Steam Autumn Sale

Steam Autumn Sale

Round 4

Post your wishlists and carts

r8, h8, suggest, masturb8

why are dumb-shit janitors deleting steam sale threads? this place is always shitty after they add new janitors

The last one got deleted because that OP put porn in the OP like a retard

How do Steam sales work?
some games I want to buy are merely 33% off today. Is it possible they will be cheaper later in the week?

They always put this shit on sale when I'm between checks. Having to buy a new GPU didn't help that

For the third time. Anything slow paced/turn based on sale?

nah. with steam refunds, sale prices are pretty static.

Should I get Disgaea?


If you're looking at The Division, Amazon has the physical disk for 10 bucks, prime eligible.

If you're looking at Grim Dawn, It is currently the high tier in the most recent Humble Bundle

If you're looking at the Baldur's Gate games, Bundlestars has all the baldur's gate games in a bundle.

First two are both damn good, never played GoNNER - though it's showing up in a surprising number of baskets I've seen so far, for what that's worth.

If you like SRPGs and grinding, yes. And that's not a joke - the series is based around grinding your units to fucking absurd levels of power with increasingly broken mechanics, lots of light loli fanservice, and kinda juvenile humour that sometimes works. I personally like it.

A number of 4X games are on sale, if you're into those.

Anyway, please r8/h8

GTA Collection is $15, but I want to spend my budget on other games.
Which one GTA game do I pick Sup Forums?

San An

Is Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 any good?

CC is alright, Blood Money is GOAT, don't know about the rest.

Castle Crashers is great fun with friends
Homeworld is a classic
Hitman Blood Money is fun, but the controls felt weird for some of the stuff to me, and the animations are very cardbord.

San Andreas and 4 are the better ones out of the group.

How good is Dragon's Dogma Arisen?

Should I bite the bullet?

The combat is supposed to be good but the world and graphics look atrocious, everything is so washed out, the game has no colour

just bought the Witcher Trilogy, all DLC for 24 britbux

I had tried the Witcher before but I hated the combat, gonna put in effort to git gud and enjoy the game

thanks anons I'll get San Andreas

I really liked it.

Is Street Fighter V good yet?


Pretty gud. I got over 100 hours on both console and PC. You can't really go wrong for $12 unless you really hate open world RPGs.


It's not perfect but it's really fun if you get into it.

Alright, I got it, thanks anons

Should I get Civ VI now or wait for Christmas sale?

I might get Payday 2, should I get the GOTY edition or not?

recommendations please

just pirate it

Killing floor 2

Shitting Floor 2 refund?

>mfw the game I want doesnt drop until december 6th

haha, ya got me

Paying for SP games is borderline insane

>tfw bought $20 steam card but short on 17 cents + tax for my wishlist


sell a few trading cards, even if you have none you probably have a friend that will part with 5 or 6.

Is that an India based game?

>buy Stardew Valley and Outlast
>get the card drops
>sell the card drops
>buy SA

nigga do you even steam?

Its gud


Is Hong Kong good?
I've only played Returns and I enjoyed it. How's Dragonfall while were at it?

Dragonfall is way better than Hongkong, doesn't mean that Hongkong is bad though.

Alien: Isolation for 12.50$

Yay or nay?

Dragonfall is great and leagues better than returns. Instead of hiring a bunch of mooks you have a core team that all have strong personalities and some good, memorable quests with different avenues of completing them and several endings. Definitely a steal for $3.

Hong Kong is similar to Dragonfall and I'm liking it so far but I haven't finished it yet so maybe someone else could chime in.

Would also like to know this.

Anyone know if Castle Crashers is fun solo? If not, is it the sort of multiplayer game where you have to play with a group constantly to stop one of ya getting underleveled?

So what are the best Historic Low prices in this sale? Don't tell me these "sales suck now" memers are right, Sup Forums.

>Castle Crashers is fun solo?
yeah you can do it solo

aw I should have done that I sold my AK Blue Laminate skin instead


What get??

Might be a bit steep, but the game is very good so it's all up to how much you want to spend.
It's similar to Amnesia and Penumbra, but fewer puzzles. The campaign is pretty long too and relatively diverse.
There is also more combat, but something like firing a gun will attract the alien. GOTY for me.

Looking for a game to get into with some friends of mine. All we do every other Saturday is play rocket league. We've done things like CS:GO (hated it), Terarria, and Overwatch; but none have stuck as a game we can jump into and enjoy.

I'd prefer something where we can't get separated in levels if we play different amounts, and on sale, but that isn't a deciding factor

KOTOR2 is amazing, they even patched the game last year so it now has native widescreen support and steam achievements (if you're into that).

Plenty of mods on the workshop as well

That's like buying a double headed dildo and being happy when it's only in your ass. You could be sharing the experience dude.

if you're going to buy it, might want to buy the monthly bundle instead if you aren't already.

>they let people with tons of hours played refund this shit but won't let me refund a game i've barely played just because i bought it a few months ago

civilization V has a crazy bundle

Don't buy it from Steam, the Humble Monthy deal is similarly priced but includes like 6 other games you'll get in a week or two for "free". You'll get the Dark Arisen game instantly, and the other games (which are usually decent, but not top sellers) all come early December.

>While we are it, how are your backlogs?
*Screams internally*

I also have ~100 games on GOG and share my brothers Steam acc with ~60 games I don't own. Out of these I might have played 30%.

Is Elite Dangerous + Horizons worth it? It's only 33% off.

Dragonfall had good balance between fighting and storytelling. Your buddies are all pretty cool, with exception of Blitz - Glory is waifu-tier, Eiger surprisingly too.

Hong Kong is mostly about talking, but it is still one of the best RPGs I played last year. Your crew is even better this time, including ghoul samurai or sociopath russian Rigger that have really cool dialogues, especially if you will keep digging and wont get disgusted by his ideas.

Get both, if you can. You wont regret it.

And while we are at Dragonfall - remember towatch all videos, once you gain access to reader. Just a little tip.

hello shitposters

So, KOTOR 2 is completely fixed? Or do i still have to install a patch on another site to get all the forgotten content?

Warband is as close to a perfect game as we will get until Bannerlord.

>Or do i still have to install a patch on another site to get all the forgotten content?
As far as I know. Yes.

$14 to spare. What do.


While I dont have as huge GOG library, I know this pain a bit and wish I could contain myself.

Besides, buying games lost its magic. When I was like 15 years old, every game, bought for 4x higher price that most of those from sales, was an event.

Now I buy games in bulk, add to Steam Library and cry over how low I sank.

go buy the CIV V complete edition

>not getting in on the 1 dollar life is strange complete season glitch that just happened right at the start of the sale

It works fine right out of the box (unlike KOTOR1) but you'll want to install the restored content patch anyway since there's no real harm in having it.

It's as easy as clicking a button, just go to the steam workshop and download it, it even remembers your choice when you re-install the game at a later date and downloads all your mods automatically from the workshop.

As I said in the last thread, I'l wait until my birthday on the 28th but currently I have my eye on Civilization Beyond Earth for 75% off from my wishlist.

Also I'd like :
Witcher 3
Resident Evil 0 and maybe 4 & 6
Far Cry 4
TIS-100 (looks cool)
And any others that pop up

Buy the humble monthly instead of dragon's dogma

These good?

Buy Original War. Thank me later.

I was definitely expecting something worse, but apparently I'm pretty good with my backlog


When you're on Sup Forums so much you read 'autumn' as 'autism'

Did you buy every single humble bundle or something?

Being able to afford things was a mistake.

I wrote you this reply in the last thread

Yes, that's literally that Steam has become.

People spend more time looking for bundles than anything else.

I have never played a civ game or any of that category, would i still like it?

For the first couple years they were good yeah. Once I started seeing repeats I stopped, also because I don't play video games.

Im in a giving mood today so here enjoy some games from the currrent humble bundle






The question marks are numbers enjoy your free games nerds

>I don't play video games.
You've logged 11000 hours, dude.

Fable Anniversary or Fable The Lost Chapters?

You seriously never played 4x games? How could that be even possible?

I would suggest starting with Civ IV then, but V is fine too for that. With all expansions, of course.

And go grab that Alpha Centauri next time GOG will put in on discount.

Kotor2 is a must buy

The early Thief games STILL have not be beat when it comes to stealth and level design.

There's a bundle for Mass effect that comes with ME2 Deluxe edition that's less than $10

Civ V is good

Bought Ori and the Blind Forest. Is it really as good people say? It sure looks pretty.

Still less than 1K hours a year.

considering the anniversary is the one with the discount, anniversary.
it changed the art style a little bit and added controller support, other than that, I don't think much changed

doesn't it require you to install and use uPlay?

The story is made to pull at your heart strings, but it honestly has great gameplay.

It's my fav game from last year, I hope you enjoy it.


You can mod away the color correction if memory serves

It's beautiful and the gameplay is solid. There are some things I would have done differently if I were developing it but overall it's a great game.

is this worth the price?

I know absolutely nothing about Shadowrun, just looking for a solid RPG

Should I buy Lisa?