Post award tastes. Rate and get rated

Post award tastes. Rate and get rated.

>Test of time
Quake 3 Arena
>I'm not crying
100% Orange Juice Not for sadness but for salt. The only games that made me cry were on SNES and PS1 ;_;
>Just 5 more minutes
Disgaea PC
>Whoooa dude
Crimzon Clover World Ignition
>Villain most in need of a hug
Tales of Symphonia
>Game within a game
Final Fantasy 8
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
>Best use of a farm animal
>Write in: Worst Fanbase

Please respond

>The “Best Use of a Giant, Sentient Can of Energy Drink With Eye Lasers” Award
Do I even need to tell you which game

Arcomage from Might & Magic 8 was the best minigame ever, but alas. Not on Steam.

Pepsiman is on Steam?

>Whoooa dude
>Crimzon Clover World Ignition

Excellent fucking taste. Perhaps you should look at Dodonpachi Ressurection, since that's also now on steam.

'I'm not crying' and 'Villain most in need of a hug' are fucking retarded categories for awards, and even more so for vidja awards. Who the fuck is moved to tears by videogames?

Best Waifus



>Best Daughters

>Fortune Summoners

Here is mine for best use of a farm animal from the last thread

Rate my shittaste fampais

I don't remember there being any minigames in Day of the Tentacle.

Did I meme well?
>The “Test of Time” Award
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
>The “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” Award
>The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award
Sven Co-op
>The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
>The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
>The “Game Within A Game” Award
Grand Theft Auto V
>The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
>The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition
>The “But Can It Run Crysis?” Award

>Game Within A Game
Gwent is the only answer

Maniac Mansion.

Technically it's not a minigame, but it works for me.

>not voting VLR for the whoa dude

how's mine?


>Goat simulator is guaranteed to win the farm animal award
>Walking dead is guaranteed to win the not crying award
>bioshock infinite will probably get the whoaaa dude award

Oh, and HL2 will probably get the test of time award.

Civ VI will win the 5 minutes award

>test of time
>4 years


You underestimate the kiddo vote. I guess Skyrim.

Didn't 6 only just come out? Everyone's had a chance to get 5, that'll win.

>Implying CS:GO isn't essentially the same as CS 1.3

for me it feels that it is same game as 1.5, just updated.

>Max Payne

On the store page?

>Test of Time
>I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye
Max Payne 3
>Just 5 More Minutes
Civ 6
>Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!
>Villain Most In Need Of A Hug
>Game Within A Game
Witcher 3
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
Crypt of the Necromancer
>Best Use Of A Farm Animal
Hotline Miami
>Biggest Disappointment
No Man's Sky

I tried to mostly include games I played this year.

no bully


>it an " i need my opinion to be the OP because everyone knows its the only opinion that matter" episode

i made my own thread too dude its working pretty good, got a fuckload of (yous) already


>Test of time
Worms Armageddon
>I'm not crying
Portal 2
>Just 5 more minutes
Rainbow Six Siege
>Whoooa dude
Danganronpa 2
>Villain most in need of a hug
Wolfenstein 3D
>Game within a game
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
>Best use of a farm animal
Postal 2
>Write in: Ultimate Puzzle Game

Can your friends see what you nominate or can I freely pick whatever the fuck I want?

>pick whatever the fuck you want

>not 999


Here's my shit opinions



Undertale for every category ;)

Computer Video Games

The villian of this game literally just wanted a girlfriend, how can you not nominate this for Villian that needed a hug?

I'd vote, but the categories are dumb af.
Only Test of time makes sense, perhaps Just 5 more min.

Nominate Doom 2 for the villain most in need for a hug. Satan needs hugs.

>Test of time
Deus Ex
>I'm not crying
Ori and the Blind Forest
>Just 5 more minutes
Mount & Blade Warband
>Whoooa dude
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
>Villain most in need of a hug
Baldur's Gate 2 (Jon Irenicus)
>Game within a game
The Witcher 3 (Gwent)
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
>Best use of a farm animal
Blood & Bacon
>Write in: Biggest Disappointment
No Man's Sky

we're all nominating Nep for RPG of the year, right?

>Bioshock infinite

>Test of time
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>I'm not crying
Brothers Tale of Two Sons
>Just 5 more minutes
>Whoooa dude
>Villain most in need of a hug
Ori and the blind forest
>Game within a game
Wolfenstein TNO
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Best use of a farm animal
>extra: Best goosebumps from soundtrack

>in need of a hug

I like you

post yfw >best use of a farm animal category was literally so undertale could win an award

>The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award
Gone Home

What do I get for participating in this

>Villain Most In Need Of A Hug
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

You know it's true

the memes, jack

I just did my civic duty.

Pretty much. For me it would even fit the "just 5 more mins" award since it's one of the few games in recent memory that I finished in one sitting.

>not "Villain Most In Need Of A Hug"
>not "I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award"
>not "I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye"
>not [custom] "Most Passionate Fanbase"
They all fit.

Dota 2 can't lose the test of time.

Clearly, you haven't chosen the best option to win yet.



>implying anyone is going to vote for undertale in mainstream categories besides a small fraction of english speakers

>inb4 undertale a shit

>bioshock infinite



>all these best use of farm animal awards
>so few of them are goat simulator

the fuck?

>not mafia 2


>Not giving Warframe the RNG award

Gotta shill that Finnish schmup.

> Not voting Beyond Good and Evil as best use of farm animal

Niggas, we can fucking make Ubisoft consider finally delivering BG&E2



This game is actually decent.

Seeing a real lack of Duck Game for Farm Animal award.

I've barely even played ESO, I just randomly picked it

I finally thought of a better custom award.


people who aren't robots

Fallout 4 for the Brahmin but really any fallout would have worked.
Doom for that little mini game in it which is the only mini game I remember playing recently.
FEAR because Elma. Poor little bitch

Would have picked Black & White II for farm animals but then i remembered that Microsoft want to erase that game from existence by not selling it digitally.

>Test of time
Crash Team Racing
>I'm not crying
Ending of original Kingdom Hearts
>Just 5 more minutes
>Whoooa dude
The plot to any JRPG
>Villain most in need of a hug
>Game within a game
Minigames in Ape Escape
>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
To the Moon
>Best use of a farm animal
Hog Wild from Crash Bandicoot
>Write in: Worst Fanbase
Sonic The Hedgehog

>putting anything other than Deus Ex for the 'test of time' award

Robots can't post here without Sup Forums pass anyway, don't know what you're worried about

I was thinking about it but I'm still on my first playthrough (I've just reached Area 51, murdering everybody who works for MJ12)

> Test of Time
> I'm not crying

But MGS3 Isn't on Steam, reeee

> Game within a game
> No Yakuza

I now finally see PC really has nogaems. What de fuk.

I am really pondering the purpose of my gaming rig right now.


You can play both of those games on PC just fine though.

>Test of time
Deus Ex

>I'm not crying
The Talos Principle

>Just 5 more minutes
Crusader Kings 2

>Whoooa dude
Hotline Miami

>Villain most in need of a hug
Arcanum: Of DreamWorks & Magik Obscura

>Game within a game
The Witcher III

>I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis

>Best use of a farm animal
Total War: Rome 2

Why did you put Dark Souls in the sad award?

Why do you wanna hug vaas?

Is the farm animal the deer hallucination or am I missing something?



I genuinely thought this was bait but other people are only calling out Bioshock so I guess not.

>Test of Time
Age Of Empires II HD Edition

>I'm not crying, there's something in my eye
The Walking Dead season 1

>Just 5 minutes
Euro Truck Simulator 2

>Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!

>Villain most in need of a hug

>Game within a game
Papers, Please

>I thought this game was cool before it won an award
Ys I & II Chronicles+

>Best use of a farm animal
Left 4 Dead 2

>You at least need an university degree to be able to play this game

>Max Payne
Mah nigga

Day of the tentacle uses a hamster for cryogenic freezing, time travel and generating power.

Alien: Isolation is also pretty obvious.