What if the industry decided not to adopt 3D and instead just kept improving on 2D?
What if the industry decided not to adopt 3D and instead just kept improving on 2D?
I miss ref overalls mario
Then mario wouldnt look like a creepy baby with downs.
2D would get so good that it would eventually become 3D
We would be in space by now.
that's all this thread will consist of.
it would be shit. just look at every 2d mario game after Mario World
Did you not notice the left part of the picture or something?
SNK reached the pinnacle of 2d sprite annimation, and at that point, it becomes more feasible to just use 3d.
Left looks more like a mexican dwarf. Right has overall fucked up body propertions and a round as fuck face, which makes him look really creepy.
2d would be considered casual normie garbage and we'd play terrible indie 3d games instead.
Nobody can say if things would be better or worse but it's definitely sad that devs skated on 2D as soon as the N64 and PSX came out. We skipped a generation of "arcade-quality" 2D because 3D was more interesting at the time.
We'll just have to keep posting gifs of crabs crawling through spaghetti because we'll never be there again.
It'd hurt some series and help others.
Games like fire emblem should never have left sprite artwork behind. PoR and RoD are still good games though.
Stealth games wouldn't exist. Mark of the Ninja is the only good 2d stealth game i think of.
This. We'd have Korean animators working overtime on fuck huge arrays of sprites from every possible angle for each character and it'd look pretty much the same as a 3d model.
Also games would start taking decades to be released and they'd cuddy a fortune, too. On the flip side, Hollywood would be spared from shitty CGI cancer in this hypothetical universe with no 3d technology.
90% of games would be 2.5d with digitized puppets.
Games were trying for 3D from the beginning, it'd just be extra limitations.
I think in the scenario OP is talking about, the industry would have just not cared about 3D. Not that there would be some rule against using it.
Than things like Shovel Knight, Shantae, and Metal Slug would be the standard instead of radical outliers.
Pokemon is another series that should have stuck with 2D.
This isn't even funny. 3D Pokemon games look infinitely better than any and every 2D one.
Someone would still make Doom, it would still make bank, and there would be loads of copycats.
I disagree.
I also disagree.
That's not actually the case user
This. It obviously was easier for them to model and animate 600 different Pokemon than it was for them to draw sprites for them, judging by the off-as-fuck animations from Black and White.
And it'll continue to look better when they develop the games on more powerful hardware and we don't have framedrops every 2 seconds
>Games like fire emblem should never have left sprite artwork behind.
Yeah it should have.
metal gear would have just continued in 2D like metal gear 2...
>We skipped a generation of "arcade-quality" 2D because 3D was more interesting at the time.
That's what the GBA was for.