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Explain this.

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The picture says everything.

150 vs 20 fps

One is free to play and can run on different brands of toasters
The other runs on one system

>Most popular game on PC for third world shitters playing on toaster machines.

Reminder: Russians, Peruvians, and Brazilians are sub-human.

Its 60fps

Paragon is on PC too and also free

I doubt Paragon is more Popular than Smite on PS4. Also Paragon is crossplay between PC and PS4 so the player numbers are inflated

The bottom pic doesn't even look good. What the fuck are those grey branches?The textures look like shit too. I prefer style over realism. Shit like LoL and Dota are the way I like games to look.

>OP is retarded and can't use google to find the answer.

Hint: it's not related to graphics.

LoL isn't available on consoles

I don't even like DOTA but

Recreation of a Warcraft 3 mod with rule changes to add a competitive multiplayer element while keeping a simmilar visual style

Blatant ripoff with a large budget made by a company that has been irrelevant since Gears 3

>Implying realistic graphics has anything to do with making a great moba.

No one cares about your videogame genre for retards

>company that has been irrelevant since Gears 3
> literally dozens if not hundreds of triple A games using UE4 not mentioning indies and other games in between


Pretty obvious you never played Paragon. It actually tried doing different things than the typical ASSFAGGOTS. It uses its 3rd person perspective to its advantage, adding verticality with its map, some skill shots, and a decent card deck system. Contrast that with SMITE, which is essentially ta lazy copy pasted LoL in 3rd person.

Destiny is the only exclusive keeping me on consoles right now

now post playercount in both games

Explain this


Explain this

>Hint: it's not related to graphics.
Yes it is


Explain this

one's free and the other is on a garbage platform with no games

also league is prettier than the screenshot on the bottom

>3rd person vr

graphics are irrelevant

didnt that come out on ps4 also

Paragon is free on PC, dude. Would have taken you 10 seconds to find that out.

Yes, but Paragon is shit.

Paragon is just too damn slow of a game.

So are assfaggots. Whats your point?

The actual graphics part sums it up.
>Game is shilled for retarded reasons
>Is loved by retards
League of Lusbicious Lesboids doesn't pretend to do something like that, it's just a garbage babby's first MOBA that some people like.
It's also bleeding player count now.

Paragon adds nothing of substance to the genre that could possibly make people abandon the games they have played for half a decade. Why start from scratch to play the same shit from a different perspective? You only lose...

and is just better on pc in just about every way