What went wrong boys?

What went wrong boys?


it's fun

Lack of Mephisto and Kel'thuzad.

I hate my life

Was made too late because NeoBlizz are idiots that couldn't see the potential in pursuing mobas.

Ironically even after losing out on such a lucritive opportunity they're still arrogant enough to ignore other projects that their fans are crying out for.

Made by ActiBlizzard. Blizzard had their chance to rake in the MOBA cash with Icefrog but they told him to fuck off so now they can just eat shit while Valve continues to dominate their jew asses with not one but two of the best PC games on the market.

Fucking faggot sellouts.

>not one but two of the best PC games on the market

CS:GO and Dota 2 are big. Just because LoL rakes in more casuals and shills doesn't mean dick.

more casual than the average wc3 custom map

Same that happens with clone games

They want to jump in the bandwaggon, only playerbase becomes people who are tired of the more popular version of the game and contrarians

It tries too hard to be one game that it loses it's own identity

Games like HotS, HoN, Paladins, and every clone game of another popular one really need to die. As much as i hate shit like Overwatch, LoL and DotA, AT LEAST they are not ripping off another game's success

>not a tf2 ripoff

Also, the only reason I like HoTs is because of the heroes. I'm a sucker for SC heroes, even if they fucked sc 2 up

tfw no fenix

pc games market is shit so its not surprising

Big =/= good

Yes, but OW did not come like a month after TF2 did. TF2 was long killed by Valve before OW teasers began to appear.

If anything, maybe TF2's death was the greenlight for Blizzard to make their own version of it

Yeah, who even cares about Varian when we could get an actually cool boss for once?

>finally make a multi-class character
>it's not the fucking D2 Druid
How do they fuck up this badly?

well, ragnaros is next, and it looks fucking bananas

If anything this great game reminds me of old school warcraft 3 online custom games.

doesn't help they missed the bandwagon by 10 fucking years

>making wrynn a prot/arms warrior

>is a fury warrior

His gimmick is trash, Artanis could've been "Multi-class" in that sense, but instead hes just a warrior who can spec dps or tank build


We have enough diablo hero characters needs more bosses. You have Azmodan Diablo Butcher compared too all classes from D3 and Necro.

Ragnaros is the only character that I could buy at the full 15k asking price. He seems super cool, his ultimate and trait are extra unique, and he's like a specialist with the assassin title so he can still help out his team. Living meteor is such a cool spell and blastwave has a lot of potential with its echoing talent.

Old gods when I like the idea they have for Rag just mix him and Abauthur and make old gods all ready blizzard.

Tried to get into a market that is still dominated by LoL. DOTA2 is the only MOBA that has ever been any sort of competition or put a dent in LoL.

That being said I still found it to be a lot of fun.

Game takes no skill whatsoever, there are only two mechanics you need to learn, orb walking and blocking, which are piss easy. No itemisation, that you can use to assert your dominance, basically you can't carry a trash team no matter how good you are, and you'll have a trash team st all ranks (which are irrelevant as well) because hots is basically the safe space moba, made for shitters who can't get good at league, let alone dota. Game is half pve, which is complete bullshit, since pveing is the only way to win, you can't get fed and stomp enemies. Also Varian died for this shit? Fuck off.

HOTS has literally no reason to exist and only causal trash play it. Nobody that's even remotely decent at mobas (a shit genre of itself) would waste their time on this garbage. Which sucks because the game is visualy the best and the idea of having heroes from the blizzard universe is amazing.

You will never give your life for Aiur, Smashing dicks in a team fight only to inevitably fall leaving your team without the needed bruiser to distract the enemy from your backline, but not all is lost as you warp back into the fight in the cold ruthless shell of a Dragoon.

By that logic, HotS is good even though it's dead. But it's dead for a reason. Because it's shit.

I think that was the original idea but they went back on it because people were just playing his "monstrosity" all game anyway.
Hopefully they learned something and manage to make more super huge/raid heroes in the future.

Maps too small making every game the same but with a slight different visual siege mechanic. Talents are not varied enough. Too many shit joke costumes like mecha circus summer etc. Uncustimizable ugly ui and needs more heroes and actually interesting skin unlocks.

Above all the small maps making the game insanely repetitive.

The thing is it's not dead.

>It's not dead

They have confirmed he will have a rez mechanic, were supposed to announce him, backed off on it, I really do think that his design might be too complicated to implement without disappointing everyone.

I have a feeling if he does get put in and they scrap the rez mechanic, he'll just be a dragoon.

I prefer Zealot to dragoon, but I don't think anyone will be happy

inb4 it's purifier fenix and they cuck everyone.

did you got sand in your vagina?
does it itch?

Does this garbage trash piece of shit game even make enough money to cover server and employee costs? Even though I bet it was very cheap to make since they use the SC engine and the game has literally no depth to it. Faggots could have used the money to make diablo 3 good.

Its not though

Got any numbers to back that up?

Add Skeleton King to that.

Li Ming

List goes on and on.

Yeah after Artanis I was afraid we wouldn't get a Zealot Fenix, unless they just made him a melee assassin that resurrects as a ranged Tank/Assassin. Now would be the time for something like that since they added the Multi-class meme.

>an idiotic rebuttal with a grammatical mistake is all the blizzdrone has to say about his trash dead game


Do you? You're the one claiming it's dead, surely you have some information to share.

Got any source to claim that its dead?

watch out for that sand
it makes you all grumpy

You could actually play it and see for yourself, but you're too much of a faggot to do anything worthwhile

I just hope they implement him well, it seems a bit tricky to implement a rez mechanic that changes him from melee to ranged, maybe they will do a multiclass thing where he can spec dragoon or zealot.

I'm worried they're going to half-ass him somehow, i.e. instead of a rez mechanic with dragoon they just make it a heroic like Archon for tassywass

Blizzard don't release numbers for any of their games anymore because they got so asshurt after WoD, so Twitch is the only metric we have. And as you can see, barely anybody cares about it. Compare this to the hundreds of thousands of people who play Dota 2 and kill yourselves.
I did, after waiting almost half an hour I quit and uninstalled. Nobody's playing.

How much bigger would you want them? I wouldn't mind a larger map like Blackheart Bay, Warhead Junction, or Sky Temple but without the instant win mechanics.
Because I know how you feel. It's a massive disappointment when you find out you're Butcher or Abathur on a teeny tiny map like Braxis or Spider Queen where you don't really have the room to play your character the right way.

>dead game
>new characters every 3 weeks
>events that add characters and maps
>lots of new skins and mouts with every patch
>animated trailers for new characters
>dead game

>that power creep between the older heroes and the heroes released from Johana

If memory serves they did see the potential. The problem was that they bet on the wrong horse. They tried to reclaim DotA as their game, didn't they? I recall a lawsuit or two where they tried to make that into an official product of theirs but it didn't hold up in court, or something like that. It wasn't until that was over and done with that they finally resigned themselves to making an entirely new game, and by the time they reached that conclusion League and DotA 2 had already eaten Heroes' lunch.

It never takes more than a minute or two to find a match. A half hour? Exaggerate more, jesus. Also twitch mean jack shit since all those people aren't actually playing the game just watching. People who give a shit are, surprise surprise, playing the game.

It boggles my mind how people are unironically defending this game.

>Twitch equals actual players
I guess all fighters and shit like dragon ball xenoverse are dead.

>Blizzard throws money at a dead game in desperation to get people to play
>Do a cross-over promotion with their successful game to get people to play
Blizzard buys statues to promote their shitty games. They are not hurting for money, and no amount of it will save this game from being shit. Didn't save SC2 or D3.

>I did, after waiting almost half an hour I quit and uninstalled. Nobody's playing.

Now you are lying.

Do you not understand what an online game being dead means?

Dragon ball xenoverse has actual numbers on Steam. Unlike Blizzard games. So unless you have some actual facts to argue with Twitch the game is dead.
>Works fine for me :^)

sorry you cant enjoy fun games with your friends user.

>play game for nexus challenge for the first time in like 7 months
>see a cool hero
>not enough gold to buy it
>have a "free hero box"
>cool, I'll just use it on the hero
>lol you don't get to pick faggot here's a muradin
>just play quick matches because I might as well enjoy myself
>its the same shit
>new maps feel the same as old maps because the core game design is trash
>after 15 games never play again

No, Blizzard fought to keep the title 'DOTA' free for use for anyone, companies and modders alike.

Literal retard where your you.

>it doesn't work for me
You're the except, not the rule. Theoretically that is, because you're just blowing shit out your ass.

>I can't believe people enjoy something I don't!

>Works fine for me :^)

For the game to take more than 5min to put you in game means your MMR must be fucking high, and by the way you talk you couldn't have playd the game enough to happen, so yes, you are lying

Yeah they sued Valve AFTER they already made DotA 2. They still had like 10+ years to capitalize on WC3 DotA but did nothing with it and only made a move after Valve had already took Icefrog and ran.

Also all they got out of it was a few name changes on DotA 2 as far as I know.

>everyone in here is so new that they don't remember the cream team and hiw we beat Poland


>Also all they got out of it was a few name changes on DotA 2 as far as I know.
More false info. Those changes were because of China.

You underestimate Blizzdrones and micro-transactions. They will literally donate money to make Blizzard feel better if they had to.

Hopped onto the assfaggots train way too late.
The fact that the game is even more casual than its competitors doesn't help either.

Because they are fucking hypocrites

>Defend HOTS but hate Overwatch for the same reasons
>Defend DotA2 but hate LoL for the same reasons

Clone games are clone games, if there is something that i hate more than a bad game becoming popular, is the clone games that come after that try to ride the dick of the popular game


nobody cares and you should really feel ashamed of yourself

>consumer being idiots is somehow Blizzard's fault

>More false info

I wasn't claiming to know everything you dicksucker, I said "as far as I know". Enlighten me as to why it's China's fault?

It being more casual is exactly why it's not dead.

Every thread. EVERY fucking thread.

HotS is criminally boring to watch, it's only fun to play, the Twitch viewer numbers have always been super low. This is not a good representation of the playerbase size AT ALL. This is coming from someone who used to play it

It's a blizzard game everything went wrong


stupid gimmick maps

would be fun if it was just about fighting the other team not turning into titans and ****

>>Defend HOTS but hate Overwatch for the same reasons
Projecting hard faggot I own both and play both, people enjoy the game because it is a call back to old school warcraft 3 online battle net (the fucking thing that is Dota from you fucking retard Dota is literally a warcraft 3 custom game.)

>>consumer being idiots is somehow Blizzard's fault
Yeah, I never implied that you fucking faggot. You're so consumed in your company defense that you make incorrect accusations on an anonymous african wood-carving club.
End yourself.

You're full of shit,buddy. Stop posting anytime

yeah all that diablo 3 shit sure tickles my fancy

too high specs

I dunno, I'm playing it more after I did the dumb challenge for the Genji skin. It's a nice popcorn moba I don't even have to take remotely seriously, there's even a dedicated 'turn off chat' button at the start of the game so I don't have to listen to people who take a literal baby moba so seriously on the least serious game mode.

The heroes are way too fucking pricey, though. It's not worth it to do unranked (which is the only way you can actually have a cohesive team composition) if you don't have a decent pool of guys

go play battlerite

tfw you remember they used to have the player count way back during alpha/beta

>tfw got into the Dota1 train
>tfw got into the best LoL seasons
>tfw i avoided all clone games like Paladins, HotS, HoN and other shit, Battlerite and such
>tfw i left the ride before it turned into shit

feels great

I don't care about anything in this thread.

I just want to say people who watch video games and not play them are the utter cancer of vidya and should not be a metric for anything about vidya games

The alpha was horrible and the launch was really bad, it keeps improving with every patch though and now it's in a pretty nice spot imo. Also the devs actually listen to the players and are getting better at balancing too.

whhen you get to ranked, you alreado have a fuck ton of gold to expend on heroes.

Hots is LITERALLY nothing like old school wc3 anything. Holy shit this kid here has mental issues.

Why would I want to play ranked? The game's a fucking joke. I enjoy playing it, but I would never take it seriously as a competitive ANYTHING, just like Overwatch.

Did you even fucking play WC3? And how exactly are you "calling back" to Warcraft 3 Battlenet?

Besides, it had more popular custom maps as well, such as Legion TD, Uther's party and many other minigames. I don't even know what kind of fucking "callback" are you talking about here. I doubt you have played anything else than DotA1 (Which i doubt you have to be honest)

I thought it was way more interesting than I ever expected when I watched the finals during Blizzcon at my friends house. But yeah I'm not going to watch some no name loser stream the game when I could just as easily be playing myself.

Right now isn't a bad time to start. Between the big event and the $4 starter pack you have a pretty big chunk of the roster unlocked right off the bat. The 30 day stimpack from the event and getting the money for leveling your account and hero levls should have you rolling in gold.
I know it isn't really the same when you're first getting into the game, but I think money is balanced pretty well since I can always afford the new guy as he comes out as long as I do the daily quests every couple days.

you just say: The heroes are way too fucking pricey, though. It's not worth it to do unranked.

Released too late because blizzard is fucking retarded

During alpha I can also safely say it had the worst playerbase out of any moba I've played

lol wat
Dota 2 custom maps are the most similar thing to battle.net

Yeah, I'm saying playing unranked (not quick match) isn't worth it because of how much the heroes cost. I hit level 40 since my account was old and I unlocked maybe six-seven characters total not counting the shitloads of freebies I got. If I'm stuck playing support, I have 1-3 options at best, and won't be able to adjust my picks to better fit my team comp (unless I want to be fucking brainless and just pick Auriel/Muradin/Malfurion), so I may as well just pick who I actually want to play in QM until I get more dudes.

don't worry. Others are miserable too!

>tfw you'll never go to the internet cafe straight after school with your friends to play TD, moomoo, and dota allstars and get stomped by thay one autistic lucifer nerd main

HoN came out before LoL and dota2 and should've been the legitimate heir to the original dota.

Icefrog worked for S2games on hon before deciding to join valve for more Money and subsequently blocking hon from porting the remaining dota champions by copyrighting them

You just proved that you never touched war3