voksi saved us from a future of uncrackable shitty indie games
That wa pretty fucking close.

Does it work so that after you stop using denuvo you also dont need to give up the 10% of revenue?
Then we'd just see all the devs have denuvo at launch and remove it once someone cracks the game.

Eh, gotta give em props, the game gets cracked and they remove the extra DRM since it doesn't serve a further purpose. This is actually a good move by a dev.

What gaem?

>Does it work so that after you stop using denuvo you also dont need to give up the 10% of revenue?
Unless there's some sort of jew contract, I don't see why not. It's not like you borrowed the only copy of the DRM from them.

>Then we'd just see all the devs have denuvo at launch and remove it once someone cracks the game.
They won't. There's still plenty of retards who don't know how to pirate games and dumb moralfags around.

what shit game you niggas talking about here

I'm not up to date o nall the gay nigga shit they coming out with now

Looks like Denuvo's no longer inside that game.

>who don't know how to pirate games and dumb moralfags around.
But if you remove denuvo you get 100% of the money from the copies they buy instead of 90%.

They don't get thst either. Steam takes 30%.

It's rough being a gamedev.

what? pirating a shitty game is the only way people would play it. who the fuck would PAY for a shitty game?

It does not? It's a major fucking fix.

Add another 0 to 30% if you don't live in the us and paypal/bank cut. After that your government take another chunk.

Why would you even play a shitty game you fucking retard?

>pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for Denuvo to be in your shitty game only to remove it later on

Pretty pisspoor of a profit. I wonder how games get any budget at all.

>shilling your game by making fun of it but not naming it so people get drawn in and wonder what game it is and think incessantly about it until you later reveal what game it is

So, Denuvo does have an influence on performance after all? Because why would they remove it otherwise?

The name is literally in the image and the OP. This is what you get for skipping your English classes, Tyrone.

People refuse to buy Denuvo games on principle.

To be fair nobody purchased this game because you can watch a play through on Youtube and still get the same experience if you did purchase it. That's what happens when your game takes no skill to play.

>reading comprehension

It's not that bad honestly. Tax breaks and shit, they help a ton and hell in yurope for a solo dev you only need to sell 1000 games a month at $10 on steam to have a decent salary.

What game?

pretty sure the devs got their money refunded by denuvo, it's in their agreement that if the game gets cracked you're refunded

I bet it has more to do with Denuvo taking a cut of the sales

I'd sue Denuvo.

They take money to insure a game's encryption. They failed to uphold their end of the agreement, so they should have to give back the money.

It isnt like it took months to crack either.

Looks like I'm inside your moms vagina

What? Denuvo never gives a moneyback guarantee.

they do

>"I know a game is shit solely by hearsay!"
quite frankly, I only ever pay for a game if I'm blinded by fanboyism, optimism, and multiplayer only content

that's what denuvos contract reads though: We try our best to stop piracy but if it still gets cracked we're not accountable for lost sales

>I'd sue Denuvo.
If there isn't a clause in the contract specifying the protected time frame Denuvo would deserve to get sued into the ground.

I'm pretty sure the contract between Denuvo and the dev doesn't promise 100% protection against all forms of piracy until the end of time.

What game?

Sorry about your immaturity and bad taste in games.

It isnt like the game got cracked after being out for a while.

It got cracked just over a month.

Denuvo is going to start dying if they dont up their game

I would have pirated it when it was new but there was no crack and now I can't even be assed to download it any longer

Not sure if it means denuvo worked on me or not

Well, you now know why even cheapo looking indie trash asks for half a million bucks on kickstarter

It's a good game.