Did you confirm your preferred platform for my game, user?
Today's your last chance, or you'll get it on Steam!
Did you confirm your preferred platform for my game, user?
Today's your last chance, or you'll get it on Steam!
Shantae is too white in that image.
Make her darker, but not a nigger.
HGH will be the last game I get on wii u most likely.
fuckoff with your niggershit. Go back to mexico and stay there.
What he said.
Well, that or Zelda.
>had until the 23rd to make changes
>got email telling me that on the 23rd
Some lucky(?) guy is gonna get a free vita version
Too dark.
Will it feature a new degenerate fetish to fap to?
No one actually cares about her game they just like the porn
You like fish vore?
>too white
no such thing
Shantae is crawling toward her release date.
Say something nice to her as she goes on her way.
You can do it, Shantae!
Almost there, Shantae! Don't give up!
I believe in you, Shantae!
Are you on Android Shantae?
Suck my dick and choke on it!
>Want to buy physical version to be able to play it offline
>There's 99% chance there will be a patch to fix stuff
Uh, what makes you think it'll be an always online game?
You can't download a game without internet, that's all
It's a simple platforming game that they worked on for over 3 years, why would there be patches
Content updates and compatibility fixes.
Because there always are.
That or director's cut version
I'll still get the game, just doubt I'll be getting the physical version
My original pledge was for ps3 which got canceled along with the 360 version. So now I get the platform of my choice and an extra steam code as an apology.
Fuck I do not have any friends that give a shit about shantae. Gonna have to try and trade it online or some shit.
I asked to change some time ago, didn't even knew you still could do that, I originally went for steam but just because it was the closest I get to playing the game, but my toaster would never run it, so I asked to change after I got a vita
how bad can your computer be my man
laptop with integrated graphic card bad
it usually can handle effects and all that shit, but it's locked on 32mb
They changed it to 29th. You still have time.
u gonna die bitch
The same shit if it aint white it aint rite
Shantae looks too old in that pic
Do not want
let me guess
your dad fucks your pooper and you lost your virginity to the family horse.
poor pathetic cuck.
Thanks, sent the email to ensure I'll get the Wii U version. No way I'm ending up with PC garbage.
But I want the game on steam.
Besides, I already have a physical copy ordered for PS4, to go with my physical Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse for PS4.
Reminder that Shantae is for cute, and not lewd.
>too white
Stop fishing for Shantae lewds
Fish for Risky Boots lewds
reminder that there's going to be dlc for it
This, and this is just my personal preference but I like Risky as a bottom
Just emailed them last night to change from the Wii U version. PS4 for me, extra Xbone code for my pal.
Should I change to ps4 version since the steam version will most likely be dirt cheap the fastest?
Gross. White girls are overrated.
delete this
that's just wrong.