Ready to eat your words you shitposting cunts?
Game will get 8 and 9 everywhere in reviews, #1 in amazon for videogames and my gamestop has a shit ton of pre orders. So it will sell 15 million and reviews will love it.
Game will be the next Bloodborne you salty pcucks
Ready to eat your words you shitposting cunts?
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Squrenix is kept alive solely from merchandising, subsidiaries that actually made good games and the dumbest fan base on the planet.
I'm playing it right now family, and it's pretty good. Cuckolds gon cuckold.
Shit posting aside, the game looks awesome. I'm not a fan of how edgy the main character's design is, but it looks like he will be a fleshed out character that gets to hang with his bros. Shame it isn't coming to PC right away, but I'll still be playing it on my dusty PS4 once I catch up with my steam back log and beat Pokemon Sun.
>implying paid shill reviews will save this trainwreck from disastrous sales
what game is your image?
It still feels like shit to play. The stiff, slow combat was a turn-off for me man.
did Conan really butt devasted weaboos this hard?
Someone post that gay as fuck ifrit dancing combat. That shit sums up the game.
Judgement demo? The issue is you MUST land the first hit to move around well. Its not a good idea Tabata
Spoiler, there's absolutely no one on the internet talking about Conan except for Sup Forums shitposters.
and Gamefaqs from what i hear
Xenoblade X
This ALMOST made what to go back and play Zesteria. That is a bad sign.
I mean if you paid me well enough, I'd give it an 8-9.
>Game will be the next Bloodborne you salty pcucks
Bloodborde sold...2 million overall.
>Game will be the next Bloodborne you salty pcucks
I'm a PS4 owner and Bloodborne was incredibly easy and a huge disappointment, honestly. I still prefer Demon's, Bloodborne's dashing was so beyond overpowered that I beat my first playthrough without ever dying.
It won't be the next Bloodborne because S-E have acknowledged the PC platform and have been porting the entire franchise to PC.
I agree that it will have paid reviews though
that makes it bad
>first playthrough without ever dying
And here we have the health stat pumping faggot
I said almost.
Can I get the some leaked videos? I was on my phone last thread.