Holy freaking shit PSX hype thread here what we know so far:

Holy freaking shit PSX hype thread here what we know so far:

>Uncharted 4 DLC story
>Monster Hunter PS4
>PlayStation All Stars 2 by Sumo Digital
>Shadow of Mordor 2
>Destiny 2
>Street Fighter V new characters including Akuma
>New Resident Evil 7 trailer
>Ace Combat 7 (VR support announced)
>Trailer for Psychonauts 2
>Shenmue 3 trailer
>FF7 trailer
>Yakuza localization
>New Japan Studios game
>New WipeOut
>New Ni No Kuni 2 trailer
>New Death Stranding trailer

Thats we know so far what else are you hoping to see?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Monster Hunter PS4

Citation needed

>No Ape Escape 4 or any sort of franchise revival
>Sony Smash sequel done by the same studio who fucked up LBP3

>Monster Hunter PS4
Keep dreaming

>Shadow of Mordor 2
>Destiny 2
Why would anyone be excited for this?


>Monster hunter PS4
>Google source
>It's frontier z
Fuck you for getting my hopes up.

Never ever Sony shill

Besides SFV Akuma if the game gets updated to not be shit in season 2 which is indeed possible i don't care about the rest.

If Nioh/Nier2 shit is shown ill care though but Nioh is coming out in a few months so there probably isn't much left to show.

The only things there that are even remotely interesting are street fighter V and Ace Combat
Cant they at least tell us where Crash is

>Shadow of Mordor 2
Ew fuck

>Shadow of Mordor 2
>Psychonauts 2

That's a lot of garbage no o e asked for. All they have to do is show BB2 and I would be happy but no, Sony still fucks things up

>Uncharted 4 DLC story
The series already ended perfectly.


Cant wait for the sweet sweet tears just like with DQXI.

>we are looking
literally nothing

>New WipeOut

This is actually pretty dire.

That's what the movie is for.

>Implying Capcom does not want a piece of the Playstation pie
You tears will be delicious :^^^)

Even Sony fucktards dont want their games

Pretty standard for this generation.

Keep spreading that misinformation. There is no good reason from a stable business standpoint to go for PS4, nevermind a stable development standpoint for a franchise that has had issues with Sony in the past regarding localization.

They're not going to gamble away their dedicated Japanese audience to try to appeal to a different audience that has never been significantly interested in Monster Hunter.

Ape Escape will be there, but it will be Ape Escape 3 for PS4, and then at E3 2017 they will reveal the actual new Ape Escape.

It will be like the FF7 port/crash shirt troll.

After SFV bombed I doubt it.

>Keep spreading that misinformation
>Source is a direct quote from Capcom
Pls Bitch.

>There is no good reason from a stable business standpoint to go for PS4
Nintendo hardware is doomed and Capcom knows it so its smart to start moving houses.

>Japanese audience
Which becomes more and more irrelevant by the day.

Because there are none

It's a VR spin off, at least Jumping Flash could work on VR: the series is literal proof of a creative PlayStation IP.

>PSX hype
you have been doing this for the last 3 years and every nothing noteworthy was anounced

>Uncharted 4 DLC story
who cares?
>Monster Hunter PS4
Never Ever
>PlayStation All Stars 2 by Sumo Digital
who cares?
>Shadow of Mordor 2
who cares?
>Destiny 2
who cares?
>Street Fighter V new characters including Akuma
who cares?
>New Resident Evil 7 trailer
who cares?
>Ace Combat 7 (VR support announced)
Don't care about VR, but yeah nice
>Trailer for Psychonauts 2
who cares?
>Shenmue 3 trailer
>FF7 trailer
who cares?
>Yakuza localization
>New Japan Studios game
Just give me Gravity Rush 2
>New WipeOut
who cares?
>New Ni No Kuni 2 trailer
who cares?
>New Death Stranding trailer
who cares?

>Which becomes more and more irrelevant by the day.

Japs are the only ones who buy MH though.

Do you really the think Monster Hunter will sell well on a console that only normalfags care for?

>SFV bombed
Not playstations fault.

>Nintendo hardware is doomed


> Shenmue 3 trailer


>>Monster Hunter PS4
fuck off with your clickbait

What tears the leaker said it's just a casualized version with QTE while the real next MH is gonna be on the switch.

Im not interested in any of these but
>Ace Combat 7

>Yakuza localization
0 is already being localized, and it's a snowball's chance in hell of 6 being announced this year.

I'd like to believe though.

The game will be shit, don't kid yourself.

AC is deader than Pacman.

>Japs are the only ones who buy MH though.
And more and more japs go mobile only. So I guess it would be smart to cater to people that care about hardcore "gamers" like people in the west which they will try to do.

>Do you really the think Monster Hunter will sell well on a console that only normalfags care for?
Not in the exact current form.

Keep crying about the truth. Its not like nintendo has to consolidate their next hardware because they would not push any hardware sales otherwise amrite?

Why what?

I hope the rumor is true because the current MH is a shitty grindfest.

They are giving you Gravity Rush 2 user it releases in January

>Shadow of mordor 2
>When they could be making a Blood remake or a fucking Condemned 3.

>Street Fighter V new characters including Akuma
Been almost a year and the game STILL isn't done?

>hardcore "gamers"
* hardcore "hardware"

>source is a direct quote from Capcom
But the "message" you took away from it is not. They are looking into ways to spread Monster Hunter into the west. That is not tantamount to a PS4 confirmation. They also listed that they're looking at the Switch.

>Nintendo hardware is doomed
You wish it was. This latest one is looking to be their best one in a long while.

>Which becomes more and more irrelevant by the day
Not with regards to Monster Hunter it hasn't.

There are infinitely more reasons why the franchise is likely to stay with Nintendo. Would you like me to list them off?

>>Yakuza localization
My nigger.

Unless it's delayed again

It is

Are you baiting or just retarded?

>there's no good reason to go for the ps4 which has the largest install base of current platforms

its most likely just the monster hunter frontier ps4 game.

>current MH is a shitty grindfest
Why the fuck are you even excited about this then if you don't actually like the series? Is it just about cucking Nintendo?

>But the "message" you took away from it is not. They are looking into ways to spread Monster Hunter into the west. That is not tantamount to a PS4 confirmation.
>Looking to sell in the west
>PS4 is the most sucessfull plattform in the west

>New WipeOut
muh dick

If you just want garbage you could play frontier already.

well, he's a sony fanboy, so...

>All these hopes and dreams

Will be amazing to see them crushed again, just like last year

The only things confirmed for PSX are

>First on console
>Also on PC

OP is faggot senpai.
Sony already tore the studio apart.

But they are the ones getting cucked here lel.

>Source is a direct quote from Capcom

And the source says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Sony or PS4.

You're fucking stupid if you think it'll be on anything but Switch.

Priority is Japan, Japanese aren't buying PS4s, they love their handhelds. Capcom want to expand in the west, but no one in the west buys these kinds of games for PS4. Pretty sure Bloodborne and MGS5 are the best-selling Japanese games on the console and they're no where close to being in the top 10 best-selling games on the platform, maybe not even in the top 15 or 20.

It would still be coming though. Also the game went Gold and you're being a dumb faggot

I actually like the setting and the premise just not the execution and yes cucking nintendofanboys is a nice extra.

An actual wipeout compared to the ps3 hd version? Hyped.

>pckeks trying to use goldenface

Sonyggers are the one getting cucked in that deal.

That source says nothing about Sony or the PS4.

PS4 owners in the west buy sports games, GTA and CoD. Go look at the sales numbers for Japanese games in the west on PS4. I'll wait.

Did you do time travel buddy?

Look here babby. I did the connection for your fellow retard.

you got my hopes up for nothing OP, that's a pretty fucking paltry list beyond Yakuza and Ace Combat

all i care about is ace combat 7.

also; PlayStation all stars 2


Not a single one of you is saying what you want to see at this thing

this guy gets it

>Hyping PSX when last year all you got was a Battleborn Beta and the big announcement was a MOBA *Also on PC

>yfw MH is on Switch and not PS4

All those people are buying cod and gta not nip games.

Like DQXI cucked Playstationfans lol? Get a dictionary you homo.

>also available on xbox one, switch, pc
>shitty rip off
>bamham open world meme shit
>contentless grindfest with multiple 50 dollar season passes
>also available on pc
>also available on xbox one and pc
>also available on xbox and pc
>also available on pc
>most likely timed exclusive, also trusting final fantasy after xv
>rehash (but good)
>which is?
>never ever
>also available on pc

wow.... truly this is......the best place.......to Play™

>>Hyping PSX
Link 1 (one) post where I did this.


This is a western convention right? As in fucking nothing.

My fellow ace buddy

>Monster Hunter PS4

This can't be happening!

Nope, see

Sonycucks are getting cucked hard.

I can't not be excited when the only bad one is AH and this is mainline

>Destiny 2
This is wrong. If you follow the dev cycle for Destiny, you'd know that it's just going to be an in-game event showcase. Destiny 2 will be revealed in late spring/early summer or E3

>No nier stuff confirmed yet
>No nioh stuff confirmed yet
Wow it's fucking nothing.

Sorry nintencucks not time to play with you anymore, I gotta go. But dont forget that I will enjoy your tears and meltdowns just like when DQXI was announced for PS4.

>ITT triggered Nintencucks

It will be focused on japanese games

Atleast they dont pretend to be PCucks this time around.

Sure you will, Champ. Sure you will. You keep on dreamin' pal.

>He thinks Nintendo owns the rights to Monster hunter
I love this fucking meme.

Yakuza and death stranding are the only two that matter. I doubt we will see anything about death stranding though.

Nier and Ni Oh will have short trailers just like The Last Guardian I didnt thought it was worth mentioning it

AGENT when?

Wasn't DQ11 also announced for the switch?

>PlayStation All Stars 2 by Sumo Digital
Fuck you for getting me interested enough with a lie.

Yes, he's pretending to be retarded or maybe he actually is.

I wouldn't get my hopes too high about Yakuza either, we might get a new trailer for 0, but that's probably it.

New trailer wouldn't be bad though, might get people interested if it's shown on stream.

Only outside of Japan.

Up until EXTREMELY RECENTLY, the PS4 actually managed to do worse than the fucking Wii U in Japan, and still hasn't surpassed it by any significant margin.

You underestimate just how strong the influence of the Japanese Monster Hunter userbase is. It will always be their primary target. Just because they're brainstorming about how to make more money does not mean this will change - Monster Hunter IS their bottom line. It is the only thing keeping Capcom afloat. They're not going to gamble away a sure thing on an EXTREMELY unlikely western boom.

Shh, dont say that or else it might turn in AH

>PlayStation All Stars 2

Can't wait for 8 dudes with guns to fight 2 with swords and some random jap character only the oldest of weebs actually recognizes.